Shawnee Mission School District

High School Course Syllabus

Course / Drama / Teacher: Tom DeFeo
Number / 1450 / School: 212/ SM East
Department / Language Arts / Year: 2014-2015
Description / Drama is a year-long elective which earns a full credit. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors all take this class together. Some of the activities include: improvisations; theatre games; pantomime; acting with a partner and alone; playwriting, casting, directing, and performing; learning many interesting facts about theatre, past and present, onstage and backstage; and learning to understand and appreciate the entire theatre process.
Objectives / The student will
§  interpret subtleties of sensory perception and emotional states
§  use imagination to form and express thought, feeling and character
§  apply movement techniques and vocal techniques for characterization
§  express meaning and character though language
§  develop and apply artistic discipline
§  analyze and evaluate elements in dramatic literature
§  analyze and evaluate live theatre using selected criteria
§  recognize the contributions of technical elements in creating theatrical effects
§  define the elements of a play
§  dramatize a variety of conflicts between people in various relationships
§  understand the concepts of scenic design and construction; property design, construction and acquisition; lighting and sound design and operation; costume design, construction, and acquisition; and makeup design and application in theatre production
§  understand the requirements of theatre etiquette.


Used / Basic Drama Projects, 8th Edition
Major Topics Covered by Quarter
(projected schedule) /
Theatre games/exercises all
Stage directions/improvisation all
Play structure 2
Playwriting all
Theatre history all
The creative process 2,3,4
Technical theatre and design 2,3,4
Duets 3,4
Method of Evaluation / Participation/Attitude 60%
Tests 10%
Projects 30%
Student Expectations/
Responsibilities /

Respect self, others, and the performance space

Participate fully daily
Honor deadlines

Drama.doc 8/19/14