PUPIL BULLETIN Wednesday 2nd November 2016
CLAY MUGS Could the following classes please come to the Art Department to collect their clay mugs – 2.123G & 2.67S C. Young
Scottish Poppy Appeal S6 Fundraising Committee will be coming around registration classes until the 11th of November selling poppies, so make sure to have your money ready. The suggested donation is £1. Mrs Macdonald (Drama)
Trump v Clinton? Donot miss this week’s very special Speaker’s Corner when our own Donald and Hilary will face each other and trade barbs. All in the library on Friday, at lunchtime. Ms O’Reilly & S2 Pupils, as you have never seen them before.
Warhammer club Following the move to G31 (Mrs Thompson) the Warhammer Club will now only be on during a Wednesday lunchtime. Thanks (RT)
Bridge Club The Bridge club continues in B49 every Thursday from 1.00p.m. Bring along your lunch and learn to play Bridge. Mrs McCalman, P7 teacher at Bishopmill Primary School will be helping to deliver the sessions. If you have played Bridge before or would like to learn then please come along – everyone welcome. (KJG)
YPOD in the bridge Wednesday at Lunchtime. Anyone interested in become part of a YouTube channel project come along.
School Rugby Club: Train re-starts this Wednesday after school 3.45 to 5.00. All new and existing players welcome. Would Fergus Nicol and Rory Miller see Mr Sim and Mr Kelly about a club meeting please
Basketball Anyone interested in playing school basketball this term please register your interest at the PE department. (RS)
Physics Dept Student help Classes: From now until the prelimson Monday after school 3.30 to 4.30.
National 5 : G 13, Higher G 11, Adv Higher G 09
EA Pipe Band We would like to get the school pipe band up and running again this year, so if you are interested in being part of it then please let Mr MacAndie (G29) know as soon as possible. Pipers and drummers of all levels, including learners, are welcome.
Violin group – Violin group has re-started and will take place every Monday lunchtime in the music department. All violin players welcome. Come and play some Christmas tunes! See Mrs Robertson or Rhona Sword (S6) if you have any questions.
Rotary Young photographers competition- Calling all camera enthusiasts. This exciting national completion is open to all pupils and is a great opportunity to showcase some of your photographic skills. It is a three stage competition and deadline is the 8th of March, so plenty of time to get some practice in before hand or join camera club to build up your skills. For more information on the theme and an application form pop along to B39 after school on a Wednesday where I will be discussing it with my camera club. Miss Tullis.
S1/S2 Cookery Club Cookery club is on this Thursday from 3.20pm – 4.20pm please sign up in the HE department before Thursday. It costs £1.00 and remember your tub. (KA)
S2 into 3 Personalisation and Choice All forms should be completed and returned to your register teacher no later than this Friday – 4th November. If you require another form then please pick one up from the office. Many thanks for those already in. (KJG)
S1- S3 Camera club - Hi photographers. Club is back on this Wednesday 2nd of November 3.20- 4.20 pm . New and existing members welcome. This week we will be exploring compositional techniques. Look forward to seeing you there in B39. For more information see Miss Tullis.
S1-Do you love Christmas? Are you crafty? Come to The Christmas craft club in G20 every Thursday lunchtime 1pm on the run up to Christmas, first one November 3rd. Bring your lunch, any materials you can spare from home and ideas of what you would like to make. (Mrs Kerr)
Novelties Book Club TODAY at lunchtime in the library. New members welcome. From 1.10pm in the library.
Paired Readers There will be a ½ hour training session in B43 (Mrs Young’s room) on Thursday at 3:20 for pupils involved in Pupil Support (paired reading, maths….). The session will focus on approaches to working with pupils who have autism. It is hoped as many as possible will be able to attend. Alex Webster
House Leaders - please attend a meeting in the library at interval tomorrow……to find out more about the bibliofun ahead.
S4-6 Biology Study Support Biology study support is available every Tuesday after school from 3.25-4.25 for all Biology courses. Come along to the Biology department to get help with class work, access resources and work on problem solving skills. You will also be able to work on revision techniques and practice SQA past papers.
History tutorials There will be a drop in session every Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm for all N5, Higher and Adv Higher history pupils who would like extra help of support with their exam courses in B25. All welcome.
The S6 pupil and S6 pupil/staff photographs will be taken on Friday 4th Nov from 1:10 onwards in the assembly hall. (AW)
Higher/Advanced Higher French classes TRIP TO PARIS: 2nd instalment now due (£200) AND meeting on Wednesday 9th November 1.10pm in B12. Thank you
TALKING ABOUT CAREERS IN MEDICINE – The University of Aberdeen Medical School in collaboration with NHS Grampian and Moray College are holding a one day conference for senior pupils from Moray Schools in Moray College on Friday 11th November 2016. The day would be relevant to any student considering a career in a medical related field. Interested students should pass names to their Guidance teacher by Thursday 4 November. (CF)