A: The meeting was started by an introduction from the President of the Federation – Robert Porto. He reiterated some of the tasks that had previously been agreed to be done, at the weak promotion of the Brighton Federation meeting, the Diploma in Sexual Medicine/Sexology, a need for Brighton to lower its registration fees, the possibility of appointing a PCO similar to WAS, the need for tenders to be clear for 2006 and 2008 and the fact that there is no link to the EFS website from the current EFS 2004 website.

The Vice President – Antonio then introduced himself telling everybody that the World Wide Web is important that programme details must be updated for the congress.

B: The minutes of the 10th of March 2003 (of the meeting held in Havana) were accepted with the following revisions.

Point 2 – this was confirmed an ex officio post. Lodging and registration for past Presidents should be offered in a way offered to all other executive members of the committee.

The EFS logo was felt to be too simple by Robert Porto. KRW explained that this was at odds with the company that designed the logo who said that simple was best and most widely understood and recognised by people throughout many countries!

It was felt that alternative bids for another logo could be encouraged and Robert Porto confirmed that if he were to have a further logo designed it would not be from EFS monies but from monies set aside by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals France Ltd.

5b - Robert Porto confirmed that he had tried through the French Ministry of Health but found that they had ‘not opened the door’.

C:. Review of tasks agreed in progress Mirelle Bonierbale had been unable to establish current teaching progress. Robert Porto will co-ordinate.

Action Robert Porto

Chiara Simonelli mentioned that Salvatore Caruso had translated his recommendation for his post graduate training programme from the ‘European School of Andrology’

Point 5 was introduced here – the European Diploma in Sexology/Sexual Medicine. Robert Porto reported that 8 French universities con held a con-joint examination in Sexual Medicine. It was mentioned that Osmo Kuntula from Finland is aware that 5 countries in the Nordic region have unified their teaching programme.

Mirelle Bonierbale confirmed the need to understand what each country required within their curriculum. The concept for sexology is different in many countries.

Mark Ganem suggested that Antonio Palha, Robert Porto and Kevan Wylie meet with the ESSM through a con-joined meeting.

Action KRW/RP & AP

It was agreed that all abstracts must remain on line with the email of the authors of each abstract.

Action: KRW to inform Guy Brown at Trilogy, CEO and Alan Riley for abstract production

Antonio Palha remarked that we could make a European Federation of Sexology Diploma.

Moshe Mock remarked on the legal status of any European Diploma that could be contested.

Action: It was agreed that Robert Porto would speak at the AGM of the ESSM requesting a joint committee be established.

Further tasks agreed:

Epidemiology – Chiara Simonelli and Salvatore Caruso have a misunderstanding of the tasks set by Robert Porto. Chiara Simonelli agreed that before Brighton there would be an update of problems in each country.

Promotion of the Federation – M Mocke from the Middle East, Ondrej Trojan from Eastern Europe and Ursula Pasini for the German societies reported no progress. Moshe Mock described his difficulties due to political concerns.

Action: KRW to send some stationary to Andre Trojan

Action: KRW to design a brochure to be checked by RP

Action: Antonio Palha to do a website trawl to find all Sexological Societies in Europe,

Eastern Europe and the Middle East. An excel database with email addresses and the full postal addresses of each society will be listed. This will be provided to KRW who will merge this with the existing list of Sexological Societies. It was agreed that up to 1000 euros for this work to be undertaken. It was agreed that if Antonio did not produce this list by the 31st of January 2004 then KRW would initiate this locally.

List of members – KRW reported it was extremely difficult if everybody pushed to do things their own way. A Paris list was provided by Marc Ganem to HMC. Antonio Palha will produce a list (see above). These two lists will be merged with the existing list of member societies.

Newsletter – It was with dismay that Robert Porto and Antonio Palha reported that they were unable to produce the first newsletter scheduled for late Spring 2003. They hope to have a newsletter available by the end of January 2004. They were pleased to accept some additional editorial assistance from Rojan Vanbussell? from the Flemish Association for Sexology.

D: A letter in the form of an email from Rojan Vanbussel from Leuven University in Belguim was read to the committee. It made comment about the sexological training and Kevan Wylie confirmed by email that Paul Enzlin had his name communicated to John Pryor. An offer with assistance with the EFS website was noted. Assistance with editing the EFS newsletter was noted.

E: . Budgets – Organisations which had paid for 2003 and 2004 were distributed. This was only 14 societies. KRW expressed concern that several associate of members of the Executive Committee had not paid their annual dues. This included Marc Ganem, Robert Porto Moshe Mock, Ondrej Trojan, Chiara Simonelli and Antonio Palha AP had paid 110 euros in cash. Other members of the executive agreed that they would arrange for transfers. Robert Porto asked whether the French societies could pay into the French account. However KRW said that this was not acceptable practice and that all subscriptions must be paid to the UK treasurers account.

It was confirmed by KRW that an accountant would be appointed who would scrutinise both the French and UK accounts. All transactions must be audited and accounted for. RP agreed that this would occur – that he would co-operate with this.

7. Brighton – the list of EFS speakers was produced and the committee felt that ‘a very nice programme’ was together. The registration costs were considered extremely steep and unacceptable. No one could understand why VAT was being charged by HMC and this point was to be raised back to the secretariat.

Action: Robert Porto to write to Brian Allmey

It was suggested that the fees should be €400 for early registrants before the end of February and 500 euros thereafter. Groups of 10 and more non-physicians should be charged 350 euros at all times.

Action: RP to write to HMC directorate

It was decided that if HMC refused to reduce the costs then Robert Porto and Antonio Palha would meet with KRW in Sheffield for a meeting with HMC in December.

Further programme details for HMC – It was felt that space should be made available for breaking news. It was felt that the call for abstracts should be extended until March 31st. It was felt that details should be provided for full travel arrangements to Brighton from entry in the UK. It was felt that there should be full details of the conference hotel i.e. the Hilton Metropole. It was felt that within the leaflet there must be alphabetical listing of all speakers including their country of origin. It was felt that all EFS and WAS speakers should be clearly signed as such. It was felt that the brochure should be reviewed by the EFS committee for further publication.

Action: These points will be put in an email and sent by express to HMC at

F: Tenders for 2006 and 2008 – It was confirmed that the last date of acceptance if for distribution to the EFS committee was 12th of April 2004. It was clarified again that a member submitting the tender had not paid their subscriptions then they would not be eligible for consideration. Full details will be posted on the EFS website.

G: Other meetings: Mirelle Bonierbale mentioned that a meeting promoted by Sexologies the Journal would be taking place in Mauritius in a year’s time. She wanted the support of the EFS for this meeting. It was confirmed that if members of the EFS committee were to submit a paper, which was accepted, or to take 20 delegates to the meeting they would get free board, lodging and business class travel the destination. The title of the theme is ‘Advanced items and Sexology’.

Action: Mirelle Bonierbale


Mirelle Bonierbale announced that sexologies – the European journal was in talks with Taylor and Francis for publication by them. It was confirmed that all members have subscription. All members of the executive were encouraged to submit.

Action Mirelle Bonierbale

The meeting closed just after 3.00pm and the next executive meeting is scheduled for 13.00hrs on the 12th of May 2004 at the Hilton Metropole – Brighton.

Action: Kevan R Wylie