CASL Minutes April 7, 2009



April 7, 2009

The 2008-2009 CASL minutes and other information are available on the Web at the Assessment website: http://www.eiu.edu/~assess Please note: These minutes are not a complete verbatim transcript of the CASL meeting.

Call to Order

The Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning was called to order on April 7, 2009 at

11:00 a.m. by chairperson, Rebecca Throneburg, in the Clinical Services Center room 2101.

Members present: Rebecca Throneburg, (chair), Daniel Carter, Terri Fredrick, Carla Honselman, Stacie Knight-Davis, Karla Sanders, Lucia Schroeder, Lisa Taylor, and Tim Taylor

Members absent: Mary Herrington-Perry, Debra Hopgood, and Jie Zou

I.  Approval of the March 24, 2009 Minutes

Terri Fredrick moved to approve the March 24, 2009 minutes as written and Karla Sanders seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

II. Plan for communication with departmental assessment faculty

a.  Contact information gathered by college reps

Terri Fredrick reported that she sent the email out and waited 10 days for faculty to respond and then sent a follow-up and will give them until the end of the week to respond. She is short 3 responses.

b. Email

Throneburg is working on a draft email to faculty that is going to talk about the number of programs in each college that are measuring the university goals. She will discuss where we were when NCA was here and where we are now. NCA said departments need to take more ownership and do more assessment of university goals. Throneburg will try to get the draft out to CASL members before the next CASL meeting.

c.  Next Year

College representatives will need to confirm assessment faculty with departments at the beginning of the year. And, CASL will discuss ways in which to encourage departments to adopt University-wide goals.

III.  Discuss CASL 2008-2009 Draft Report

The members of CASL discussed the “Draft of the Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning 2009 Report to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs” that Chair Throneburg disseminated. Some changes were made and added to the report. Chair Throneburg said she would make the changes to the report and bring them to the next CASL meeting on April 21.

IV. Other Updates (CASA, WAC, VPAA, Grad School, CAA)

a.  CASA

Sanders reported only 2 students went to the Student Success Center after receiving the email about low EWP ratings. Students whose Spring 2009 submissions are rated below a 2 will receive an email in early Fall 2009.


Chair Throneburg adjourned the meeting at 11:35 a.m.

Minutes submitted by Ms. Kimberly Sweeney, Recording Secretary


April 28, 2009

To be held in the Clinical Services Building in Conference room 2101 at 11:00 a.m.