Earth Science

Chapter 29

Study Guide

1.  The ______planets are composed mostly of solid rock. terrestrial planets

2.  The great cracks on Mars were probably formed by __. fault zones

3.  Kepler’s law describes the shape of ______and is called the law of ellipses. planetary orbits

4.  Who proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system? Copernicus

5.  Who was the first astronomer to model planetary motion? Kepler

6.  What traps heat on Venus’ atmosphere? high levels of carbon dioxide

7.  Uranus is a _____ planet. giant

8.  Venus’ clouds in the atmosphere are made up of ___. sulfuric acid

9.  According to Kepler’s third law, the time to orbit 4 astronomical units from the sun would be __. 8 years

10.  The tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest is called ___. inertia

11.  What keeps the planets in orbit? sun’s gravity

12.  Kepler based his laws on observations by ___. Brahe

13.  What do some people think originated in the Oort cloud? comets

14.  Where is Olympus Mons located? Mars

15.  Kepler’s first law says that planets orbit the sun in paths called __. ellipses

16.  Where are the largest volcanoes in the solar system most likely found? Mars

17.  What planet was predicted to exist before it was discovered? Neptune

18.  One ______unit is equal to the distance between the earth and the sun. astronomical

19.  If a planet has a magnetic field, it probably has ___. iron core

20.  Mars is a ____ planet. terrestrial

21.  96% of Venus’ atmosphere is __. carbon dioxide

22.  Saturn has a complex system of ___. rings

23.  What is another name for the gas giant planets? Jovian planets

24.  What is the cloud of gas and dust around a comet called? coma

25.  What planet is closest to the sun? Mercury

26.  What do you call a large number of small meteoroids enter the earth’s atmosphere? meteor shower

27.  What kind of comet takes less than 100 years to complete its orbit? short-period comet

28.  What is the comet that appeared in 1986 called? Halley’s comet

29.  What is the name of the asteroids around Jupiter? Trojan asteroids

30.  What planet is farthest from the sun? Pluto

31.  What is located past Mars and before Jupiter? asteroid belt

32.  Body of rock, dust, gas and ice that revolves around the sun – comet

33.  Bright streak of light that comes from a meteoroid burning in the atmosphere? meteor

34.  time it takes for planet to revolve around the sun – orbit period

35.  fragment of rock that orbits the sun – asteroid

36.  apparent reversal of a planet in the night sky – retrograde motion

37.  planet with earth-like properties – Mercury or Mars – terrestrial planet

38.  distance between the sun and the earth about 8.3 light mins. – astronomical unit (AU)

39.  tendency of a body to remain in motion until an outside force acts upon it – inertia

40.  a meteoroid that hit the earth – meteorite

41.  earth centered - geocentric