City of York Athletics Club

Membership Update – Mar 2017

The membership process is broken down into 4 distinct functions which I have reported on separately.

Online data capture

2016 membership:448 (with an additional 40 members included in the 2017 year)

2017 membership (to date): 345

Under 16 (2017):142 (41%)


  1. A regularly updated membership list is being published on the website which has helped with identifying discrepancies and will likely promote membership within the club.
  2. The form has recently been updated to simplify the data and improve user ability.
  3. The contact page has been updated to provide visitors key information and FAQ’s

EA Registration

Each new member has an automatic data look up and manual check prior to the EA registration process being initiated. New registrations are generally being turned around in less than a week however I have quoted a 14day lead time on the website.


  1. There have been a small number of duplications due to a combination of incorrect information or the use of name abbreviations (eg. Robert to Rob).
  2. I have posted a one page guide on the website providing a brief overview and detailing the responsibilities of the club and individual.

Financial Verification

Total funds since 1st September 2016:£12,980

Verified since 1st September 2016:£8,100 (Jan17 & Mar17 outstanding)


  1. Immediate verification is not possible as the process requires monthly bank statements.
  2. For cash (Disability group) and cheques a process has been initiated to capture these payments and ensure future verification.

Membership Cards

Cards are currently being generated on a weekly basis and are available in the club house. These are intended as an informational card and to enforce membership within the club.


  1. The medical abbreviation has been removed and replaced by confirmation that a medical declaration has been provided (Yes or No)
  2. Adhoc checks will be undertaken however “membership” should be a common conversation for all Coaches and Team Managers. The last check on the13th March resulted in 18 sign ups the next day, which is a daily record.

Club Website

I monitor the analytics as this drives priorities with regard to improvement. Feedback is always welcomed! The table below provides the hits over the past 3 months.

Key points:

  1. The home page and latest news is updated weekly.
  2. Contact page has been updated.
  3. Summer league page has been updated.
  4. New online summer league form created and expected to be published very shortly.
  5. The committee pages have been combined and updated.
  6. The governance pages have been combined and updated.