PO Box 570, Coffs Harbour 2450 NSW www.coffscityrotary.org.au Ph. Secretary Bill on 6648-7680



Scott Stacey Maurie Stack K R Ravindran

VOLUME 4 – Issue 7 – 31 August, 2015.


President Scott was in control today and called the meeting to order at 12.35pm.

Thanks Giving was presented by Fiona Thwaites and the Toast was proposed by Terry Maguire.

Our Guests today were Melissa Bell from Camp Quality and Andrew Cragg.


President Scott thanked those who attended our fellowship evening at the

Coast Hotel last Friday evening. It was a great turn out and everyone enjoyed

themselves. Scott also thanked Bob Carle and Ian McAllister for organizing

the show.

Secretary, Bill Langler reminded those present that our District Governor

Maurie Stack and his wife, Deidre will be joining us on 14 September. They

will be entertaining us with their brand of music. Partners are welcome as they

are to every meeting.

Mark this in your diary now as the board requires a good roll up.

Peter Lindsay, who is looking after International this year, reminded

members that their opportunity to purchase a RAWCS Sticker is running out


If you have not got a current RAWCS sticker on your badge contact Peter. I am

sure he will help you.

Peter also mentioned that his group is also looking at whether we can locate a

suitable person to join the GSE Team heading for North Germany next year.

Peter will send out an email giving more details shortly.

Bob Carle advised members that he is still working on a Vocational Visit to the Airport Control Tower and the Marine Rescue Centre. More news on these visits later.

Bob and the board are also investigating new tee shirts for members to purchase.

Treasurer John Walker has organized for Peter Wardman and Brian Leiper to assist him in culling the old files currently held at his work store room. Once the culling has been completed the remaining files will be moved to the storage bay at Tower Storage. This should be completed by the end of the week.

Brian Leiper informed members of the up coming night of entertainment at the Bunker Cartoon Gallery featuring the Stomping Ivories. This show is dubbed the ‘Duelin Piano Show’. See the attachment for more details. The show dates are:

Friday – 9 October

Saturday – 10 October

7.30 to 9.30pm.

Tickets $35.00 per head and can be purchased on line at ‘Sticky Tickets.com.au/29003’ or from the Bunker.

As you can appreciate there is limited seating and the board of the Bunker expect these shows to be booked out early so get in now to avoid disappointment.

Brian also mentioned that our NYSF applicant, Remy Bordignon, is looking for some casual work to help off-set the cost of his trip to Canberra. If you are able to help Remy please let Brian know.

Brian expressed thanks on behalf of the Coffs Coast Cycle committee for those who turned up at the Bunker Cartoon Gallery for the cheque presentation ceremony to the volunteers who assisted at the Challenge. We also had most of the Challenge sponsors in attendance. Special thanks to Ian McAllister and Bob Carle for their assistance with this event.

President Scott advised members that another movie night is planned to raise funds for Rotary. Full details will be revealed at a later date.

He also encouraged members to look at our club’s Face Book page. A few of us did not know what he was talking about. Ian McAllister, Bob Carle and Brian Leiper. These members were fined accordingly.

I remind members of the request from Jay Clowes that they need to get their details onto the member section of our web site. To do this you need to email Jay and he will give you the user name and pass word so you can access the site and load your own details.

Please do this now while you remember.

President Scott then called on Ian McAllister to introduce our guest speaker, Andrew Cragg.

Andrew has taken over running of the Ord Minnett, Coffs Harbour office, from his father Fred. Fred was a charter member of our club and a long serving Rotarian. McA tells us that Fred still goes into the office every day, reads the paper, has lunch and then goes home. Andrew did not refute this fact.

Andrew gave us a run down on the current share market and showed some interesting statistics regarding current trends. As we all know the market has been in some turmoil with the declining commodity market, China growth figures declining and the Shanghi share market declining substantially.

Andrew believes that the current position indicates a possible rebound. With a flat market he advised that sector and stock selection is critical. I can only add that you play the stock market with your ‘pocket money’ only.

An interesting presentation given the current market and commodity volatility.

President Scott called on Craig McMahon to propose a vote of thanks to Andrew which was endorsed by those present.

Don’t forget this requirement – Working With Children.

All information and the application regarding theNew Working with Children Checkcan be found on our District Youth Web site at:http://www.rotaryyouthexchange9650.com.au/downloads/working-with-children-check.htmlThis only takes a few minutes and it is not hard. The questions they ask are about you so you should know the answers.

NEXT MEETING – 7 September at the C.ex.

Next weeks guest speaker could be Richard Brown, Aboriginal Health Worker and future guest speakers may be:

Rachel Richardson – Spending Time in Nature

Phil & Elise Crofts


Graham Lockett and Ian McAllister took charge of the fine session and as usual did a great job.

Well done Graham and Ian.


9 October – Hat Day 6 / 9 September – Coffs Harbour Running

15 November – B.I.G Charity Golf Day Festival

8 / 11 October – DayBreak’s Rymarine

17 / 18 October – District Muster

28 / 29 November – Nambucca River Festival

April 2016 – GSE Team from Hamburg visit


15 /17 April - District conference @ Taree

6 September - Cherie Hawke 19 September – Eddie and Misty Chau

12 September – Julia Metcher

14 September – Eddie Chau

28 September – Judy Leiper

29 September – Ian McAllister

30 September – Bernard Spry