WED 466 - Quiz 4 - Terminology

______- Community Based Organization - means a private nonprofit organization that is representative of a community or a significant segment of a community and that has demonstrated expertise and effectiveness in the field of workforce investment.

______- Means training that is designed to meet the special requirements of an employer (including a group of employers) that is conducted with a commitment by the employer to employ an individual on successful completion of the training; and for which the employer pays for not less than 50 percent of the cost of the training.

______- Means an individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received a notice of termination or layoff, from employment; is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation; or has been employed for a duration sufficient to demonstrate employment, but is not eligible for unemployment compensation due to insufficient earnings or having performed services for an employer that were not covered under a State unemployment compensation law; and is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation; has been terminated or laid off, or has received a notice of termination or layoff, from employment as a result of any permanent closure of, or any substantial layoff at, a plant, facility, or enterprise; is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close within 180 days.

______- The purpose of this subtitle is to provide workforce investment activities, through statewide and local workforce investment systems, that increase the employment, retention, and earnings of participants, and increase occupational skill attainment by participants, and, as a result, improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation. An Act to consolidate, coordinate, and improve employment, training, literacy, and vocational rehabilitation programs in the United States, and for other purposes.

______- To establish a national framework within which all States can create statewide School-to-Work Opportunities systems that are a part of comprehensive education reform; are integrated with the systems developed under the Goals 2000: Educate America Act and the National Skill Standards Act of 1994; and offer opportunities for all students to participate in a performance-based education and training program that will enable the students to earn portablecredentials; prepare the students for first jobs in high-skill, high-wage careers; and increase their opportunities for further education, including education in a 4-year college or university.

______- Is a major national initiative to promote educational reform by establishing national education goals and standards to be attained through State and locally planned initiatives and the use of technology. Goals 2000 supplies a national vision and strategy to infuse technology and technology planning into all educational programs and training functions carried out within school systems. The infusion of technology and telecommunications into teaching and learning has become widely viewed as an effective means of increasing opportunities for learning. By encouraging school planning and use of technology, Goals 2000 can facilitate the development of world-class educational standards to enable all students to achieve the National Education Goals and meet the challenges of the 21st Century workplace.

______- Is the purpose of this Act to make the United States more competitive in the world economy by developing more fully the academic and occupational skills of all segments of the population. This purpose will principally be achieved through concentrating resources on improving educational programs leading to academic and occupational skill competencies needed to work in a technologically advanced society.

______- The purpose of this Act is to establish programs to prepare youth and adults facing serious barriers to employment for participation in the labor force by providing job training and other services that will result in increased employment and earnings, increased educational and occupational skills, and decreased welfare dependency, thereby improving the quality of the work force and enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation.