Additional information for certification ISO 22000 (FSM)

Details about management system

Is your FSM system already certified? / no
yes, by: / certificate is valid until:
þ Please attach a copy of the certificate. The possible recognition of these certificates could reduce the necessary audit days.
When will/did your FSM system come into effect? / month/year:
Have your been consulted by an external expert regarding the implementation of your QM system? / no
yes, by:
Should the whole company be certified? / yes, with all divisions
yes, with all operating units
no, only following divisions/operating units:

Company – information about products / services

(please tick as appropriate) / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M
Farming 1
(animals) / Farming 2
(plants) / Processing 1 perishable animal products / Processing 2 perishable vegetal products / Processing 3 products with long shelf life at ambient temperature / Feed production / Catering / Distribution / Services / Transport and storage / Equipment manufacturing / (Bio)Chemical manufacturing (additives, pesticides, fertilizers, …) / Packaging
Description of the products:
Available services
Type of activities? / primarily manual activities / primarily mechanical activities
Do you have your own labotarories? / no
yes, what analyses do you perform?
Description of the age and condition of the building, plant, equipment::

Data about products per location

For certification relevant locations / Headquarters in: / Branch 1 in: / Branch 2 in: / Branch 3 in:
No. of product lines
Seasonal product lines (what/period)
No. of products
No. of HACCP-concepts

Which core processes have you described for your company?

Production / Development / Trade/agency activities
Farming / Manufacturing/production / Catering
Collection / Sales / Administration
Treatment / Storage/intermediate storage/transhipment / Transport
Cleaning / disinfecting / packed, how: / packed, how:
Pest control / not packed / not packed
Drying / temperature controlled / temperature controlled
Packaging / other (which):

þ Please be aware that the FSM management system must be in effect for at least 3 month prior to certification!

date / signature / function responsible / date / signature / function responsible

C-03B-08_eng_additional information ISO 22000 Rev. 01/05/12 page 2 of 2

DEKRA Certification GmbH – Handwerkstraße 15 – D-70565 Stuttgart – Fax +49 (0)711.7861-2615 –