Karen Hudes / Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 7:16 AM
To: Leon Pittard
Dear Leon,
Thanks for the link. People like it, as you can see from the attached. I noticed that you edited out most of my comments on Homo Capensis, and so I am forwarding you more information on this, together with my email today to the signatory on the Global Collateral Account, the European Union, Canadian Parliament, UK Parliament, credit rating agencies, Maryland's governor etc.
I understand your caution in wanting your audience to receive confirmed information. It is only "fairdinkum" to let your listeners know once you are convinced by documented evidence. By the way, two separate people have confirmed to me recent sightings ofHomo Capensis (in Egypt and Portugal). I can put these individuals in touch with you if you wish.
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Fairdinkum Leonwrote:
Dear Karen,
Your video is now here:
Again thank you for your efforts.
Yours sincerely,
Leon Pittard
Host of Fairdinkum Radio
David H
Great to see that you are releasing videos on your own YouTube channel. My friends and I have been avidly following you for nearly a year but we've had to do regular searches to try to find new interviews. The one last week withFairdinkumRadioInstitutional Corruption - Karen Hudeswas good if you can get permission to post it. Here in UK, Cameron showed his colours when he tried to take our country into another phoney war like Blair did. We all want this corruption to stop.
------Forwarded message ------
From:Karen Hudes
Date: Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 10:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: military
To: Brian Lange
Cc: Edward Spencer
Dear Brian,
Here is the letter which I referred to in our conversation. I have taken the liberty of copying Ed Spencer, who sent the letter, and who has been helping advise us whistleblowers about this hidden corruption.
------Forwarded message ------
From:Edward Spencer
Date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 6:12 PM
Subject: military
To: Karen Hudes Izumi Lawrence Wilkerson
Major General Paul Eaton (USA, Ret.)
Tom Fingar, Fmr. Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis
Lt. General Robert G. Gard, Jr. (USA, Ret.)
General Joseph Hoar (USMC, Ret.)
Brigadier General John H. Johns, PhD (USA, Ret.)
Major General Rudolph Ostovich III (USA, Ret.)
Paul Pillar, Fmr. National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia
Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (USA, Ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson
Lawrence Wilkerson
Dear Colonel Wilkerson,
Thank you for organizing the open letter to President Obama.
I met with Tom Fingar Monday,10/8/2012, at Stanford. We talked about the writings of L. Fletcher Prouty, Antony C. Sutton, and Eustace Mullins. I gave him three books and hard copies of the papers attached to this email.
The books are:Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, 1966, by Charles Hapgood;Political Ponerology (A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes)by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski;andBig Brainby Gary Lynch, PhD and Richard Granger PhD. I will mail these books to you today.
Multiple modalities are being employed in the attack on the American People. These include HAARP, persistent toxic contrails, saturation of the environment with microwaves, ionizing radiation, toxic GMO foods, food poisons such as Bisphenol-A Fluoride, and pesticides, economic destruction andImposed Ignorance and Confusion. Most important is:Imposed Ignorance and Confusion.
The theory of World economic, social, political, and biological collapse presented below is unusual, but surprisingly well documented. The hypothesis/theory is:
Control of power in the world resides in a species that is not Homo sapiens, but is instead Homo capensis, or a similar species, which harbors a brain 30% larger that Homo sapiens, is amoral, secretive, ruthless, without empathy, deceptive, very mathematical, and has been dominate over Homo sapiens for a very long time.
This master species executes control through men afflicted by psychopathy, by secret societies which pressure normal men with a conscience to behave in a psychopathic manner, and through “religious organizations” that are in reality secret societies committed to subversive destruction of civilization. Some of these “religions” have been in existence more than 5700 years.
Reviewing modern history we see that rational policy is rarely followed. This is because rulers are executing a long-standing plan of slow destruction using policies conceived far in advance. The policy makers we see are defective men without a conscience, without ethics, without any protective impulses for their own species. The policies are inhuman and the men executing them behave in an inhuman manner.
(Ponerologyby AndrzeLobaczewski-Mullins’ New History of the Jews,The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion -Antony Sutton:America’s Secret Establishment, The Best Enemy Money can Buy, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler)
Data supporting this hypothesis/theory:
The entire earth was mapped by un unknown civilization during the last ice age when sea level was 400 feet lower, and there was no ice cap over the coast of Antarctica. We know nothing of this civilization regarding language, social structure, political structure, art, or customs, but we do know that they understood spherical trigonometry.
(Charles Hapgood:Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings 1966)
Megalithic structures are found underwater along coastlines around the world, and significantly, the academic world has resisted investigating these structures.
The earth mappers and megalith builders seem to have lost control of their empire in the catastrophic glacial meltdown at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. Floods, super floods, and intense volcanic activity, wracked the earth.
(Gram Hancock:Underworld -)

A skull of a man like being with a brain capacity 30% larger that Homo sapiens was found in Boskop South Africa in 1914. There is archeological evidence that Boskop was dominant over Homo sapiens.On page 177, Professors Lynch and Grainger estimate the IQ of Boskop man, noting that if brain size accounted for just 15-20 percent of IQ, the average Boskop IQ would be about 149, with 15-20 percent of the population at 180 or above.
(Big BrainbyGary Lynch, Ph.D. andRichard H. Granger, Jr., Ph.D., 2008)
We then find that a vast civilization existed in South Africa more than 75,000 years ago. It turns out that pyramids very near Adams Calendar in South Africa are on the same line of longitude (31 east) as the Great Pyramid at Giza.
(Adams Calendar,Temples of the AfricanGods by Michael Tellinger)
It is obvious that vast periods of history are unknown to us. Extraterrestrial presence is highly improbable, and the vast extraterrestrial UFO experience probably represents misdirection. The issue of ancient and modern extraterrestrial aliens should be rigorously analyzed.
“..Elongated skulls do appear in artistic form during a brief twelve year period, referred to as the Amarna Period, but this only applied to the Royal Family and other high courtiers. The rest of the population was depicted as norm.”Lorraine Evans (Facebook):
This is almost a “smoking brain:” it turns out that Pharaoh Akhenaten, and members of his family and courtiers had very large heads. When we examine the reign of Akhenaten (1353-1335 BC), we find that he seemed intent on destroying Egypt. Subsequent Dynasties referred to him as the enemy.
(Akhenaten, The Heretic Kingby Donald B. Redford.Akhenaten, Egypt’s False Prophetby Nicholas Reeves)
Men about to engage in warfare should have the opportunity to reflect on the possibility that orders issued to them originate from a species determined to push Homo sapiens into extinction. The probability of this being the case seems greater than 50%.
All men and women should have the opportunity to learn about the existence of a mysterious ice age earth mapping civilization, psychopathy, and the probability that Akhenaten was not a Homo sapiens, but was a big brain species attempting to establish a “New World Order” in Egypt 3400 years ago.
Ed Spencer MD
Neurology, retired
I have been working on the problem of world power for a number of years and have attached papers written before July 10, when I thought men in secret societies occupied the Apex of Power, and after July 10, when I learned aboutBig Brainand his estimated IQ of 149. The files are attached below for completeness and to provide references.
1Akhenaton, the NWO and WWIII 9/24/12
2Letter to Creators of the Film: Thrive 9/10/12
3The Planned Accelerating Destruction Of Western Civilization 3/3/12
------Forwarded message ------
From:Karen Hudes
Date: Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 4:10 PM
Subject: Our conversation
Dear David,

And they waited for Maj. General Michael Carey to make sure that a nuclear bomb detonated in the ocean instead of on Charleston on October 8, 2013 before firing him for what happened the previous summer? is what another member of the US' Armed forces says about what is really going on in the military:
Here is the rest of the book:

Here are recent interviews:

My tweet this morning:Karen Hudes@KarenHudes9h
Love letter to the Mainstream Media:
------Forwarded message ------
From:Karen Hudes
Date: Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 6:49 AM
Subject: Fwd: ECB
Ikben van plan eerstkontact metNederland op tenemen.
Karen Hudes

301 229-0058
------Forwarded message ------
From:Karen Hudes
Date: Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 8:58 AM
To: Bengt
Dear Bengt,
This went to my 5,000 facebook friends and 3,000 followers on Twitter: Karen Hudes@KarenHudes
Keeping the credit rating agencies informed of progress in bringing the World Bank into compliance:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 7:59 AM, Bengt wrote:
Thank YOU Karen "Toto" Hudes for the most wonderful EMAIL !
Från: / Karen Hudes
Till: / Bengt
Kopia: / ,, fitchratings, moodys, ,standard and poors, universal credit rating group, >,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AntalFekete,Chair of Development Committee
Dear Bengt,
Thank you for your email requesting the names of the countries who have written me about the illegality I have been reporting. It was when the UK Parliament published my testimony (three times), along with that of Elaine Colville, that the power transition model predicted the World Bank would be brought into compliance on the capital markets.
House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here:

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here:

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Complaints Do They Make A Difference, published July 20, 2013, pages 186-7 (Elaine Colville, another World Bank Whistleblower's testimony is on Page 178) available here

The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available here:

My Ripoff Report about this corruption is at:
The principal countries are: France, UK, Holland (which wrote to the Audit Committee, and then organized a conference with the US to try and resolve the problem). Hereis the January 13, 2005 email from Holland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Other countries I can recall off the top of my head are:Tanzania, Oman, Canada, Angola. You can find copies of most of these letters at some of the other letters are in the volumes of correspondence indexed here is a letter from the Chairman of the Committee on Budgetary Control after my testimony to the European Parliament on May 25, 2011. European Parliament's legal department forwarded to the World Bank the chronology that I included with my testimony.
I remain in frequent contact with the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors, copied on this email, as well as with the embassies of the World Bank's member countries. I am also attaching my latest correspondence with the US Treasury Department
The credit rating agencies as well as the Secretary of Maryland's Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation andmy County Executive, Ike Legett, President-Elect of the County Executives of America, are copied. Governor, Martin O'Malley co-chairs the Council of Governors
I am about to meet with AntalFekete, the monetary economist who wrote this: effects of retaliation against the World Bank's whistleblowers are required to be eliminated under the US' appropriations legislation.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
------Forwarded message ------
From:Karen Hudes
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 12:19 PM
Subject: § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74)
Please see attached request reports of the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to§ 7082(b) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74)
On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:43 AM, Bengt wrote:
13 countries. The NAMES of these countries ?
Lars Schall : Have there been other responses, for example in the UK?
Karen Hudes : Yes. I met with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office on September 28, 2010, and informed them that KPMG did not follow Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. The Serious Fraud Office called the SEC on October 10, 2010, but the SEC only stonewalled. Two Committees of the UK Parliament published my testimony to this effect. (See note 11) After the SEC refused to respond to the Serious Fraud Office, that was when a UK lawyer advised me, ‘It’s time, Karen, to go to the credit rating agencies.’
All of these problems are going to drive down the US credit rating, there’s no question about it. That is why the Attorney General, Eric Holder, is suing the credit rating agencies.
Thirteen other countries have written to me about the illegalityI have been reporting to them.
I hope that YOU Karen, and I, will meet Judy Garland soon,
on planet Earth, by the end of the RAINBOW,
with Your Friend TOTO tuning in on
" Hold the line, Love is´n always..... "
late, but very much appreciated !
------Forwarded message ------
From:Karen Hudes
Date: Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 6:37 AM
Subject: Fwd: ECB
Dear Al,
Thanks for your email, and your help. I am sorry to learn of your trials and tribulations.
Here is an update:
------Forwarded message ------
Date: Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 7:25 PM
Subject: The Fight for "Rule of Law
To: karenhudes
From: Al
Subject: The Fight for "Rule of Law
Message Body:
I am extremely impressed with your admirable fight for "rule of law"! Without it we are all lost! I have downloaded all documents from your website. Thanks for all you have done! Trying to be brief, we in Oklahoma hear your plea for help and I intend to publically support this agenda. Since arriving at your website I have been attacked (cyber) by first; Bank of America for which I held a $7500 dollar credit limit. Account terminated. Armed with your documentation, you will certainly hear from all of us who support you in your fight for "Rule of Law"! I and my associates love what you have led us all to fight to end this corruption. Love what you have done! Al....We will continue your/our fight for "THE RULE OF LAW"! We have no other choice. Thankyou soooo much!
This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes
------Forwarded message ------
From:Karen Hudes
Date: Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 6:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: ECB
To: Wolfgang Struck
Cc:, Christopher Jones <>, "antti.karhunen" <>,, "sekretariat.gp" <>,, >,,,, Denise Batters <>,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "" , "" <>, fitchratings, moodys, standard andpoors, universal credit rating group, Canadian Embassy in US,,>,, "" <>,, ISS <>,>,,,rttv,COMER,, davidlewis, ,, Abel Danger
Thanks for all of your information. I will duly follow up on Monday with the EU's offices in Washington. Here are my latest videos:

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 8:58 PM, Wolfgang Struckwrote:
Dear Karen,
You will be aware of this.

Check in attachments what I had to say long time ago.
Have a nice Sunday,
To:UK Parliament
Subject: FW: Censorship
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 06:01:04 -0400
Subject: Censorship
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:58:10 -0400
Subject: The Revenge of the Whistleblowers
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:55:57 -0400
To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Canadian Embassy
Subject: Censorship
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:24:50 -0400
Subject: Censorship
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:15:02 -0400
Canada's Parliament knows how the American public is being duped by rampant censorship; so do some Americans. When the cover-up of corruption has ended, the accurate stakeholder analysis is predicting that rule of law will usher in a system of "Pax Americana" for some time, with a peaceful transition to the East as their economic power gradually waxes. There is a 95% likelihood that this will happen now.
To: US Television Station
Subject: The fusion center cut an important email out, which I have reinserted in this version
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 04:26:55 -0400
Our email is being illegally interfered with by these crooks. Please acknowledge receipt, and please test the links. I will reset them if they have been broken. After you send out the email, please go back and double check that it has not been tampered with. The illegality is rampant. Here is what they cut from my previous email to you:
Subject: US Court of Appeals, Case No. 11-7109
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 05:55:58 -0500
Dear Mr. Langer,
I wanted the Clerk's office as well as theChief Circuit Mediatorto be aware of the settlement
today of the above-referenced casebeforetheU.S. Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit on
behalf of defendant appellee International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Karen Hudes
202 316 0684
Karen has a file to share with you on SkyDrive. To view it, click the link below.

To: US Television Station
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 04:12:00 -0400
Thank you,
Would you please send them a postscript? The fusion center has censored this vital disclosure to Congressional appropriations committees and intelligence committees about the blackmail by the US of other countries' ambassadors that I reported on your television station. This went to the US' credit rating agencies and our allies, as well as to the FBI and the states and the International Organization of Securities Commissions. The central point that I want you to broadcast is that the US is losing our allies because of the cover-up, which mainstream media has perpetuated because it is owned by these crooks.
This also documents clearly how the federal Court system at the very top is corroded.
To:European Union, European Parliament, Chair of Development Committee, French Treasury, Dean of World Bank Board of Executive Directors
CC:;;;;;;;;;Credit Rating Agencies, ;
Subject: US Court of Appeals, Case No. 11-7109
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 03:56:15 -0500
I have informed the members of Congressional appropriations Committees authorized to approve disbursement of the US contribution to the IBRD capital increase andthe Governors of the 50 states that the IBRD is out of compliance with securities laws.I have also informed the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and law enforcement authorities of illegal interference with the functioning of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank.

In order for the Board of Executive Directors to operate under its full mandate pursuant to the Articles of Agreement of the World Bank, IBRD should inform the DC Circuit Court of Appeals today that we have settled my case.I am prepared to accept whatever the Board of Governors and Board of Executive Directors offers me. It would be fitting before Senator Lugar retires from the US Senate to recognize the Senator's contribution to the rule of law in the United States and abroad.
Karen Hudes

------Forwarded message ------
From:Karen Hudes
Date: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 8:41 PM
Subject: National Taxpayers Union inquiry regarding my case
Dear Newsroom,
Thank you for taking my call. The story I want to tell is how Senator Lugar has been heading the fight in Congress since 2005 against corruption at the World Bank.
Senator Lugar wrote 3 letters to the World Bank in 2007 when I reported corruption at the World Bank to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. After the World
Bank fired me, Senator Lugar called for a GAO investigation. But the World Bank only stonewalled. The US Congress said
that the World Bank would not get any money until they made whistleblowers whole, but the Treasury Department did not tell Congress how the World Bank is still
refusing to protect whistleblowers. National Taxpayers Union signed a petition,
is now doing a blog on me.

I am attaching my comments to the Senate and House Appropriations Committees today on Treasury's report:

The 50 Governors, attorneys general, and state supreme court chief justices are now looking into the corruption before this lowers the US' credit rating and
starts a currency war.
Karen Hudes
301 229-0058
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 00:47:19 -0600
From: US Television Station
From: US Television Station
To: US Television Station
Cc:,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>,,,,,,,,,,
Sent:Monday, July 15, 2013 12:17:58 AM
From US Television Station Alberta Canada, YOU ARE ALL SENATORS, will you HELP? SEE IMPORTANTATTACHMENTS LOTS OF INFO IN BODY OF E-MAIL This affects each and everyone of us.
From:"Karen Hudes"
To:US Television Station
Sent:Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:54:10 PM
Subject:FW: Resending a fourth time after deletion of sensitive information by the fusion center
Thanks for the update. I am forwarding my recent email to the US/UK authorities for your information. It took me four tries with the fusion center to get it through. I am trying to spread the word because it is very important not to lose any more of the remaining time available to prevent a conflict. Can you help me hit the pedal to the metal on this?

From:Augusto Subject: