Tab V

ProgramSocial Activities

The Social Chair is responsible for arranging the Division Dinner at each National ACS meeting and for coordinating with the Division Chair on other social events, such as Executive Committee dinners and refreshments for poster sessions.

The job entails finding a restaurant in the host city that has a distinctive cuisine, a private dining hall that can accommodate 40-60 people, and that can provide a fixed menu at a reasonable price. If a special gourmet meal can be provided within these constraints, so much the better.

A letter detailing the requirements is sent to the restaurant (copy attached), and a confirming letter of commitment or booking must be obtained. This letter, along with a form provided by ACS (copy attached), must be on file by the deadline set by ACS, generally four months ahead of the meeting so that a notice will appear in the final program in C&E News.

The Social Chair also informs the editor of EnvirofACS and the Division Chair of the arrangements, in time for publication in the newsletter.

The Social Chair makes any needed transportation arrangements, notifies the Division Treasurer of any advance payment to the restaurant, and determines the number of tickets to be printed by ACS for the dinner. Allowances are made for guest tickets to awardees, according to requests from the Awards Chair and the Division Chair.

The Social Chair arranges for notification of a final count (± 5-10%) of reservations for the restaurant, 12-24 hours before the dinner and obtains the leftover tickets from ACS for last day sales. Money collected, and leftover tickets, are returned to ACS the day after the dinner and ACS reimburses the Treasurer, who will have paid the bill to the restaurant.

The Social Chair may also arrange for photos of awardees and of other social events to be provided the newsletter editor for possible publication, the newsletter picking up the cost of the photos.

Anne R. Leslie

March 14, 1989


6024 Telegraph Rd.

Alexandria, VA 22310-2217

May 20, 1988

Kenneth Kim, Manager

Korean Gardens Restaurant

950 So. Vermont Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90006

Dear Mr. Kim:

The Environmental Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society would like to arrange a dinner at your restaurant, as we discussed by phone. The Society will be meeting with the International Congress in Toronto the week of September 25-30, 1988. The Division traditionally meets for dinner on Tuesday evening, which would be September 27.

The group convenes between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. for a social gathering with a no-host cash bar. Dinner is served at 7:30 p.m. with a fixed menu and price that includes tax and gratuity. Tickets are printed in advance by ACS and are priced for the meal only. Wine or other orders by guests during the meal should be collected by the servers. If you have wine recommendations, these will be appreciated since there are usually a number of such purchases.

Our group usually numbers 50 to 75. We can arrange for a deposit. I would like to know whether you need a minimum guaranteed number of guests and whether 24 hours is sufficient for a final number of dinners. Full payment can be billed or paid after the meal by our Treasurer.

I look forward to your suggestions for a menu, and your letter confirming these arrangements.


Anne R. Leslie

Social Arrangements Chair

Environmental Chemistry Division

American Chemical Society

Phone: 703/557-5077



950 South Vermont Ave.. Los Angeles, Calif. 90006

Telephone (213) 388-3042

May 31, 1988

Anne R. Leslie

Social Arrangements Chair

Environmental Chemistry Division

American Chemical Society

6024 Telegraph Rd.

Alexandria, VA 22310-2217

Dear Ms. Leslie:

Thank you very much for your inquiry. We accept any group over 50 (over 40 in weekdays) & one day advance notification for final number of dinners would be sufficient. We carry a moderately priced California wine (Chablis & Rose) which is very popular among customers. A sample of suggested fixed menu would be like This:

1) Traditional Korean style short rib stew

2) Fillet fish dipped in egg butter & fried on hot griddle

3) Green bean Korean style pan cake

4) Sauteed vegetable with beef and vermicelli

5) Chicken drumstick with soysauce

6) Cold seafood special

7) Korean style pork chop

8) Squid with vegetable & hot pepper

9) Beef or pork tempra (fried in vegetable oil)

10) 1-3 Chef’s special in season

11) Variety of vegetables (5-10 kinds)

For example Kimchee (Korean style vegetable), Spicy cucumber, Cooked bean sprout, spinach

In conclusion, the fixed menu would be 10-13 main dishes and a lot of vegetables, steamed rice in buffet style. Its cost would be $14/person including tips & tax. We provide hot tea and coffee if anyone wants. But drinks are extra.

A deposit of $100 or more is required to reserve the banquet room and full payment is to be paid right after the party. If you have any more information, please let me know.


Kenneth Kim


P.S. We have already reserved the room for your party on Sep 27

1. The Program Chair of the Division develops and coordinates the programs for ACS meetings.

2. Respond to all ACS deadlines for program submission.

3. Attend the ACS Program Coordination Conference held at the beginning of each year to coordinate long-range program planning with other Divisions.

ACS Program Coordination Tasks

Tasks in italics require clerical support or are solely clerical (usually handled by the Business Office)

Program Development:

·  Maintain program list three to four meetings ahead, for ACS staff, potential organizers, and Division officers

·  Recruit Symposium Organizers

·  Assist organizers with symposium development and division funding procedures

·  Communication with Symposium Organizers and Speakers:

o  Update organizers on all deadlines and requirements (continuous)

o  Communicate with organizers regarding:

Ø  Scheduling of their symposia

Ø  Registration information

Ø  Assistance to speakers

o  Prepare and submit guest registration applications

o  Regularly update Program Lists

o  Develop and update files of organizers addresses

o  Update, prepare, and mail organizers packets (including scheduling and dealine dates; guidelines for organizers; proposed symposium format and proposed session format forms, examples of call for papers, organizer’s letters to participants, and paper acceptance letters; extended abstracts and poster session instructions; award forms; program list; ACS abstract forms; etc.)

·  Follow-up correspondence (continuous)

Responsibilities During Meetings:

·  General assistance to organizer and session chairs

·  Ensure that organizers submit session attendance reports

·  Solve meeting room problems

·  Arrange add-on equipment services or facilities as necessary

Responsibilities After Meetings:

·  Supply or verify attendance reports as needed

·  Mail certificates to organizers after meetings

Various Other Responsibilities:

·  Arrange Co-sponsorship agreements with other divisions and with organizations outside ACS

·  Attend two national meetings per year (during the duration of Division programming)

·  Provide Program Chair reports for Executive Committee (including financial and program development information)

·  Participate in long-range planning

·  Attend Program Coordination Conference annually

·  Respond to miscellaneous calls for information from*

o  ACS offices

o  Publications

o  Speakers

o  Organizers

o  Other divisions

·  Correspond with EnvirofACS editor regarding program information

·  Coordinate with Preprints chair (see Preprints tasks listed separately below)

*Prepare all necessary documents and related correspondence for the following:

Overview of the Cycle of Meeting Deadlines and Publications

October / ·  Call for updates to the Call for Papers and Meetings Calendar mailed program chairman
·  National Meeting Agenda, containing materials for Spring Meeting, mailed to program chairman
November / Deadline: Update to Call for Papers and Meeting Calendar
December / Deadline: Program Highlights – Spring Meeting
December – January / Deadline: Preliminary Program
Committee/Social Room Requests
Co-sponsored and Cross-listed Symposia
Workshop/Short Course Room Requests
January / Deadline: Final Program and Abstracts
Separates Order
Mailing Label Order
February / Deadline: Supplemental Requests
Guest Registrations
List of Financial Sponsors for inclusion in booklet program
March – April / ·  Meeting
April / ·  Call for updates to call for Papers and Meetings Calendar mailed to program chair
·  National Meeting Agenda, containing materials for Fall Meeting, mailed to program chair
May / Deadline: Updates to Call for Papers and Meetings Calendar
Program Highlights – Fall Meeting
May – June / Deadline: Preliminary Program
Committee/Social Room Requests
Co-sponsored and Cross-listed Symposia
Workshop/Short Course Room Requests
June / Deadline: Final Program and Abstracts
Separates Order
Mailing Label Order
July / Deadline: Supplemental Requests
Guest Registrations
List of Financial Sponsors for inclusion in booklet program
August – September / ·  Meeting

Preprint Process*

·  Check abstracts for clarity, spelling, consistency, etc.

·  Prepare abstracts for posting on the web site and send to web master

·  Check extended abstracts for clarity, spelling, consistency, etc.

·  When completed, notify ACS.

·  Notify web master of link address and date that it will be active.

Preparation of Preprints for Publication*

·  Revise instructions for extended abstracts per meeting

·  Revise extended abstracts format as needed

·  Correspond with organizers and general paper authors re requirements and deadlines

·  Request symposia summaries and organizers bios for publication in preprints; review and edit

·  Review incoming papers to make sure they meet specifications; return to authors for revision when necessary or cut and paste/retype when necessary

·  Order and number papers

·  Prepare/type List of Papers including for each paper: paper number, title and authors, and page number

·  Prepare (organize and type) preliminary pages: general table of contents, summary of each symposium and biography of each organizer, etc.

·  Prepare auxiliary title pages, etc.

·  When all papers are received and put in order, number pages

·  Accommodate corrections submitted late by authors if possible

·  Add page numbers to List of Papers

·  Prepare and type author index

·  Proof everything

·  Submit to Preprints Chair by deadline for printing

General Session Chair Responsibilities*:

·  Review, accept or reject, and organize general papers submitted

·  Choose general papers for Sci-Mix

·  Communicate with General Paper authors:

o  Update, prepare, and mail general paper packets (including scheduling and deadline dates, poster session and extended abstract instructions, ACS abstract forms, Certificate of Merit form)

o  General mail, phone, and fax correspondence regarding requirements, deadlines, etc.

o  Maintain address file for all general paper authors

o  Screen incoming short abstracts, return for revision or revise when necessary

o  Prepare and send out acceptance letters with meeting information for general paper authors and Sci-Mix authors; inform Sci-Mix authors of responsibilities

o  Follow up to be sure Sci-Mix authors will attend

o  Send out registration information when requested

o  Send certificate of merit forms to awards chair

Specific Meeting Preparations:

·  Schedule symposia for national meeting

·  Arrange Committee Meetings*

·  Prepare New Service information

·  Request locations for technical sessions in communication with other related divisions

·  Prepare acknowledgement of financial sponsors*

·  Review incoming short abstracts for format*

·  Review all session formats received from organizers, assign time slots if necessary*

·  Order and number papers, make additional copies when necessary*

·  Prepare abstracts, all necessary documents, and related correspondence for ACS deadlines on the following*:

o  Call for Papers

o  Program Highlights

o  Preliminary Program

o  Final Program


Meeting Location:

Date of Meeting:

Primary Sponsor: Cosponsor:

Program Chairperson: Program Chairperson:

Symposium Title:


Cosponsorship Agreement

Page 2; Symposium:

Funding Agreement

The following section stipulates funding to be provided from each participating division, as well as divisional sharing of expected income from this symposium.

Amount of funding requested: Sponsor requests $??? from cosponsor

Head count of revenue sharing: ??? % sponsor ??? % cosponsor

Symposium book

royalty sharing: ??? % of total royalty to divisions will go to sponsor

??? % of total royalty to divisions will go to cosponsor

Authorizations of Agreement

Primary Sponsor:

Date: ______Program Organizer

Date: ______Program Chairperson

The Cosponsor, ????????, stipulates that the following authorizations are given and are sufficient under division bylaws:

Date: ______(name) ______(title)

Date: ______(name) ______(title)

Record of Proceeds

______Head count revenue ______date received ______Treasurer

______Royalty revenue ______date received ______Treasurer

Agreement for a Cooperative Cosponsored Event

Agreements for a cooperative cosponsored event for the Society, a technical division, or a local section, including cosponsored symposia at national and regional ACS meetings, should contain:

A.  A proposed budget for the event broken out by major revenue and expense categories. The proposed budget shall be accompanied by contact information identifying the event’s treasureror financial official. The organization responsible for maintaining the event’s financial records shall provide a final accounting no later than nine months after the event. The final accounting shall include a summary report with a comparision of the budget versus actual for revenues and expenses.

B.  A statement clearly defining the financial responsibility of the Society, technical division, or local section clarifying the distribution of any net revenue or loss from the meeting. Note that cosponsorship of any specific symposium at an ACS national meeting does not entitle the other cosponsor to any share of the net proceeds from the meeting and exposition nor to complimentary space at the exposition held in conjunction with the meeting.

C.  A stipulation that each cosponsoring organization will publish a call for papers and the program in its official member publication and include an announcement of the event in its calendar of meetings, if timely. In addition, a stipulation that each Society’s cosponsorship will be appropriately recognized at the conference and in its marketing materials.