What is UKELG?

UKELG is a subject interest group, which aims to promote the understanding of all aspects of explosions, including the analysis and prevention of accidental explosions, by stimulating the informal exchange of relevant information. UKELG is a registered charity.

How does it function?

Each year, on average, twoUKELG meetings are organised. Generally these are one-day events, held at scientific and research establishments all over the UK. The topics discussed cover all aspects of explosion and related loss prevention.

To achieve open discussion of current research and development the UKELG actively encourages the presentation of recent research and results, especially work-in-progress.

So as not to inhibit informal contributions and discussion, the proceedings are not published. At the request of the authors or with their agreement, some presentations are placed on the UKELG website.

Who can attend?

There is no membership fee. Any interested person is free to attend meetings, on payment of an appropriate small fee to cover running costs. Attendance usually includes people from academia, industry, consultancies and the regulators. Details of meetings are sent to a list of contacts by e-mail and are available from the UKELG website. To be added to this list, e-mail the secretary below.

UKELG contact information

Secretary - Roger Santon 01925-766079

35thAnniversary UKELG Discussion Meeting

“Explosion Hazards””

Tuesday 10th October – Thursday 12th October 2017

DNV GL Spadeadam Research and Testing Centre

Gilsland, Cumbria, UK

Dear Colleagues,

With the summer months of our 35th Anniversary Year upon us; it is time that we take the opportunity to announce the plans for our extraordinary autumn 3-day meeting and celebration. Between noon on Tuesday 10th October and noon on Thursday 12th October, we will be hosted for a 4-topic discussion meeting at the Lord Cullen Training Centre at DNV GL’s Spadeadam Research and Testing facility. The discussion meeting will be interspersed with live demonstrations of hazards relevant to the discussion topics. This includes, amongst others, a full scale confined, vented gas explosion – something not to be missed!

The four consecutive topics of discussion are as follows:

  1. High Explosives
  2. Dust Explosions
  3. DDT and High Consequence Deflagrations
  4. Hydrogen Explosions

Each of these topics is subject to large volumes of ongoing research and should provide ample possibilities and examples of explosion hazards for discussion. We are confident that collectively our wide membership has a wealth of experience and insight in this area and we therefore invite you to submit your offer of relevant contributions as detailed below. As always a detailed programme for the day will follow later.

The cost of the 3-day event will be £300 to include transport to the site both to and from Carlisle, all demonstrations, coffee, lunch and tea on each of the three days. Payment will be made directly to DNV GL – please contact to register an interest. Payment details will be provided nearer to the date.An array of quality hotels are available in and around Carlisle, a hotel list is available from DNV GL upon request. Students requiring assistance with the registration fee and travelling expenses should contact the secretary (). He may also be approached for financial assistance for those who are retired or otherwise financially unsupported by an affiliation. We have to order refreshments in advance; so please note that if you need to cancel your registration to do so by e-mail to () not later than 1st October.

The Committee is looking forward to your response, registration and offer of a presentation and to see you again on 10th October.

Hans Michels (Chair UKELG Committee)

Roger Santon (Secretary)

Salvador Navarro-Martinez (Treasurer)

Dan Allason (Local organiser for DNVGL

UKELG Web site – Registered Charity 1080033

35thAnniversary UKELG Discussion Meeting

“Explosion Hazards”

Tuesday 10th October – Thursday 12th October 2017

DNV GL Spadeadam Research and Testing Centre

Gilsland, Cumbria, UK

Please return this form by post or e-mail to:

Karen Armstrong

DNV GL Spadeadam Research and Testing

MoD R5






Tel: 00 44 (0)20 381 64160






Attendance: (please tick) Very likely  Possibly  Unlikely 

Oral presentation: I would like to offer a contribution of ...... minutes on the following:



Summary of key work/points I would like to present/discuss in my talk:

(If accepted for presentation, these may be used as part of the meeting programme. Please use a separate sheet if you wish to submit a more extended abstract, which will not be published)




Circulation list: Please use this section to update your contact details. In future, correspondence will be conducted by email wherever possible so please provide email address only and email addresses of colleagues who are likely to be interested in the meeting or UKELG in general.



Student support: I would like to enquire regarding possible support for the following student(s):
