Bachelor of Design in Architecture


Year 3, March Semester

Coordinator: Kristine Sodersten


DATE: Week 2: March 2006

Precedent analysis briefing notes

Elouera – Tony Mundine Gym, Level 1 / 1 Vine St, Redfern

• Monday 13 March 06, 8.00 am to 10.30 pm

• Meet at 8.00 am sharp on the corner of Everleigh and Lawson Sts opposite Redfern Station.

You will be with Col James, and three tutors: Jason Wedesweiler, Russell Rodrigo, Matt Dickson.

You will go on a walk around the site of our project, to the Elouera Gym, manager Alec Tuitavaki

Then, n three groups, each in turn will visit the Gym, the Aboriginal Housing Company offices, the Redfern Neighbourhood Service Centre, Tower 2, 1 Lawson St. Redfern for local planning information, [copies of the Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan (stage 1) which is also available online (see photocopy of zoning plan for web address].For Gym comparisons, also visit the University of Sydney Sports Centre (Butlin Avenue, Darlington Campus, with pool), the gym at the Victoria Park pool opposite the faculty, and the gym downstairs next to Blockbusters in Bay St next to the Broadway Centre.

Group 1: Jason’s and Penny’s groups plus four students from Kristine’s group

Group 2: Russell’s and Thomas’ groups plus four students from Kristine’s group

Group 3: Matt’s and Karen’s groups plus four students from Kristine’s group


• 8.00 am: meet on the corner of Everleigh and Lawson Sts opposite Redfern Station.

• 8.00 am to 8.15 am: - site walk

Group 1:

• 8.15 am to 9.00 am – Elouera Gym

• 9.00 am 10.30 am – SITE INVESTIGATION

Group 2:

• 8.15 am to 9.45 am – SITE INVESTIGATION

• 9.45 am to 10.30 am – Elouera Gym

Group 3:

• 8.15 am to 9.00 am – SITE INVESTIGATION

• 9.00 am to 9.45 am – Elouera Gym

9.45 am to 10.30 am – SITE INVESTIGATION

At Elouera:

Be respectful. Remember you are visiting someone else’s premises. Remember you are gathering information to help you develop a written brief for the Redfern Health and Fitness Centre.

OBSERVE: note and sketch your observations (no cameras, videophones, recording devices)

DRAW: • plans, sections proportionally to scale (pace etc)

• spatial organization

• diagram/s of spatial and activity relationships (priority of what must be next to what function/space, what needs to near if not next to, what needs to be connected but distantly etc)

• inventory of equipment, including size and how much space it needs

• inventory of functions/activities, including non-programmed activities (places where people naturally collect, relax, chat etc), ‘subliminal’ activities/ interactions– eg what also happens in the weightlifting area? at the climbing wall?

RECORD in notes sketches, diagrams: non-tangibles such as atmosphere, then work out what gives that atmosphere, positive or negative.

DO YOU LIKE THE PLACE? If not, why not? If yes, why? Support your opinion. Then reflect on your response.

Work out with your group and tutor what else you might observe, record, analyse, critically evaluate

Summit Health and Fitness centre, Level 1 / 40 Third Ave, Blacktown

• Tuesday 14 March 06, 10.15 am to 1.00 pm

• Bring the business card you were given (Mr LING) as a pass for one-off entry.

Tutors with you will be Karen Lambert, Penny Rosier, and Thomas Haltenhof.


• 10.00: the three tutors arrive at the Centre and meet Mr ling at the front door on Third Ave.

• Students arrive at 10.15 am sharp and move inside up the stairs to the next level to the Aerobics Room.

At the top of the stairs, take the right corridor in front of you and walk through the cardiac fitness room (running machines) turning left to the Aerobics Room.

• 10.30 am: talk by the owner of the Centre, Dr Low, and Mr Ling. They will talk to you about a vision for the Redfern Health and Fitness Centre.

• 11.00 am: Start moving around the Centre. Gym areas are located on the same floor as aerobics.

• Medical Centre: This is on the ground floor. You must be very discrete here as you will be thee during consulting hours.Centre staff may e there to show you around. If there is no staff present move discretely, do not enter any examination rooms of the clinic, and do not disturb the patients whho will be waiting there.

• Rock Climbing: entered from the entrance on the right side of the building on the ground floor, then up the stairs.

• Kick-boxing: area can be seen through the windows on the ground floor, past the Rock climbing entrance.

• 12.00 – 1.00 You can start leaving when you have completed you tasks.

You may be asked for your opinions on the Centre. You may give them as an individual but remember you represent Sydney University and the Architecture faculty…

At the Summit:

Be respectful. Remember you are visiting someone else’s premises. Remember you are gathering information to help you develop a written brief for the Redfern Health and Fitness Centre.

OBSERVE: record your observations in some way. They have asked that you not use tape measures, so please pace out areas, estimate heights. Please ask before taking photos. They have approved your drawing / sketching.

DRAW: • plans, sections proportionally to scale (pace etc)

• spatial organization

• diagram/s of spatial and activity relationships (priority of what must be next to what function/space, what needs to near if not next to, what needs to be connected but distantly etc)

• inventory of equipment, including size and how much space it needs

• inventory of functions/activities, including non-programmed activities (places where people naturally collect, relax, chat etc), ‘subliminal’ activities/ interactions– eg what also happens in the weightlifting area? at the climbing wall?

RECORD in notes sketches, diagrams: non-tangibles such as atmosphere, then work out what gives that atmosphere, positive or negative.

DO YOU LIKE THE PLACE? If not, why not? If yes, why? Support your opinion. Then reflect on your response.

Work out with your group and tutor what else you might observe, record, analyse, critically evaluate.

Due care

Note that you are covered by insurance for accidental injury or property damage while on site visits or field trips that are part of a required unit of study or course at Sydney University. Ember ony accidents are covered, and please take appropriate reasonable care on the Block, at Elouera Gym and at the Summit, particuarly if you want to and are allowed to use any of the gym equipment, and in traveling through, to and from each site.