General partnership /
- Share gangs tool widely
- Attend relevant gangs training
- Help develop plans for community engagement
- Help secure financial investment to enable longer term planning
- Share learning from other local authorities
- Agree governance, ownership and responsibility for delivery of the strategy and action plan?
Community Safety Team /
- Ensure full range of judicial restrictions and civil tools and powers are considered and used to tackle gangs and serious youth violence
- Help develop links and pathways with local British Transport and TfL (Railway Children) to assist identification and interventions for missing, CSE, gangs
- Continue to support development of gangs’ problem profile by:
-Using Home Office County Lines toolkit
-Using Home Local Assessment Plan (to include qualitative information from frontline staff)
- Develop strategic and operational KPI’s to ensure organisational integration and cross departmental commitment underpinned by strong analytical support
- Agree governance, ownership and responsibility for delivery of the strategy and action plan
Education and Skills /
- Jointly deliver workshops with Family Services to staff in schools on preventing youth violence and gang involvement
Police /
- Work with Family Services to develop robust protocol between CSC, YOT, Housing and Police around the management of gang activity for perpetrators and victims
- Ensure full range of judicial restrictions and civil tools and powers are considered and used to tackle violence, groups/gangs
- Undertake enforcement and disruption activity on and around the Grange Estate to impact on emerging new gang
- Continue to meet monthly as part of Gangs and Serious Youth Violence Panel in order to share information and undertake effective action planning
- Develop links and pathways with local British Transport and TfL (Railway Children) to assist identification and interventions for missing, CSE, gangs
Drug treatment providers /
- Tackle / reduce exploitation of young people in the supply and movement of drugs through raising awareness of the problem with adult drug users in counselling sessions
- Agree process for passing information and intelligence to police/YOT which will safeguard young people and/or disrupt drug related criminal activity
- Map and provide information about the numbers of referrals for treatment in which the individual is not using drugs but involved for financial gain
Housing /
- Work with Family Services to develop robust protocol between CSC, YOT, Housing and Police around the management of gang activity for perpetrators and victims
- Continue to support development of gangs’ problem profile by Barnet Homes Estates Neighbourhood teams gathering intelligence
Offender Managers (NPS and CRC) /
- Highlight safeguarding issues of young people being used to carry and supply drugs to their adult client group and encourage them to avoid buying drugs from young people.
- Include any known information relating to the use and exploitation of young people in the drugs trade in pre-sentence reports
Mike Herlihy /
- Raise the need for stricter sentencing for those who use young people to carry and supply drugs in Court User Forums
Courts (Youth, Magistrates, Crown
Probation/CRC) /
- Ensure full range of judicial restrictions and civil tools and powers are considered and used to tackle violence, groups/gangs
Victim support /
- Scope what work can be done to support victims of gang activity who may also be perpetrators and to explore any developmental or evidence based work going on in London around the gangs theme