Uplift North Hills Preparatory


INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Pratibha Sinha

(972) 501-0645

TEXT: Mathematics for the International Student Math SL

Haese and Harris Publications 2014

GENERAL COURSE DESCRIPTION: IB Math SL is a rigorous two year course; Pre-calculus covers the first part of the course and the remaining portion is taught in the 12th gradeyear (Both fall and spring semester) that caters for students who already possess knowledge of basic mathematical concepts, and who are equipped with the skills needed to apply simple mathematical techniques correctly. The majority of these students will expect to need a sound mechanical background as they prepare for future studies in subjects like chemistry, economics, psychology, and business administration.


  • Know and use mathematical concepts and principles.
  • Read, interpret and solve a given problem using appropriate mathematical terms.
  • Organize and present information and data in tabular, graphical and/ or diagrammatic form.
  • Know and use appropriate notation (international) and terminology.
  • Formulate a mathematical argument and communicate it clearly, orally and in writing.
  • Select and use appropriate mathematical strategies and techniques.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of both the significance and the reasonableness of results.
  • Recognize patterns and structures in a variety of situations and make generalizations.
  • Recognize and demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of mathematics.
  • Use appropriate technological devices as mathematical tools.

COURSE TOPICS: The Math Studies course consists of seven core topics taught as integrated units of study. A detailed description of each topic is as follows:

  • Topic 1 — Algebra: the aim of this topic to introduce students to some basic algebraic concepts and applications.
  • Topic 2 — Functions and Equations: The aims of this topic are to explore the notion of a function as unifying theme in mathematics, and to apply functional methods to a variety of mathematical situations.
  • Topic 3 — Circular Functions and Trigonometry: The aims of this topic are to explore the circular functions and to solve problems using trigonometry. On examination papers, radian measure should be assumed unless otherwise indicated.
  • Topic 4 — Vectors: The aim of this topic is to provide an elementary introduction to vectors, including both algebraic and geometric approaches.
  • Topic 5 — Statistics and Probability: The aim of this topic is to introduce basic concepts. It is expected that most of the calculations required will be done using technology, but explanations of calculations by hand may enhance understanding. The emphasis is on understanding, and interpreting the results obtained, in context.
  • Unit 6 — Calculus: The aim of this topic is to introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus and their applications.

STUDENT ACADEMIC EVALUATION: As this is an IB course, students will be evaluated both by the IBO and by the teacher.

How Your IB Assessments are calculated:

External assessment (3 hours) 80%

Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes) 40%

No calculator allowed. (90 marks)

Section ACompulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus.

Section BCompulsory extended-response questions based on the whole syllabus.

Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes) 40%

Graphic display calculator required. (90 marks)

Section ACompulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus.

Section BCompulsory extended-response questions based on the whole syllabus.

Internal assessment 20% (20 marks)

Mathematical exploration: This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB atthe end of the course. The exploration is intended to provide students with opportunities to increase their understanding of mathematical concepts and processes, and to develop a wider appreciation of mathematics. Each exploration is assessed against the following five criteria. The final mark (maximum possible 20) for each exploration is the sum of the scores for each criterion.

Criterion A: Communication

Criterion B: Mathematical Presentation

Criterion C: Personal Engagement

Criterion D: Reflection

Criterion E: Use of Mathematics

Students will be introduced to the project sometime towardsthe beginning of October and will complete the project before winter break.

The due dates and the details on the project deliverables will be communicated soon.


The grades students receive in this class will be based on the following:

  1. Exams = 50% - Notes are not permitted during tests. Expect a calculator and a non-calculator section on each test
  2. Quizzes = 30% Expect a quiz after each lesson
  3. Homework /Classwork/Participation/Exit Tickets = 20%

No extra credit assignments will be given for this course.

Chapter exams will be designed to assess students’ integrated understanding of the current unit topics as well as topics from previous units. If a student fails a chapter exam, he/she may retake the exam for a 80 within one week of the date that the test is returned. The students will be expected to attend a tutorial to go over their mistakes, review the material, and set up a date/time for the retake. If an exam is not retaken one week from the return date, the original grade will be the permanent recorded grade. A student who misses an exam due to an EXCUSED absence will be allowed to make up the exam on the day he/she returns to school (if this does not happen, the grade for the exam will be a zero).

Quizzes will be used as a formative assessment of understanding of the current topic. Quizzes will be timed, open-ended IB questions given at the beginning of daily class periods.No retakes are allowed on the quizzes.

MATERIALS/RESOURCES: The following items will be brought to class every day, unless told otherwise: Paper,

Pencil/Eraser, and a 3-Ring Binder divided into the following sections, including

1) Class Notes: Warm-ups and notes covered in class

2) Homework: All assigned homework

3) Exit Tickets and Quizzes: Open-ended IB questions

4) Investigation Problems: Written analysis of math concepts and other class work

5) The EXPLORATION (details to follow)

Please bring your TI-84 graphing calculator to class every day.

HOMEWORK: There will be homework every day in this class, and it is to be taken seriously, as practicing material on one’s own is essential to deeper understanding. Students will receive a chapter outline of the required problems to be completed for each section at the beginning of each chapter. These problems will be graded in the same manner as the IBO grading either throughout or at the end of each chapter. A list of answers will receive no credit. Late homework will be accepted within one day only and must be completed in full; late work that is completed in full, however, will only receivea 80. In the case of an absence, students are expected to make up work promptly (at most one extra day per day missed).

CLASSWORK:Class time will consist of warm-ups, class notes, guided and individual practice, homework analysis, group problem sets, whole class discussion, reflective and investigative activities andwriting assignments, and project research/completion (during early October to mid-December). As mentioned above, students are required to maintain a mathematics notebook/binder of daily work which will be checked periodically. Group work will be an important part of this course and students will be graded accordingly. Each member of a group must actively participate and contribute to a group assignment/problem set for individual members to receive full credit. Students are also expected to participate in teacher-directed and student-directed class discussions, demonstrating proficiency and fluency in communicating mathematical concepts clearly. Because this course is adamant about the written communication of mathematical ideas and theories as well, students will also be required to respond to writing prompts in order to assess their understanding and perception of mathematical concepts, their ability to recognize mathematical situations, and their skills of reasoning and applying mathematical methods to interpret given situations. Note that the course project (the IB Internal Assessment) is a large and demanding task and therefore students will have time in class to conduct their related work (a significant amount of time, however, will be spent on the project at home as well).

INDIVIDUAL TUTORING AND GETTING HELP: Individual tutoring will be used to provide additional support to the student and/or to guide class instruction. Students should be aware that they are responsible for helping to manage their own learning, and as soon as problems arise, students must actively seek help. This can be during class from the teacher or from peers (warm-up time as well as time spent working on group problem sets are great opportunities to ask questions and discuss misunderstandings, etc.), during advisory period, or after school during tutoring hours by appointment.


  1. Respect others, the environment, and oneself
  2. No food or drinks will be allowed in the classroom (water only).
  3. No cell phones or iPods
  4. Follow the student handbook rules at all times for tardiness, absences, make up work, and uniform etc.
  5. It is student’s responsibility to get assignments they missed on their first day back to school after an absence. Students must make an appointment on their first day back from their absence to make up quizzes or tests.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Plagiarism or any other form of cheating is a violation of the North Hills School Honor Code and is not tolerated. Those who cheat automatically receive a zero on the assignment in question with no make-up opportunity and are referred to the Dean of Students for further consequences.

After you have read these course guidelines, please sign and return the acknowledgement page to me by next class period. Thank you!!!


Pratibha Sinha

IB Math SL Teacher

IB Math SL Syllabus 2017-18 – Semester 1

Date / Objectives
Quarter 1
8/8 and 8/9 / Senior Academy
8/10 and 8/11 / Course Guidelines and Syllabus
Unit 1-Quadratics
Solving Quadratic Equations
-By Factorization
-By completing the square
8/14 and 8/15 / Review Solving Quadratic Equations
-By using the Quadratic Formula
-By using the Graphing Calculator
8/16 and 8/17 / The Discriminant of a Quadratic
8/18 and 8/21 / Quadratic Functions and their Properties
8/22 and 8/23 / Finding a Quadratic from its Graph
8/24 and 8/25 / Intersections with a Quadratic Graph
8/28 and 8/29 / Problem Solving with Quadratics
8/30 and 8/31 / Test on Quadratics
9/1 and 9/5 / Unit 2-Functions
Functions and their Notations
Domain and Range
Sign Diagrams
9/6 and 9/7 / Composite Functions
9/8 and 9/11 / Rational Functions
9/12 and 9/13 / Inverse Functions
9/14 and 9/15 / Test on Functions
9/18 and 9/19 / Unit 3-Exponential Functions
Working with Exponents
Solving Exponential Equations
9/20 and 9/21 / Exponential Function and its Properties
9/22 and 9/25 / Growth and Decay Applications
9/26 and 9/27 / Working with ‘e’
9/28 and 9/29 / Test on Exponentials
10/2 and 10/3 / Unit 4-Logarithmic Functions
Laws of Logarithms
Solving Log Equations
Natural Logarithms
10/4 and 10/5 / Solving Exponential Equations using Logs
Change of Base rule and its Applications
Quarter 2
10/10 and 10/11 / Logarithmic Functions and their Properties
10/12 and 10/13 / Growth and Decay
10/16 and 10/17 / Test on Logarithms
10/18 and 10/19 / Introduction to Internal Assessment
10/20 and 10/23 / Unit 5-Circle Trigonometry
Unit Circle and Trig Ratios
10/24 and 10/25 / Arc Length and Sector Area
10/26 and 10/27 / Sine Rule
Cosine Rule
Area of a Triangle
10/30 and 10/31 / Trigonometric Functions
11/1 and 11/2 / Trigonometric Identities
11/3 and 11/6 / Trigonometric Equations
11/7 and 11/8 / Review
11/9 and 11/10 / Test on Trigonometry
11/13 and 11/14 / Unit 6-Introduction to Differential Calculus
11/15 and 11/16 / The Derivative Function
Using the First Principles Method
11/17 and 11/27 / Differentiation Rules
The Chain Rule
11/28 and 11/29 / The Product Rule
The Quotient Rule
11/30 and 12/1 / Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
12/4 and 12/5 / Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
Derivatives of Higher Order
12/6 and 12/7 / Test on Differential Calculus
12/8 and 12/11 / Review for the Semester Exam
12/12 and 12/13 / Review for the Semester Exam
12/14 and 12/15 / Review for the Semester Exam


I have received and read the course description, classroom expectations, syllabus, and grading policy packet.

Student email ______

Student Name ______

Student Signature______

Parent email ______

Parent/Guardian Name ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______