All About Me Introduction Booklet

For this assignment, you will put together an “All About Me Introduction Booklet.” To illustrate to me who you are, I am requiring that you select and provide different items that you feel reflect your personality and individual characteristics. The first four sections should be half a page each. It must be G-rated. You must provide the following:

Movie Clip Reveal:

Identify a movie clip that reveals at least one aspect of who you are, how you define yourself, or reveals something you feel is very important. Simply give the title of the movie and give a summary of the clip. Next explain why you chose it and what it reveals about you!

Musical Selection:

We all love music hence our MP3’s and Ipods. Songs reflect a variety of themes, topics, and genres. Select a song in which the message “means” something to you or expresses thoughts and beliefs that reflect your own. Explain how the lyrics demonstrate a part of you that you find difficult to voice on your own.


An impressive achievement is to be able to express a great deal in the smallest amount of words. This is poetry. Poems vary regarding genre and theme and there are thousands to choose from. Choose a poem whose subject not only interests you but reveals something about you such as your beliefs and feelings about a particular topic.


Select a picture of an artwork (may be taken from the internet). Explain why you chose this piece. What about this artwork intrigues you? For example, if it is a serene picture of a sunset, then perhaps you are a lover of nature and enjoy the outdoors?


Complete an acronym of your first and middle name. (If you do not have a middle name then use your last name.) For example: Jamye – Joyful Always Happy Musical Young Easygoing

License Plate:

Remember personalized license plates can only be 8 letters or less. Be Unique and use colors!

Self-Expression Collage:

You may use the magazines I have, select pictures from the Internet, drawings of your own, or even personal pictures from home. You may even wish to use objects. The main objective is to demonstrate one defining characteristic of you to me. Ex. Friendly, Dreamer. You must use two pieces of construction paper as the “poster.”

Questionnaire: (Located on the next page.)

Your booklet should consist of ALL these components.

You must include copies of the poem, song and artwork.

Your booklet should be neat, colorful, and bound together.

This assignment is worth a test grade.

Begin the semester with an “A.”

Answer the following “Getting to Know You” questions in any creative format you want.

1.  What was the happiest event of your life?

2.  What three things could you not live without?

3.  Who is your best friend? How long have you been friends?

4.  What would you say was the happiest day of your life?

5.  What achievement are you most proud of?

6.  What is your favorite time of day and why?

7.  What’s your favorite type of weather and why?

8.  What is your favorite sound and why?

9.  What is your greatest fear?

10.  Who do you respect the most?

11.  Who would you like to change places with for a day, if you could? Why?

12.  Who do you think you take after in your family?

13.  What is your favorite place and why?

14.  What do you want to achieve in the next five years?

15.  What do you like about yourself?

16.  If you were a superhero, what would be your special power?

17.  What would you use it for?

18.  How do you think your special power could make a difference in the world?

19.  What is your favorite color and why?

20.  What do you hope to achieve in this class?

21.  Ask me one question you would love to know the answer to.