Rubric For Assessing Multigenre Research Paper (EDT 180B)
Writer’s Name: ______
Full Title: ______
_____ Score for Holistic Impact
_____ Score for Required Elements _____ Total
____ Holistic impact of the paper
116—120 Knocks me off my feet, so informative and emotionally moving is the paper. Throughout there is evidence of original thinking, depth, specificity of detail, delights of language or insight. The mgp is rife with excellent writing that includes attention to a pleasing visage of the page, action verbs, varied sentence length, effective word choice, skilled placement of payoff information, strong leads and endings, visual and other sensory imagery. Research is interesting, surprising, and deftly and creatively incorporated into the paper.
112—115 An excellent, fulfilling paper
101—111 A good paper. I’m upbeat because of solid moves the writer makes that are
mentioned above. I learn things about the topic. While the paper didn’t blow me away, I am happy with its competent execution. Research is good.
90—100 Paper is complete, but writing does not consistently employ those qualities of voice and meaning that make writing strong and vivid. There is a feeling of middle of the road about it.
79—89 Not an adequate paper. The writing shows almost none of the skills mentioned
above. Some pieces seem perfunctory, as if written hastily and never revised. Content shows little depth or insight. More telling than showing.
78 and Plummeting An insult to turn in, an insult to the teacher, to the disciplined,
creative act of writing, and to the writer’s own mind
____ Required elements:
____ Title
9.3-10 Original, illustrative, surprising, piques a reader’s interest, may be something mysterious about it
8.4-9.2 Serviceable and clear, good
7.5-8.3 Simply names the topic (e.g. “A Multigenre Paper about Vampires” as sole title)
0 No title
____ Introduction/Preface/Dear Reader (not necessarily the first piece after the title page)
9.3-10 Piques reader’s interest and provides pertinent information, sets reader up well for reading what is ahead, something magical, provocative, or moving about it. Maybe unconventional in being comprised of two or three pieces.
8.4-9.2 Informative, perhaps no-nonsense, not too brief or too long
1-8.3 Provides little substantive information, doesn’t compel reader to read on, may be overlong or too brief
0 Missing
____ Unifying Element(s)/Repetend (Name your unifying element(s) with page numbers)
9.3-10 Connections between pieces are easily recognized, surprising, creative, moving
8.7-9.2 Unifying element present, effective
8 Unifying element present but not particularly effective or memorable
0 Missing
____ Visage (Name the visual element(s) with page numbers)
9.6-10 Appealing to the eyes: Spacing, type size, readability of font make the reader
speed along, concentrating on making meaning. Contains strong visual
element(s) that accomplishes something that words alone cannot.
9.3-9.5 Not at all physically hard to read. Visual element(s) add meaning.
8.4-8.9 Not physically hard to read. Visual element(s) may not be particularly vivid or
7.5-8.3 Some print may be hard to read. Visual element more like a frill, maybe simply
downloaded, copied, or pasted in, no meaningful payoff.
1-7.4 Writer seems to have paid little attention to the reader’s physical experience with
reading the paper. Little or nothing appealing. May be, in fact, difficult to read in
parts. Visual element(s) may be missing.
____ Copy Editing
10 Perfect. No errors except purposeful ones.
9.7 Contains few errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, typography
8.4-9.2 Contains more than a few errors but meaning not seriously affected
7.2-8.3 Contains enough errors to the point of distraction, writer, perhaps, has not
proofread well or does not have knowledge of grammar, usage, and spelling.
0-6.5 Frequent, repetitive errors, a copyediting disaster
____ Poetry in contemporary free verse style (Titles and page numbers)
9.3-10 Contains sensory images, specific detail, attention to line length, space between lines, syntax not choppy or fragmented, in most cases will read in perfectly grammatical, complete sentences, titled, precise word choice
8.4-9.2 May lack some elements above that would have made the poem stellar.
7.5-8.3 Few images. Choppy or fragmented syntax. Possibly abstractions.
6.6-7.4 Little or no imagery, abstractions, little attention to other poetic elements, word choice imprecise, wordy
0 Absent
____ Expository piece—250-350 words (Name the expository piece and page number)
9.3-10 The emphasis is on logic/explanation/persuasion/interpretation/analysis, not
narrative or description. Vivid, interesting information. Adds insight and depth to mgp, is well written with active verbs, specificity, and few wasted words.
8.4-9.2 Informative and is clearly expository writing
7.5-8.3 Clearly expository writing, though information not vital to effect of paper. Writing could be tightened and sharpened.
0-7 Writer does not have clear understanding of expository writing
____ Prose Poem (Name prose poem and page number)
9.3-10 Short block of type, a paragraph or two, sensory images present, a situation rather than a plot, no attention paid to line length. Fresh, intense language. Payoff.
8.4-9.2 Short block of type, a paragraph or two. Language not particularly intense or sensory.
7.5-8.3 Written in generalities and abstractions, little that is specific or imagistic
0 Absent
____ Flash Fiction/Flash Nonfiction/Startling or Pointed Narrative Vignette (Name and Page)
9.3-10 A narrative (story), may contain characters, tension. Auditory effects may be enhanced. Some mystery or surprise. Often there is unease present at the end, a sweetly ambiguous or implicit end. Clear, effective, even moving, payoff.
8.4-9.2 Interesting, though writer might tell too much and show too little. Clear payoff.
7.5-8.3 Too brief, not developed or carried through. Payoff absent or ineffective.
0 Missing
____ Final Piece/Genre
9.6-10 The last piece adds a final, resounding note to the mgp. It leaves the reader with a deep understanding or feeling that appeals both emotionally and intellectually. It might solve a mystery woven through the mgp. It lifts the reader, it lingers.
8.4-9.5 The last piece is functional, let’s reader know clearly that the mgp is complete.
7-8.3 The last piece is over-long or unrewarding or anticlimactic
____ Works Cited
9.6-10 Complete (10—15 sources), a range of research is represented (books, articles,
book reviews, websites, primary sources), sources listed in a consistent
bibliographic style.
8.4-9.5 Range of sources not as deep and complete as would warrant a 10.
7.5-8.3 Brief (under five sources), perhaps bibliographic style inconsistent
7 Indicates minimal research
0-6.5 Indicates that research has not played significant part in the mgp or that research
has simply been plopped into the paper or attached
____ Note Page
9.3-10 Each genre/piece that needs a note, has one. Within the text, a parenthetical
reference indicates that there is a note page entry about the genre. Notes are
vital to understanding a dimension of the paper you wouldn’t otherwise know.
Notes contain surprising, informative information on research and/or the process
of creation. There is a surprising, fulfilling quality to the notes.
8.4-9.2 Notes are informative and thorough. Parenthetical references appear in text.
0-8.3 Notes that are needed are not provided. Questions left in the
reader’s mind. Or Notes are largely perfunctory, adding little pertinent
information and hurting the overall effect of the paper.