Minutes of Scalford Parish Council Meeting

held on

Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 7.30 pm in Scalford Primary School

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Present:Cllrs, Brian Dodd, Tim Spencer, June Jones, Margaret Wright

In Attendance:

Members of the Public: 3

In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman Cllr Dodd agreed to take the Chair

Public Participation:

Questions were raised by the public regarding 7 New Street pointing out it was filled ground and the allotments.


Apologies for Absence:

Cllrs Elizabeth Bryan, Michael Birt


Declarations of DisclosablePecuniary or Personal Interest:



To approve and sign the Minutes from theParish Council Meeting heldin Scalford Primary School on 8th March2017:

It was unanimously agreed that the Minutes from the Meeting on the 8th March2017 were a true record, and the Minutes were signed by the Chairman.


Ongoing Matters:

Grass Triangle – It was unanimously agreed that wooden planters were the best option and Cllr Jones agreed to supply the Clerk with a sketch of their location and details of size etc..

Cemetery Path–After discussion it was unanimously agreed that the paths needed improving and Cllr Dodd agreed to obtain quotes for the central path and lower left to right path, and a screening fence near the entrance for the waste bin etc.




17/00290/FUL – Change of use from piggery to stable yard with log cabin dwelling.– The

Palisade Field Farm, Wycomb Lane, Scalford, LE14 4PW - Drawing ans application form differed in form said 2 bedroomed drawing only had 1 bedroom/ there were no elevations for the cabin/ it was not change of use but major alterations to existing/ it was in open countryside and not sustainable.

Granted for information:

16/00933/NONMAT amendment to 16/00208/FUL – Juliet balcony, window in gable end

square instead of circular, doorway into w/shop moved and made bigger, increase in

length w/shop and change of roof shape – 7 New Street, Scalford, LE14 4DP

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Receipts & Payments March 2017:


Co-op Funerals£ 70.00

E C Gill£ 60.00

HSBC – interest£ 0.52


Chq 101316E on£103.75

101317Shane Mousley£550.00

B PSevern Trent£ 17.83

B P C J Hill£313.27

The above payments were unanimously authorised and signed off by two Councillors.


Annual Accounts:

The Annual Accounts were presented by the Clerk for approval showing a reconciled closing balance of £20830.72, Receipts for the year were £24549.10 and Expenditure £26646.57.


Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2016/17 of Annual Return:

The Annual Governance Statement was read by Councillors and it was unanimously agreed Items 1 -8 had been adhered to and should be answered YES, Item 9 was not applicable as the Council held no Trust Funds, the Annual Governance Statement was signed by the Chair.


Section 2 Accounting Statements 2016/17 of Annual Return:

The Accounting Statements were unanimously approved and signed by the Chair.


Access Gradient 25 King Street, Scalford:

A site meeting had been held with two planning officers, Cllr Dodd and Surveyor plus the Clerk, it had been proved without doubt that the gradient did not meet the specification in the original consent nor the accepted gradient agreed with Melton Borough Council/ Highways at a later date. The gradient was as advised by the Parish Council incorrect and this point was agreed by the planning officers who confirmed the matter would be reviewed and the Parish Council notified.


Neighbourhood Plan:

Cllr Jonesconfirmed the letter to be delivered to every house was ready to go out and suggested a public meeting should be held before the next Council meeting to discuss the response.


Date of June Meeting:

It was unanimously agreed the date of the June meeting would be changed to Wednesday 21st June.

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Clerks Review:

The Clerks hours/ pay/ performance were reviewed and after discussion it was unanimously agreed to increase the pay grade to LC1 SP24


Matters arising from Emails circulated and other matters:

Cllr Dodd requested that the Health and Safety aspect of the tyres in the play area at the recreation field be confirmed with Wicksteed Leisure.

Cllr Dodd also confirmed that Doris had agreed to look after the cleanliness of various pieces of play equipment, Cllr Dodd to agree method of payment with Doris.


Items for Next Month’s Agenda:

Neighbourhood Plan

Date ofNext Meeting: Wednesday May 10th2017at 7.30pm Annual Parish Council Meeting in Scalford Primary School,

The meeting closed at 8.44 pm

Signed: ______

Chairman Scalford Parish Council

Date: ______

These Minutes were unanimously approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman at the Parish Council meeting on the 10th May 2017.