UConn Signage Committee

Meeting Minutes

Monday, May 19, 2008

v  Members:

v  Ken Crowell – Facilities - Absent George Kraus – AES

v  Ann Denny – Parking

v  Frank Magisano – Fire Dean Hanink - Faculty

Mark Fitzgibbon- Police - Absent Meg Malmborg – LVC Chairperson

Joseph Griffith – Building Inspector Lee Williams – Student Affairs

1. Approval of meeting minutes of April 21, 2008

2. Parking Signage Review – process of review so far

Meg explained that she has completed a digital photo inventory of signs in the following areas:

W Lot T Lot L Lot X Lot Y Lot Lot 8 Lot 9

Charter Oak Apts. Route 195/North Eagleville Road intersection Stadium Road

North Hillside Road Student Recreation Foundation North Garage South Garage

Meg is now in the process of preparing a (PowerPoint) report to be reviewed with Ann Denny. After Ann and Meg review the items, the information will be shared with the Signage Committee for additional comments and suggestions.

The parking review is an involved process and will take most of the summer of the complete.

Additionally, Prof. Robert Henning’s Human Factors Design (psychology) class also looked at parking/signage from a student’s perspective and presented their findings on April 24. The student’s researched parking maps and signs at other colleges and gave thoughtful, informed, and relevant suggestions regarding improving parking/safety at the Storrs campus. Meg will incorporate the student’s suggestions into her final report (as well as those of the campus consultants (JJR and Chance) which were done in 2005).

Meg also met with Alexandra Roe (AES Office) on May 1 to discuss projects that that may overlap with her office and the Signage Committee’s undertakings. Alex shared that there are many large scale projects (new buildings) that are being scrutinized to ensure that they align with the Academic Plan.

3. Emergency Notices

Meg shared a copy of the new Emergency Communications notices that are being placed in all campus dorm rooms, classrooms and offices. Melanie Savino has ordered plastic holders for the notices for the classrooms and offices (these holders allow notices to be easily changed as necessary). In the dorm rooms the signs will be affixed directly behind the door (next to the evacuation signs).

4. Kiosks and Temporary Event Signage

The Committee discussed kiosks – purpose, placement, style, and maintenance. Lee Williams shared several pieces of correspondence related to kiosks that have been exchanged between various offices over the past four years.

Lee stated that Student Affairs no longer has any funding for the kiosks.

She also showed a listing (from 2006) regarding where kiosks should be located. Meg advised that this listing be reviewed to make sure the locations were still accurate and to prioritize the list.

Lee also said that Student Affairs (with a student working for Kevin Fahey) would be responsible for the maintenance of the kiosks.

Meg shared the photo of a kiosk design that Dave Lotreck said he could build for about $2,500. Meg re-iterated the need for the kiosks to be aesthetically pleasing and compliment the campus. The design JJR Consulting provided for kiosks in 2006 (estimated cost $10,000 each) would cost more initially but would look better in the long term.

Meg will ask two of the current signs vendors that work with UConn to review the kiosk designs and provided and estimated cost to fabricate and install three kiosks.

Additionally, Meg suggested that the use of the existing shuttle bus stops (back wall area) be utilized for both the posting of a shuttle bus map route and for notices.

The Committee discussed the event signage recommendation that campus consultants (JJR and Chance) had submitted for event sign postings that compliment the existing campus blue signs. The objectives of the Event Sign Posts are to promote UConn activities and communicate the dynamic nature of the campus community.

Meg sent a letter (and drawing) to numerous departments (those most likely to use the Event Sign Post such as cultural centers, Co-op, SU, Benton and Jorgensen) to gauge their interest and likely usage of an event sign post program. Depts./groups were asked to reply to the inquiry by June 1, 2008. If there is a large interest in the Event Sign Posts, the concept will be discussed in detail with Jim Bradley, Scott Brohinsky, Tom Callahan and Barry Feldman.

Additionally discussed were the small Temporary Event Signs (the kind the Sign Shop makes by screening on plastic and are stuck in the ground with thin wire posts) that are used to direct guests to locations on the day of an event.

Meg drafted a form that explains the particulars of the temporary event signs including costs (for the signs and their installation/removal and responsible parties) and how to order the signs. This was shared with Rick Levere (Sign Shop).

One objective of the Committee is to set up a webpage (signs.uconn.edu) where all information related to signs is listed for easy reference. Meg will discuss this with Barry Feldman.

5. Trail

The sign requested for the trail that runs between the Storrs Campus and Celeron Apartments was stolen less than 24 hours after being erected. The Committee suggests that the words “Apartment Path” be painted on the trail at both ends instead of posting more signs.

6. Adjournment