I. TEACHERS: Colonel (Ret) Gary Spry - Senior Army Instructor (SAI) and Sergeant Major (Ret) Barbara Sanders - Army Instructor (AI)

II. COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: 3331-3334 Army JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) Leadership, Education and Training (LET) 1 to 4

III. TITLE OF TEXTBOOK: JROTC Program of Instruction, Units 1 – 7

IV. COURSE OVERVIEW: Junior ROTC is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. The primary mission of JROTC is “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” This curriculum prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities and privileges as American citizens. Meanwhile, the program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, while providing instruction and rewarding opportunities that benefit the student, community, and nation.

V. INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH: JROTC is taught through a combination of lecture, group discussions, practical exercises, demonstration, hands-on/performance oriented training, and drill. Cadets are graded on effort, rather than actual performance, on physical activities such as Cadet Challenge (physical fitness). Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are usually instructional days and most Fridays are sports/physical activity days. Cadets must wear uniforms once each week, normally on Thursday, uniforms must be worn during the entire school day.


A. DISCIPLINE – Cadets are required to follow standard school rules, JROTC published regulations, and classroom rules.

B. ATTENDANCE – Make up excused absences work per Standard School Policy.

C. COURSE EXPECTATIONS – Cadets should be able to demonstrate:

1. A sense of responsibility.

2. Leadership traits applicable to their rank and experience.

3. A desire to excel both mentally and physically.

4. Involvement in school and community activities.

5. Awareness of current local and world events.

6. Acceptable level of curriculum knowledge.

7. Good “fellowship”, teamwork, and self-discipline.

8. Adherence to US Army grooming standards (i.e., shave, haircut).

D. HOMEWORK – The bulk of JROTC work will be done in class except for 9-week grading period essays and occasional assignments. JROTC Cadre will make use of Blackman High School’s “Lunch and Learn” to enforce the completion of homework for all academic classes. Cadets are expected to complete all assignments on time in all of their classes.

E. GRADING – EXAMS/CLASSWORK (45%) which includes examinations, essays, cadet portfolios, briefings and group projects; PHYSICAL FITNESS (15) which includes cadet challenge; UNIFORM INSPECTIONS AND LEADERSHIP LAB (40%); which includes performance/conduct, participation, attitude, merits/demerits.

1. Standard grading scale.

2. Subcourse examinations, unannounced tests, essays, workbooks.

3. All cadets will create a portfolio that contains and organized collection of work based on accomplishments, personality, goals and aspirations. The portfolio will provide insight and information on the cadet’s personal achievements and growth over time.

4. A demerit program will be reflected in the “Leadership” portion of the grading. Cadets receive demerits for misconduct, insubordination, uniform violation etc. Demerits can be removed by performing work/assignments before or after regular school hours.


1. Wearing the uniform: A cadet with a validated absence or who has been excused by an instructor must make up the missed uniform day on the next class day. A cadet who does not wear the uniform because of an invalidated absence will receive ten demerits for the uniform inspection grade.

2. Failure to wear uniform: Cadets who refuse to wear the uniform, consistently wear it improperly, or miss more than 50% of the semester uniform inspections will be dropped from the JROTC program with a grade of “F”.

a. 1st time – Demerits and warning

b. 2nd time – Demerits, call to parents and ISS (in-school suspension)

c. 3rd time – Demerits, conference with parents and ISS

d. 4th time – Dropped from JROTC program with a grade of “F”.

3. Mandatory Forms: All cadets must complete the mandatory forms to participate in JROTC. They include the Parental/Guardian Release and Statement of Health along with various other forms which make up the “magic five packet”.

4. Parades: We have one mandatory parade during the year. The event will count as one uniform inspection. We will participate in either the Murfreesboro Veterans Parade or Christmas Parade.

5. Awards Day: All cadets must attend the annual awards day which will be held in April each year during normal school hours. It is mandatory and counts as one uniform inspections.

G. RANK: Promotion will not be “automatic” to the next higher grade. All promotions will be earned by performance in assigned position, attitude and conduct. School grades are also very important in this process. Our goal is to place only those cadets with a GPA of 3.0 or above in key leadership/staff positions. Cadets may be reduced in rank for both in-school and out-of-school conduct.


Introduction to JROTC Map Reading/Compass

Foundations for Success


First Aid

Cadet Challenge (Physical Fitness)

Career Opportunity

Service Learning Project

Public Speaking

HS Financial Planning

Alcohol/Drug Prevention

Citizenship/American History

Improved Reading Ability


NOTE: One of the primary Blackman High School goals in 2015/2016 is the continued improvement of student ACT scores. JROTC will focus on the goal during classroom instruction with: Student reading and writing projects, and utilizing the Army website, March to Success. We will also focus on raising our average GPA.

VIII. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: The following JROTC activities are available to cadets with at least a 2.0 grade point average who desire to participate.

1. Color Guard

2. Drill Team

3. Raiders

4. Rifle Team

5. Exhibition

NOTE: Cadets who participate on these teams are expected to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. A failing grade in any academic course during any grading period, and/or falling below a 2.0 GPA, and/or habitually not turning in homework in any class on time will result in an immediate suspension from team competition.

IX. DEPARTMENT INFORMATION: Questions may be addressed to the JROTC Department: COL Spry 904-3850 ext. 23023 or SGM Sanders 904-3850 ext. 23024. Email is or .