2018 CEFF Sponsorship

I want to be a 2018 CEFF Sponsor! (Select one)

☐ / $250 / ☐ / $500 / ☐ / $1000 / ☐ / $2,500 / ☐ / $5,000

I want a table at the 2018 CEFF Eco Expo (Select one)

All sponsors will receive a space at the Eco Expo for no additional charge. Please indicate the type of space you will be using. If you are selling anything onsite (excluding services to be provided at a later date), a sales tax license is required.

☐Friday (9-1pm for student event) ☐Friday (1-7pm) ☐Saturday (11am-7pm) ☐ I will not use my Eco-Expo table space.

All sponsors receive an ad in the 2018 CEFF program or have the opportunity to purchase ad space at a discounted rate. Please select the ad size you would like. Sponsors may pay the difference to upgrade ad size.

☐I would like to upgrade my ad size – please contact me.
☐1/2 Page ☐Full Page / You may include any information in your ad about your business/organization including coupons, discounts, etc. Please include an expiration date if necessary.

Business/Organization Name:Click or tap here to enter text.

Contact Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Address:Click or tap here to enter text.

Phone:Click or tap here to enter text.______Email:Click or tap here to enter text.

Website:Click or tap here to enter text. Facebook: Click or tap here to enter text.

Twitter: Click or tap here to enter text. Instagram: Click or tap here to enter text.

Submit payment along with this form and your camera-ready ad and logo (print quality; 3”x3”, vector format preferred; minimum 150ppi)via email to r in hard copy to P.O. Box 491, Golden, CO 80402 to arrive no later than January 10, 2018. Indicate your method of payment below. We will email you a receipt when payment is confirmed.

☐ Check enclosed: $Click or tap here to enter text.____ Check #:Click or tap here to enter text.

☐ In-Kind Donation Product description: Click or tap here to enter text. Value: Click or tap here to enter text.

☐ Credit card: Please contact us or visit to pay securely via PayPal.

Please note: The deadline to be included in the printed version of the Festival Program is January 10, 2018.

For Office Use Only:

☐High Resolution logo received ☐Ad received (Size ______)☐Payment Received

CEFF by the Numbers

303-885-4596 | | | P.O. Box 491, Golden, CO 80402

1500+ in-theater impressions

45 films from 12+ countries

25 attending international filmmakers,

directors, jurors and talent

25+ Partner Environmental Non-Profits and

Eco-Friendly Businesses

25+ inspiring environmental photographs


3 Special Events

50+ Volunteers

Over 90% event waste diversion

303-885-4596 | | | P.O. Box 491, Golden, CO 80402

Sponsor Benefits / $5000 / $2500 / $1000 / $500 / $250
Exclusivity, Theater Naming Rights (for 1 theater), Logo on all tickets / 
10-30 second trailer before all film segments (provided by sponsor) /  / 
CEFF Caravan Sponsorship – promotion around the state for all CEFF Caravan festivals /  / 
Acknowledgements in pre-festival live promotions (TV/Radio) /  /  / 
Introduce or host a film screening of your choice during the festival /  /  / 
Verbal recognition from the stage prior to all film segments /  /  / 
Logo in all email announcements and newsletters /  /  / 
Sponsor Logo in pre-film slide show /  /  /  /  / 
Ad in Main program / Full page (inside cover) / Full Page / ½ page / ¼ Page / ¼ page +$25
Color Logo in Main Program /  /  /  /  / 
Logo on Website / 
All pages, w/link / 
All pages, w/ link / 
All pages, w/ link / 
All pages, w/ link / 
Sponsor Page
Logo Placement on Event Sponsor Signage /  /  /  /  / 
Social Media Acknowledgement /  /  /  /  / 
Invitation to Opening Night Event /  /  /  /  / 
All Access Weekend Pass / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / 1
Tickets to one 2-hour film segment / 40 / 20 / 20 / 10 / 10
Eco-Expo Promotional Table / Full Table / Full Table / Full table / Full table / Half Table

303-885-4596 | | | P.O. Box 491, Golden, CO 80402