Varianta: A

Číslo testu: 06

1 / Which of the following words is pronounced with the same vowel as in the word OWN?
A / boast
B / boot
C / ball
D / shout
2 / How are the letters “th” pronounced in the word THISTLE?
A / th
B / s
C / θ
D / f
3 / In which of the following words are the final letterspronounced the same way as in the word GOING?
A / ink
B / ring
C / sink
D / queen
4 / Which is the correct spelling?
A / acommodation
B / accomodation
C / acomodation
D / accommodation
5 / Which two words are pronounced with the same vowel?
A / cut, put
B / share, shore
C / tall, tally
D / real, Lear
6 / Where is Ellis Island?
A / in San Francisco Bay
B / in New York Harbor
C / in Sydney Harbour
D / on the South coast of Florida
7 / Which of the following are American writers only?
A / Steinbeck, Kerouac, Poe, Orwell
B / Poe, Melville, Wilde, Hemingway
C / Whitman, Steinbeck, Defoe, Hawthorne
D / Whitman, Poe, Melville, Faulkner
8 / Charles Dickens created the character of:
A / David Copperfield
B / Tess of the d'Urbervilles
C / Heathcliff
D / Edward Rochester
9 / Who is the author of The Scarlet Letter?
A / Charlotte Brontë
B / Nathaniel Hawthorne
C / Jane Austen
D / Herman Melville
10 / What U.K. event is known as the Troubles?
A / Scotland's War of Independence
B / Scotland's Second War of Independence
C / Nothern Ireland's civil war
D / The Great Plague of 1665
11 / I know broccoli is tasty but I can’t eat it – the terrible smell always puts me ......
A / out
B / off
C / down
D / away
12 / What she told us was not true. It was some ......
A / desinformation
B / non-information
C / misinformation
D / malinformation
13 / Do you believe in love at first ...... ? - No, I think it doesn’t exist!
A / glance
B / sight
C / look
D / stare
14 / The documentary ...... corruption in high places.
A / exposed
B / imposed
C / deposed
D / reposed
15 / The old professor is so ...... ! He forgets everything.
A / free-minded
B / open-minded
C / narrow-minded
D / absent-minded
16 / The teenagers kept telling jokes and ...... all the time.
A / giggled
B / sizzled
C / niggled
D / drizzled
17 / I am allergic to grass. I have ......
A / pneumonia
B / a temperature
C / hay fever
D / influenza
18 / The sight of the dead animal was ...... It made me feel sick.
A / amusing
B / hilarious
C / nervous
D / revolting
19 / I haven’t eaten since the morning. I am ...... !
A / starving
B / gaining
C / losing
D / bearing
20 / What are you ...... to this weekend? Have you got a plan yet?
A / at
B / up
C / for
D / on
21 / My ...... uncle was a great man. We will all miss him.
A / belated
B / delayed
C / late
D / bare
22 / By the time you get back, all the food ......
A / will have gone
B / will go
C / is going
D / have gone
23 / It wasn’t until he mentioned the conference that I realized we ...... before.
A / have met
B / met
C / had met
D / used to meet
24 / The speaker stopped ...... his notes before continuing.
A / checking
B / check
C / to check
D / to checking
25 / There seem to be a/an ...... of people in the street. What’s happening?
A / amount
B / number
C / deal
D / plenty
26 / Our town has a real problem with youth crime, ...... do many other British towns.
A / so
B / as
C / nor
D / like
27 / If the service isn’t up to standard, I think you have ...... right to complain.
A / all
B / each
C / much
D / every
28 / You’re the first person I’ve met ...... political views are more left-wing than mine!
A / who has
B / who’s
C / whose
D / with whom
29 / Is it really the first time ...... first class?
A / you ever fly
B / you’re ever flying
C / you’ve ever flown
D / you’ve ever been flying
30 / “Have you finished with the paper yet?“ – “I’ve ...... started reading it!“
A / even
B / just
C / still
D / already
31 / Martin ...... to his graduation ceremony, but he decided not to in the end.
A / could go
B / can go
C / can have gone
D / could have gone
32 / ...... stand up when the teacher entered the room at your school?
A / Had you
B / Did you have to
C / Must you
D / Needed you to


Read the following text and then decide which word, A, B, C or D, best fits each space.

Leisure is generally seen as an (33) ...... which takes place outside (34) ...... hours. The peak leisure time for most people is between 6.00 pm and 12.00 am, although in recent years there has been an increase in people working (35) ...... hours and shifts, together with more ‘flexitime’.

Leisure is often thought of purely as a (36) ...... activity, i.e. playing sport. Although many people use their free time in this way, there are plenty of other leisure opportunities that are more (37)...... in nature, such as watching television or sunbathing on a beach. It’s important to realise that leisure can embrace a whole range of experiences and activities, although personal choice may be limited due to factors such as age or provision of local (38) ......

The leisure emphasis will normally change at different (39) ...... of one’s life-cycle. Different types of leisure activities tend to be popular with varying age groups. It’s probably true, however, that some members of the older (40) ...... are more capable of pursuing active (41)...... than they are sometimes given credit for!

A / event
B / incident
C / experience
D / affair
A / labour
B / working
C / employment
D / job
A / unsocial
B / unreasonable
C / unsociable
D / unsuitable
A / cultural
B / social
C / physical
D / mental
A / creative
B / selective
C / productive
D / passive
A / conveniences
B / facilities
C / capacities
D / capabilities
A / parts
B / levels
C / sections
D / stages
A / generation
B / era
C / age
D / period
A / entertainments
B / occupations
C / pastimes
D / games


For questions 42-50, find the right answers in the following text:

Hanif Kureishi’s affecting new memoir, “My Ear at His Heart,” recounts a story of a father, Rafiushan Kureishi, who eventually hands down his love of writing and his “faith in books” to his son, urging on the young Hanif and taking pride in his youthful successes, while at the same time nursing envy and bitterness and regrets over his own failures and disappointments. Mr. Kureishi’s father died in 1991, after his son had already experienced public acclaim with his screenplay for the movie “My Beautiful Laundrette” and his first novel, “The Buddha of Suburbia.”

One of 12 children, Rafiushan, or Shani, as he was called, grew up in India, the son of an Indian Army doctor and his religious wife. With the end of British rule and the establishment of Pakistan, the family fractured: some moving to Karachi; others moving to the West, to places like London, New York, Los Angeles. “They never quite know,” Mr. Kureishi writes of his father and his uncles, “what they should be doing, these overeducated and somewhat Chekhovian Kureishi boys — Chekhovian in their drift and futility — as though there was indeed something important they ought to be discovering, while lesser things shouldn’t distract them. They always seem too intelligent, or grand, for the situation they find themselves in, as though the world will always drag them down, rather than lift them up. There’s a sense of waste in their lives, which won’t leave them alone.”

Shani ended up moving to London and getting a job as a clerk in the Pakistani Embassy; he met and married an Englishwoman — Hanif’s mother — and they moved in with her parents, sharing a small house in Bromley, a London suburb in Kent. He would spend all his free time writing, hoping in vain to get something published, hoping in vain to receive the validation of being an artist.

42 / Hanif Kureishi has written
A / only screenplays
B / screenplays and novels
C / only novels
D / novels and poems
43 / “The Buddha of Suburbia” is
A / a novel written before “My Ear At His Heart”
B / a sequel to “My Beautiful Launderette”
C / a novel written after “My Ear At His Heart”
D / a chapter from “My Ear At His Heart”
44 / Kureishi’s father
A / encouraged his son to write
B / discouraged his son to write
C / did not care for his son’s writing
D / tried to prevent his son to become a writer
45 / Kureishi’s father was
A / pleased with his own career
B / disappointed with his own career
C / did not care for his own career
D / refused to have a career
46 / Kureishi’s father
A / never lived to see his son’s success
B / died before his son became famous
C / died before his son started writing
D / died after his son had become successful
47 / Kureishi’s father grew up in
A / England
B / Pakistan
C / The United States
D / India
48 / The names Rafiushan and Shani refer to
A / Kureishi’s parents
B / Kureishi’s siblings
C / Kureishi’s father
D / Kureishi himself
49 / The Chekhovian streak in the Kureishi’s boys points to
A / their strength to endure hardship in all situations
B / their constant pursuit of undefined goals
C / their weak physical constitution
D / their ability to read Russian classical literature
50 / In the past, Kureishi’s father tried to
A / get published
B / sell his paintings
C / get accepted by his wife’s family
D / become an ambassador

Konec otázek testu.

Varianta: Astr. 1 / 8

Číslo testu: 06