
After months and months of non-existence, our W. MACo-Co Gather-Ins have been reborn as Co-counseling Community Circles!

There are several exciting changes besides what we are calling it:

1.) The Co-Co Community Circles are being hosted not only by me, but also by Judy Hartling and Elisabeth Benedict. (This way, even if none of y'all come, we will still have a kickin' triad!!)

2.) We will circle up twice as often.

Community Circles will meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month,

from 7:30 to 9, at 121 Island Road, Northampton.

3.) We will not have a pot luck, but we will provide ample, yummy snacks for noshing when we gather at 7:30 and also during the break.

4.) We will be welcoming people who are completely new to co-counseling to join us the hour before Community Circle starts. They will get a "Mini Intro" with some of the most basic skillsand are invited to stay and try those skills on when we all meet at 7:30.

(We will attend to the safety and comfort of the group; the three of us are prepared to do our session time with newcomers so experienced folks don't have to if they aren't in the mood.)

We are excited to give folks who want to take a class the means to start learning and practicing while we build up a big enough core group for a full Fundamentals.

5.) We will be setting out a donations basket. Anything we pull in over and above the cost of expenses (mostly snacks) will go to the scholarship fund.


Mark it in your calendar!

Bring an interested friend to the 6:30 Mini-Intro!

Love and hugs,

P.S. It's not necessary, but if you plan to come, an RSVP is helpful for our planning...