Webelos Badge
Author: Staging Den and Pack Ceremonies (BSA 33212)

Cubmaster, Webelos leader, Webelos Scouts, and their parents.

Webelos badges, safety pins.

Cubmaster: When our boys become Cub Scouts, they work to earn four badges to form a diamond on their left pocket. First they must earn their Bobcat badge. Next, they earn the Wolf badge and then they go on to achieve the Bear badge.

The final part of the Cub Scout diamond is earned as they move up the Scouting trail into the Webelos den. Our Webelos leader will tell us what is required to earn this badge.

Webelos Leader: The Webelos badge is earned by having an adult family member read and sign the Parent Guide in his Webelos Scout Book, by being active in the den for 3 months, by explaining the meaning of the Webelos badge, by explaining the parts of the Webelos uniform, by earning Fitness and two other activity badges, by planning and leading a flag ceremony in his den, by understanding the requirements for becoming a Boy Scout, and by becoming actively involved in his own religious faith. He must also understand and agree to follow the Outdoor Code.

This step on the Scouting trail prepares our boys to earn the highest Cub Scout award, the Arrow of Light, and move on. to a Boy Scout troop.

Tonight, Webelos Scout [name] has earned this final section of the diamond.

Will Webelos Scout [name] and his parents please come forward. (They do.)

Webelos Scout [name], you have completed the activity badges (name them), and demonstrated that you understand the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan. You have also learned the Scout sign and handshake along with the Scout salute, and completed the other requirements of this badge.

I am very pleased to present this Webelos badge to your parents to pin on your uniform. (Repeat this for each Webelos Scout who receives the badge.)

Cubmaster: We are very proud of the Webelos Scouts who have received the Webelos badge tonight. The final step as a Cub Scout before graduating to a Boy Scout troop will be to earn the Arrow of Light Award. I look forward to presenting this to you in the future.


Webelos Badge Advancement
Author: Staging Den and Pack Ceremonies (BSA 33212)

Webelos Scouts, Webelos den leader, Cubmaster, parents.

Webelos badges, ceremonial board if desired, table, safety pins.

The Webelos leader and Webelos Scouts present themselves at the front of the pack meeting. The Webelos badges are placed on the ceremonial board or table, ready for presentation by the Cubmaster. The parents remain seated until the appropriate moment near the end of the ceremony.

Webelos Den Leader: Will [names of participating Webelos Scouts] please give the Scout sign, and repeat the correct phrase of the Scout Oath.

Webelos Scouts: (In unison.) On my honor ...

Webelos Den Leader: An assurance I make, a pledge to do right, I keep it before me, a bright shining light

Webelos Scouts: I will do my best ...

Webelos Den Leader: I'll try my best to do it, though difficult it may be, and if I keep my promise, then folks will believe in me.

Webelos Scouts: To do my duty to God and my country ...

Webelos Den Leader: To God, the creator, and a country so mighty; my reverence, my loyalty, forever I guarantee.

Webelos Scouts: And to obey the Scout Law ...

Webelos Den Leader: The 12 points of the Scout Law are the rules of the game; to become a useful citizen, that is my aim.

Webelos Scouts: To help other people at all times ...

Webelos Den Leader: The young, the old, many people need me; a cheery smile, a helping hand, of service I will be.

Webelos Scouts: To keep myself physically strong....

Webelos Den Leader: Building endurance, building strength, being careful, my body will serve me well if I am thoughtful.

Webelos Scouts: Mentally awake....

Webelos Den Leader: My mind is important, a tool to keep keen; to be always alert and ready to learn.

Webelos Scouts: And morally straight.

Webelos Den Leader: I'll strive to be honest, clean, and faithful, my character unblemished. All good and true values I want a part of me when I've finished.

(The Cubmaster calls the parents forward. With congratulations and a Cub Scout handshake, the Webelos badges are presented to the parents, who in turn present them to their boys.)

Webelos Badge Ceremony

Equipment: Blue, yellow, green, and red face paint.


Many moons ago the Great Chief Akela called a council to see what could be done to

make Webelos the strongest of all tribes. One council member stood and said, “We

need colors for our braves, to guide them in how they live their lives.” Another rose to

his feet and declared, “We need to set challenges before our braves, so that they may

prove their bravery and loyalty.” The council talked for many hours and finally decided

on both the colors that would offer best guidance and that each young brave, upon

entering the tribe, would have to prove his worthiness to wear these colors.

Tonight we recognize a brother who has been living the values of the tribe of Webelos.

This Scout has met the challenges and adventures thus far on the Webelos trail, and

while there is still much more adventure before him, he has now earned the right to

wear the Webelos colors as they progress onward.

The Great Council chose each color carefully to symbolize ideas that will be important

to you. Each color has a special meaning that will be given to you one at a time to help

direct you along the right path.

The first color is blue.

Blue symbolizes the effort you will make to reach your goals along the Webelos trail. It

represents water upon which all life depends. It also represents the heavens, the

house of God to which the Scout is reverent.


Do you accept the challenges ahead of you in the Webelos tribe?

(BALOO paints a blue mark on the Scout’s cheek)


Yellow represents the Pack. You will help the Pack go and it will help you grow.

Yellow is the color of the rays of the sun that bring warmth, good cheer, and happiness

and will light your way along the Webelos trail to the Arrow of Light, which Webelos

strive to achieve.


Do you vow to do your best?

(BALOO paints a yellow mark)

Webelos Badge Ceremony


Green represents the forest and the trees so that you may stand tall on the Scouting

trail and live under nature's canopy. As a Webelos scout, you come to nature's house,

spend more time in the outdoors, and learn the ways of the outdoorsmen, naturalist

and forester. You will come to understand more of animals, plants, and the forces of

weather. Green also represents the Boy Scout Troop that you will eventually join.


Do you wish to learn more about these things and grow in your scouting skills?

(BALOO paints a green mark)


Red represents the blood of warriors that fought and who continue to fight to protect

us, to make us a great nation, to which a Scout is loyal. Red also stands for your

Webelos brothers. You are all bound together through struggles and challenges. You

will need each other to succeed and you must always be prepared to help each other



Do you promise to help your fellow Webelos on their trail?

(BALOO paints a red mark)


Just as Native American boys became warriors and were painted in the colors of their

tribe, we have painted you with the colors of the Webelos tribe. Wear your Webelos

Colors proudly while you progress along the Webelos Trail, never forgetting that a tribe

grows together. Brothers in the Webelos tribe now wear these colors as they trail the

eagle, follow the sun, and keep the spirit of Scouting a bright light. Achieving the

Webelos rank is a major step on the Cub Scout trail on your way to the Arrow of Light

and on to the Boy Scout trail to Eagle.

Painted Webelos Ceremony
Materials: Blue, Yellow and Red Paint, Webelos Badges, Safety Pins, Small tom-tom
Introduction: Indian Drummer begins soft, slow rhythmic beat.
CM: Webelos stands for "We'll Be Loyal Scouts." Would the following Scouts and their parent please come forward. Read Scouts names.
CM: The sign of the Webelos Scout signifies a major step on the Cub Scout Trail. Just as Indian boys became warriors and were painted in the colors of their tribe, we will paint you with the colors of Scouting. If you want to wear the sign of the Webelos, please say "yes".
Cubs: Yes
CM: You are well on your way along the Cub Scout Trail to reach the honor of the Arrow of Light, and eventually start the Boy Scout trail to seek the sign of the Eagle. To help you along your journey, we will give you the sign of the Webelos.
The blue W across your nose is for strength as you work on the Arrow of Light.
(Parents paint a large W From ear to ear across the bridge of nose)
The yellow on your chin and forehead is the color of sunlight and will light your way along the Scouting Trail.
(Parents paint a yellow triangle on chin pointing down and on forehead pointing up)
The red stands for fire so that you have a burning desire to explore new areas.
(Parents paint red stripes on each side of the chin and forehead triangles and under the W on each cheek)
All of these colors together form the Webelos symbol. You should be very proud to wear it.
I will present your badge to your parent who will pin it to your uniform.
Congratulations to you and your family on completing this part of the Cub Scout Trail.

When I shout “WE’LL BE…”

You shout “LOYAL SCOUTS!”

CM (Cub Master), three other leaders

Parent’s Pin, Webelos badge, a Green Candle, a Red Candle, and a Yellow Candle

Will the following Cub Scouts and their parents please come forward? (Read names) Tonight you are to receive the Webelos rank. This rank is the next to last step in Cub Scouting. It requires that a boy begin to learn skills of the adult world. You have begun to learn about Boy Scouting and have agreed to live by its Promise and Law. Your parents have continued to support you in this effort. As token of their help, please pin this Parent’s pin on them . (Boy does)

The rank of Webelos entitles you to wear the Webelos Colors. These three ribbons are green, red and yellow. To symbolize your achievement in earning this rank, we have three candles here tonight. (Chose three parents to stand behind the candles and light them as each color is explained.)

Green indicates knowledge of the Scout oath and Law and signifies the learning of manhood skills.

Red signifies the achievement of three activity badges.

Yellow indicates you have been an active Cub Scout for at least three months in your Webelos Den, and have performed many good turns, helping your Den, Pack and family.

Now parents, you may pin the Webelos badge on your son’s uniform. Congratulations new Webelos Scouts. Thank you parents for your help to your son.. Continue to help him as he completes the last step of his Cub Scout trail. Pack welcome these new Webelos with a Grand Howl.