IAM Mentor Match provides an opportunity for moving, relocation, forwarding and logistics industry professionals around the world to connect and gain experience through relationships to help achieve their professional development goals.

Once you have enrolled as a mentor, a protégé, or both you can search the member database to find mentors and/or protégés with whom you can connect online, by phone or in-person.


• Complete your Social Café profile.

Enroll as a Protégé.

• Find a Mentor.

• SendaMentoringRelationshipRequest toamentor whofitsyour needs.

• Receivea messageindicating that thementor hasconfirmedyourrequest.

• Message thementor tobeginthementorship!

Enroll asaProtégé –DetailedInstructions:

1. Login tothe Social Café (

2. Please complete your member profile (which is populated with some of your membership information) so that potential Protégés can learn more about you. Be sure to add a photo, include information in your bio and details of your job history.

1 / IAM MentorMatchProtégé Guide

3. GototheMentoring tabin thetopnavigationbar andselect Enrollasa Protégé:

4. Thiswill takeyou toan enrollmentpage, whereyouwill fill out information to helpprospective mentorsfindandlearna littlebit aboutyou.

5. Selectyour ProtégéStatus: The Start date indicateswhenyourprofilewillbeactiveandyou will be readytoparticipatein theprogram.TheEndDatespecifieswhenyouwouldlike to endyourparticipationintheprogram. Ifyoudonotwanttoendyourparticipationat a specifictime,leave theenddatefieldblank.

6. SelecttheMentoring Venuesthatyouwouldliketousetocommunicatewithyour Mentor.


1 / IAM MentorMatchProtégé Guide

7. SelecttheTopics You Wish to be Mentored On. Selectasmanyoptionsasyoulike:

8. Indicateyour Age:

9. Indicateyour Gender:

10. Indicatethe Language(s) you speak:

11. Indicateyour Region(s):

12.Hit the Save button to save your information and enroll in the IAM Protégé Match Program. You now have a Protégé Profile which displays all of the information that you just completed as well as a Protégé Badge which prospective Mentors can click on to send you a Mentoring request:


• Find aMentor.

• SendaMentoringRelationshipRequest toamentor whofitsyour needs.

• Receivea messageindicating that thementor hasconfirmedyourrequest.

• Message thementor tobeginthementorship!

Find a Mentor –DetailedInstructions:

  1. Goto theMentoring tabin thetopnavigationbar andselect Find a Mentor:

2. Onthe FindaMentorpage, you have the option to search for a Mentor by their name, location or company location.

1 / IAM MentorMatchProtégé Guide

3. Selectthe Mentor Venue and Mentor Topics. YouMUSTfillin thesetwofields. (Note that thesearchwill returnresultsthat containanyofthevaluesyouselect for eachfield.) TheMentor Topicsare the topics that you wish to be mentoredon. Selectasmanyasyoulike:

4. SelectanAge preference for your Mentor. Ifyoudonothave a preference,leave thefieldsblank. Selectasmanyasyoulike:

5. SelectaGender preference for your Mentor. Ifyoudonothave a preference,leave thefieldsblank.

6. SelecttheLanguage(s) thatyouwouldlikefor your Mentor to speak. Selectasmanyasyoulike:

7. SelecttheRegion(s) preference for your Mentor. Selectasmanyasyoulike:

8.Hit the “Find Mentors” button and a listingofall thementorswhoseprofilesmatchyourcriteriawill be returned.

9. Clickon eachmentor’snametoviewtheirprofile. Go to the Mentor Profile tab and click on the Mentor Badge to send them a message.

10. A messagetemplatewillappear. Youcan inputyourownpersonalmessageifyouwish, butdo NOTedit thepre-populatedlinks inthemessage.Hit thegray Sendbutton.

Sample (optional) PersonalizedMentor Email Invitation Template:

Hi (NAME),

Mynameis(NAME)andI amfrom (LOCATION). IamenrolledintheIAM MentorMatchprogramasaprotégé.Iwasimpressedbyyourprofile andwould love tohaveyouasamentor. (GIVEMOREFEEDBACKWHY)

Iamlooking for amentor willingtoworkwithme(on MENTOR TOPIC) for(LENGTHOFTIME).I’dprefer tocommunicatevia (MENTORING VENUE).

To learna littlebitmoreabout meandwhatI’mlooking for,youcanview my profilehere: (LINKTO YOUR PROFILEISAUTOMATICALLYPOPULATED.DO NOTEDIT.)

ThanksandI will lookforward tohearingfrom you, (NAME)

Visit accept ordeclinethisrequest.

11. TheMentorwill receiveyour message in their Social Café inboxandviaemail.

12. Whentheyaccept yourrequest, youwill receiveanotificationemail. Followthe directionsintheemail toverifythementorshipandsendyournewmentor a message:

a. Ifyoudon’thear from thementor withinoneor twoweeks,feelfreetocontact them using thecontactinformationfoundontheir profilepage.

b. Ifthementor isunabletoacceptyour request,youwill also receiveanemail notification. If that happens, gobacktothe FindaMentorpageand tryagainor email orhelp.


  1. Please visit the Mentor Match Resources page to locate and sign the Terms and Conditions of Participation and Protégé Confidentiality Agreement forms and email them to Ayana Singhateh at .
  2. Sendyourmentor amessagevia the MyMentoringRelationshipspagealong with your completedProfessionalGoals Worksheet toset upa planfor working together.
  3. Use the MyMentoringRelationshipspageto view anycurrent mentoring relationshipsyouhave. Theywillshowupin theActivesection.
  4. Thosethathavebeencompletedwill belistedinthe Completedsectionandthosethathavebeendeclined, in theDeclinedsection.
  5. Note: Donotclickonthecompletelinkuntil your mentoringrelationshipisfinished–doingso will end therelationship.

5. Toviewall ofthemessagesyouhaveexchanged with your protégé, go to My Mentoring Relationships and clickonthe “View”linkin theInbox column.

1 / IAM MentorMatchProtégé Guide