Hamilton Boys’ High School

Parents’ Association (PA)

Proud to support our school

Minutes of Meeting.

Tuesday May 17 2016 at 7pm HBHS study centre.

Present: / Trevor Blackburn (Chair)
Annie Barry (Secretary)
Pio Monteiro(Treasurer)
Tanya Blackburn
Toni Koning
Maria Sikiotis
Gautam Ahlawat / Rachel Aitchison
Renaldo Barry
Fiona Webber
Sue Pirrit
Shona Pinny
Kim Elliott
Apologies: / Omar Martinez (Deputy Chair)
Briar Carr
Welan Rorimpandey / Lani Puriri
Louise Goodall
Kirsten Bennett
Item / Action
1. / Welcome, Introductions and Apologies.
Trevoropened the meeting and welcomed members. Apologiesnoted.
2. / Minutes of Previous Meeting (April 12 2016)Minutes presented.Matters arising to be dealt with later in the agenda. Minutes accepted/seconded. (Trevor/Toni)
3. / Correspondence.
Inwards/Outwards: Email correspondence regarding support for HBHS Marae project and pastoral initiatives including school shoe appeal (as circulated with agenda) . Accepted/seconded (Annie/Trevor).
4. / Entertainment Book Sales - Kim.
Kim reported over 70 books sold already . She will continue to promote the book and organise the admin.
5. / Staff Morning Tea, Friday June 24 – Rachael.
Annie, Nicola, Tanya, Sue and Shona have volunteered to help prepare the morning tea. Trevor will speak briefly to staff at the function. / Rachael –school link notices to parents.
Annie- Helper details to Rachael.
6. / School Shoe Appeal.
A school link notice was sent out on May 5 asking for new and used school shoes. Parents were quick to respond, and generous. So far we have received more than 60 pairs of new shoes and many pairs of second hand shoes in good repair, including an initial 6 pairs purchased by Fiona on behalf of the PA from the Warehouse for $84. Janice Vermeulen began allocating these to boys immediately and expects the need to increase now the cold weather has arrived.
Fiona is writing to The Warehouse looking for further support for our cause.
Janice has talked at a staff meeting about the work the PA is undertaking with her and has had a very positive response. / Fiona to draft letter to Warehouse
7. / Uniform Washing.
The deans office needs help washing uniforms/towels on a weekly basis.
Louise has kindly volunteered to contact the deans office on a weekly basis and wash items as required. We will look for a new volunteer for Term 3. / Louise Goodalltocover Term 2.
9. / Emergency Food Bags Scheme.
As the PA uniform cupboard is no longer being used for uniform items it has been relocated to the hall kitchen and will be used for emergency food bag supplies. Annie has been working with Janice to establish list of basic items and a few bags have already gone home with grateful students. Each bag contains the makings of two family meals as well as cereal, milo and items such as jam or vegemite. Bags are valued at about $25.
Fiona is drafting a letter which we will send to local supermarkets looking for sponsorship for this scheme.
The PA agreed that funds allocated for purchase of a cupboard should be transferred to food purchase (total budget now $800).
It was decided to wait until the beginning of Term 3 to ask for support from the school community. Meanwhile Sue and Toni have volunteered to shop for Janice as necessary.
*After the meeting closed a small group decided it might be best to purchase a ‘giftcard’ for members to use for food purchases. Annie has bought 2 x $100 cards and left one with Janice. Both Janice and the shopper will sign each receipt and a log book will be kept to record all spending. This system can be discussed and amended, as necessary, at the next committee meeting.
Leavers Dinner update – Annie and Trevor.
The school executive has rearranged the school diary to make it possible to use the school gym for this event on Tuesday October 25.Sub-committee discussing input/support from HBHS Foundation and catering by Kerr & Ladbrook. Looking to keep ticket prices low. To discuss possible inclusion of Year 12 leavers. / Sueto liaise w Janicere shopping.
Annie to purchase Pak’n’Save gift cards
Fiona to draft letter to supermarkets.
Trevor/Annie/Lanito continue planning.
10. / Treasurers Report.
Pio presented the final 2016 budget, it was approved/seconded (Pio/Annie)
The school has yet to use the $10,000 donated by the PA in 2015 for outdoor seating for students. Trevor will discuss this with school executive, also mentioning the idea of shade cloth areas for students in the event that the Board no longer requires the outdoor seating. The main requirement for the donation from the PA is that the funds be used for something tangible that the student body can utilise. / Trevor – discuss with Graham and Susan.
13. / BOT report - Maria.
Maria reported that it had been decided not to hold a ‘meet and greet’ evening for BOT candidates this year due to poor attendance in previous years.
This was Maria’s last PA committee meeting as she is retiring from the BOT this year. She commented that she had thoroughly enjoyed her time working with the PA and was pleased to see the direction the PA was heading in.
On behalf of the PA, Trevor thanked Maria for all the excellent work she had done and hoped the incoming BOT would be able to find someone as good as Maria to fill the role of PA liaison.
Gully update – Trevor.
Trevor reported that he, Julie Jay, Graham Robinson and Martin Kirby met and inspected the gully and were very impressed with progress. Mulching and new planting was being undertaken and existing plants were thriving.
The school is considering installing bollards to prevent unauthorised vehicles access to the gully area. Graham has approved the PA putting an information sign at the gully entrance.
The committee voted to commit $600 from the Gully Fund for the next phase of planting. It was also confirmed that the gully entrance sign be funded from the unrestricted/available PA fund ($950 in the budget).
Banner design competition – Annie.
Committee members voted on the six designs submitted by students. It was a close competition, but Alex Cheng’s design was the winner. Alex will now work with a graphic designer to create appropriate artwork for the banner. The committee decided the other 5 entrants should receive a box of chocolates each. / Annie to present concept for sign at next committee meeting
Annie – organise gfits and $50 note for Alex.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.

The next meeting will be held in the HBHS staffroom at 7pm on Tuesday July 5 2016.

HBHS PA Meeting Notes May 17 2016Page 1