/ REZ Day Camp 2016
August 15-17
Camp Elk River /

Welcome to Rogers Area Girl Scouts Day Camp! Girls going into grades 2 – 6 will be at camp on Monday through Wednesday –August 15-17, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Camp Experience girls going into 1st grade will join us on Tuesday,August 16thonly.

All campers will receive their camp t-shirt the first morning of camp. Campers should wear their camp t-shirt home each evening of camp and MUST wear their t-shirt Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in order to board the bus.

Campers riding the bus: The buses will depart from ROGERS MIDDLE SCHOOLat 7:45 a.m, LINCOLN ELEMENTARY at 7:30 am & ZIMMERMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL at 7:45 am. Campers will need to be at the bus 15 minutes prior to departure timefor attendance and sign in. The buses will arrive back at ROGERS MIDDLE SCHOOL, LINCOLN ELEMENTARY AND ZIMMERMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL by 5:00 p.m. each evening. All campers must be picked up promptly. Campers must be signed into and out of camp/bus everyday, so please allow time to do so. Campers riding directly to camp with parent volunteers need to check in and out at Timbermeade each day. If your camper will not be coming to day camp on any of the days, please call Carrie’s cell phone at the bottom of this letter – we need to account for every girl registered for day camp.

What to Bring to Day Camp


Bag lunch for each day (snacks and water will be provided)


Rain poncho (camp occurs rain or shine!)

Hat or cap to keep sun off your face

Jacket or sweatshirt (mornings can be cool)


Sunscreen (please apply some before camper comes to day camp)

Bug Repellent

Swimsuit (should be left at camp each day hung on a clothesline to dry – we swim everyday at camp, weatherpermitting and girls cannot swim without their swimsuit!)

Towel (should be left at camp each day)

Sharpie marker or fabric marker (for shirt signing)

Wear closed-toe shoes appropriate for a lot of walking (there will be shoe check at bus check-in!). NO FLIP-FLOPS, CROCS OR OPEN-TOED SHOES WILL BE ALLOWED!

Optional Items to Bring to Day Camp


Water bottle

Camera (girls will be responsible for their own pictures and camera)

SWAPS (see below for a description of SWAPS)

Fanny pack to hold water, SWAPS, sunscreen, etc.

Please label everything your camper brings to day camp!

What Not to Bring to Day Camp

  • Money (we’ll have a trading post with “camp money” given to the girls)
  • Electronic Devices such as cell phone, IPod, gaming devise etc.
  • Jewelry
  • Candy, pop or extra food


Camp activities will be modified as necessary in rainy or stormy weather. Your day camper should dress for the weather each day.


If a parent/guardian needs to contact a camper during day camp, call Timbermeade Center at 763-441-7838 ext. 32 or call Carrie Friendshuh’s cell phone, listed below.


All necessary medications must be kept in the original container with the original label intact and legible. The day camp First Aider will collect all medications as the girls arrive (with the exception of epi-pens and inhalers). If there have been any changes in your camper’s medical condition since you filled out her health form, please send a note with your camper the first day of camp.


Please check your camper for ticks each evening.


We hope your camper will be able to be at day camp for the entire time. If your camper comes late or needs to leave early, a parent/guardian MUST come to Timbermeade Center and sign a release form.


The Girl Scout Council has required that all volunteers and visitors must have a background check in order to be at day camp. If you do need to come to camp to deliver something to your camper, you must pre-arrange your visit & sign-in at Timbermeade with a day camp staff member. This is for the safety of our girls; we need to be aware of everyone on site at all times.


Each camper may (but is not required to) select a nickname that they would like to be called at camp. Some examples of camp names include Zippy, Turtle, or River. If possible, please help your camper think of a camp name prior to our first day of camp. Camp names are part of the fun!


Swaps is the tradition of Girl Scouts exchanging keepsakes. To make a Swap, you start with a safety pin. Swaps can be as simple as adding a ribbon or bead to the pin – they should not cost very much! Try looking online for other Swap ideas. Girls can bring however many swaps they would like to trade – there will be 12 – 16 girls in each unit and about 100 girls at day camp. If possible, campers should include their first name or camp name and troop number on the back of the Swap. Participation in Swaps is optional.

We are looking forward to a fun time with your campers at day camp! Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Carrie Friendshuh, REZ Day Camp Director

Cell: 763-350-1750