2015 Transfer Specialist Conference Agenda

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Sponsored by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Cragun’s Resort & Hotel on Gull Lake

7:00 am – 8:30 am Breakfast

Room – Lakeside Dining Room

8:00 am – 8:30 am Registration

Hotel Lobby Area

8:30 am – 8:40 am Welcome - Louise DiCesare

Room – Lakeshore 1 & 2

8:40 am – 8:50 am Opening Remarks

Ron Anderson, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs

Room – Lakeshore 1 & 2

8:50 am – 10:45 am Responding to Rules that Govern Transfer Panel

A panel of presenters will discuss how their colleges or universities respond to the rules that govern transfer. Topics will include: state legislation, school policies, procedures, guidelines and best practices.

Kenegunda Miller and Thomas Leno, Bismarck State College

Linda Young, University of Wisconsin-Stout

Heather Rondeau, University of Minnesota - Duluth

Nicole Coppersmith, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Dawn Bjork-Pedersen, Ridgewater College

Jolene Richardson, Minnesota State University Moorhead

Room – Lakeshore 1 & 2

10:45 am – 11:00 am Break

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

Session 1: PSEO and Concurrent Enrollment

Hear how the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities work with PSEO and Concurrent Enrollment. Topics will include processes, procedures, policies, guidelines, issues and concerns.

Pakou Yang and Jessica Espinosa, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Julie Williams, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

Room – Lakeshore 1 & 2

Session 2: Transfer Pathways

This session will provide an overview of the transfer legislation from 2015 that describes the development of transfer pathways from two-year colleges to the seven state universities.

Lynda Milne, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Room – Paul Bunyan 1

Session 3: Communicating With Students About Transfer

This session will explore the different ways institutions communicate with their students about transfer. Topics will include: separate orientation, training sessions, communication methods, when communication is conducted, registration dates, special advisors, how are the faculty involved in the communication, what are key things that staff discuss with transfer students.

Deanna Pelley, Concordia University, St. Paul

Charlotte Nordstrom, Century College

Room – Paul Bunyan 2

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch– Lakeside Dining Room

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

Session 1: Competition Out, Cooperation In

Normandale Community College, Metropolitan State University, and Minnesota State University, Mankato are working to set students up for success when they transfer to the university. Learn how these MnSCU institutions do what is best for the students when it comes to preparing and transferring to a bachelors program within the Partnership Center. The presenters will talk about the history of the partnership, successful transfer and where they go from here.

Diem Vo, Normandale Community College

Ashley Wetherspoon, Metropolitan State University

Erin Harley and Paj Ntaub Lee, Minnesota State University, Mankato

Changing Paradigms within Higher Education Access: The Auggie Plan

Augsburg College and Minneapolis Community and Technical College formed a unique partnership that was meant to simplify the transfer process and rethink access to a 4-year, private liberal arts institution. With shared commitments to diversity, experiential education, and student success, challenges and successes will be shared, as well as the uniqueness of the plan in relation to curriculum, co-curricular aspects, and joint services.

Aaron Salasek and Catherine Bishop, Augsburg College

Room – Lakeshore 1 & 2

Session 2: Nursing Student Transfer

Learn about the Minnesota Alliance for Nursing Education (MANE) program at Metropolitan State University and Augsburg College’s process for working with Nursing transfer students. This session will touch on wait lists, pre-requisites, requirements and other possible options for undecided students. The session will also include a facilitated discussion.

Julio Vargas-Essex, Metropolitan State University

Janet Lestock, Augsburg College

Room – Paul Bunyan 1

Session 3: From Application to Graduation-The Transfer Student Experience

At Saint Paul College, transfer students receive academic and transfer advising from the moment they apply through graduation. This session will focus on effective practices used by Transfer Specialists to admit and advise community and technical college students with a variety of majors and educational goals. Attendees will be invited to share their own experiences and practices.

Emily Batres, Laura Bebinger and Tarah Bjorklund, Saint Paul College

Room – Paul Bunyan 2

2:00 pm – 2:15 pm Break

2:15 pm – 3:15 pm Concurrent Sessions

Session 1: International Transfer

Hear what the process is at Winona State University and St. Catherine University for working with international student transfer. Topics will include: Canada/UK/Virgin Island transfer vs other international transfer, how to evaluate international transcripts using NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services) or in house evaluation, how to reach out to international students, staffing, scholarships and housing.

Sarah Curtin, Winona State University

Aimee Thostenson, St. Catherine University

Room – Lakeshore 1 & 2

Session 2: Promoting Transferology

Learn about the unique and effective ways the University of Minnesota – Duluth and Metropolitan State University promote Transferology to their students, advisors and faculty. The session will also include a facilitated discussion.

Sarah Hatfield and Heather Rondeau, University of Minnesota - Duluth

Jessica Migler, Metropolitan State University

Room – Paul Bunyan 1

Session 3: Transfer – Tools, Barriers and Opportunities

Come see how MACAC (Minnesota Association for College Admission Counseling) connects these admissions professionals together and fosters their own professional development. You will take away MACAC and NACAC tools and resources geared toward transfer populations. Insight will be shared on new transfer initiatives and programs across their institutions. The panel encourages idea sharing and participation for the next steps needed to address barriers and opportunities we all face when working with this important population.

Bryan Karl, The College of St. Scholastica

Genna Anderson, Anoka-Ramsey Community College

Room – Paul Bunyan 2

3:15 pm – 3:30 pm Closing/Feedback

Room – Lakeshore 1 & 2