Terms of Reference of the EGs under WG SA

This document includes Terms of Reference (ToR) of following Expert Groups under WG SA.

・EG Internet of Things Applications/ Services (EG IOT)

・EG Security (EG IS)

・EG Multimedia Application (EG MA)

・EG Accessibility and Usability (EG AU)


term of reference of EG IOT


To exchange the regional interests in Internet of Things (IoT)/Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications and/or services such as “Smart Cities,” and “e-Health” amongst APT member countries

To study standardization activities in regards to IoT/M2M applications and/or services such as Smart Cities and e-Health in other standardization bodies

To study situations on the efficient use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) on IoT/M2M applications and/or services such as smart grid and e-Health amongst APT member countries

To identify use cases of the IoT/M2M applications and/or services such as Smart Cities and e-Health that can be used to derive requirements to ICT/ telecommunication network in each country in the region


Report of standardization activities regarding ICT/telecommunication networks on Smart Cities

Report of standardization activities regarding ICT/telecommunication networks on e-Health

Report of standardization activities regarding ICT/telecommunication networks on other M2M applications such as ITS (Intelligent Transport System)

Report of survey results on regional interests of the APT member countries

Report on Smart Cities use cases that can be used to derive requirements on ICT/telecommunication networks in APT member countries

Report on e-Health use cases that can be used to derive requirements on ICT/telecommunication networks in APT member countries

Report on use cases of other M2M applications that can be used to derive requirements on ICT/telecommunication networks in APT member countries

Terms OF Reference of EG IS


Survey of Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific region.

Promotion of exchange of views and strong relationships on Information Security / Cybersecurity related topics in the Asia-Pacific region

Contribution to standardization activities on Information Security / Cybersecruity in international standardization organizations such as ITU-T and the Asia-Pacific region countries.

Provide assistance to the lead Study Group of Security, ITU-T SG17.


Submission of the contributions by ASTAP or the member of APT to ITU-T

Circulation of the draft documents among the related Expert Groups and member countries under consultation with APT/ASTAP members

Survey of new projects the security issues in AP region countries

Status report on the researched items at next ASTAP forum

Review the TOR among experts

Decision of the next discussion items

Providing a security guideline

Contribution to Brunei Darussalam Statement and the Strategic Plan of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity 2015-2017


Terms Ofreference of EG MA


The objectives of the EG MA are to:

  • Review and study the existing domains, new domains, and the migration from the existing to new domains formultimedia capabilities for services and applications over existing and future networks, including NGN, mobile network, CATV and beyond. This encompasses architectures, terminals, protocols, signal processing, media coding and systems. The services and applications covers Web related services, digital signage, IP based TV service (IPTV, smart TV, and multi screen service), meta data, natural language processing, and other multimedia applications using the above networks.
  • Study the regional concerns, requirements and cooperation for the above services and applications development and promotion in order to bridge the ICT gap among APT region and to realize Sustainable ICT Ecosystem for Innovation.
  • Contribute to development of regional and global standards that reflect Asia-Pacific regional requirements.


Outputs from the EG MA include:

  • Development of technical report, guideline, and recommendation of ASTAP standards.
  • Collaboration with international, regional, and de facto standardization organizations such as ITU, W3C, IETF, ISO/IEC JTC1, OASIS, and CableLabs by developing liaison statements and contributions.
  • Collaboration with other Expert Groups and Working Groups in ASTAP to achieve the objectives of both groups by organizing joint meeting.

Terms of Reference of EG AU


  • Share information on national, regional and international standardization activities in accessibility[1] and usability for information and communication technology (ICT).
  • Identify international and regional accessibility and usability standardization activities as a basis for the collaboration of the APT countries.
  • Share information on issues related to affordability and literacy of the ICT services.
  • Support the APT national standardization activities in accessibility and usability.
  • Transfer the APT perspectives on accessibility and usability to other regions and internationally.
  • Input the accessibility and usability features into other ASTAP Expert Groups

Deliverable Output of the Group:

  • Identification of the scope of the standardization activities using concrete projects such as publishing reports of mobile application accessibility and software accessibility for the APT countries.
  • Encouragement of the APT countries to make efforts on standardization activities for accessibility and usability of ICT devices, systems and services
  • Development of reports, guidelines, handbooks and recommendations of the ASTAP standards.
  • Collaboration with international, regional, and de facto standardization organizations and consortiums such as ITU, ISO/IEC JTC1, W3C, etc. by developing liaison statements and contributions.
  • Cooperation with other Expert Groups of ASTAP in order to expand application areas of EG AU and promote accessibility of the outputs of other EG's.


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[1]Accessibility refers to design and development ICT products and services for people with disabilities and elderly people, but not limited to.