Español V – Proyecto Final

Debate sobre el derecho de morir con dignidad (DMD)

On Monday, June 3 (white)/Tuesday, June 4 (red), you will have your final for Spanish V. It will be a debate on the right to die with dignity, or euthanasia, depending on your point of view!

This is the culminating project for our final unit based on the Spanish filmMar adentro. By the time you are prepared for the debate you will have read, translated and analyzed the poem Mar adentro by Ramón Sampedro. You will have listened to, translated and interpreted two songs by Juanes, Nada and Para que,and one by Julieta Venegas, El presente, and related them to the themes of the poem and movie. You will have created and presented ‘Fakebook’ pages on one of the characters in the film.

Finally, we will have finished viewing the film Mar adentro which is based on the life of Ramón Sampedro. You will have gained insight into his life, how he became a quadriplegic and an author and how his fight for the right to end his own lifeaffected him, his family and so many others. I hope that we will have had the opportunity to examine our own views on various topics such as the importance of contributing to society through work, the love of family and friends and the dignity of life and death.

In the three blocks prior to the debate, you will have the opportunity to work with your team to decide upon roles and responsibilities for the debate. You will be able to use your laptops to research your arguments. You will have the entire block the class before the final to work with your teams.

Remember that we are taking 3rd lunch on the day of the debate. (Bagels from Scratch after the debate!) The first 10-15 minutes of the block the day of the debate will be reserved for any final polishing up of arguments, rebuttals, etc. and for you to complete an anonymous evaluation of the unit. You will be graded per the rubric on the back of this sheet.

Please see me at any time prior to the debate if you or your teammates have any questions on this project.

¡Buena suerte!

Sra. Esten MarAdentroPreDebate