Town of Greene, Maine

Special Planning Board Minutes

December 29, 2015

John Bennett, Alternate, 946-4125

Peter Jolicoeur, Secretary & Associate, c:740-5503

George Schott, Treasurer, & Associate, 946-7972

Mark Randall, 946-5108

Bob Hodgkins, 946-5331

Byron Boyington, 946-4850 c:267-1062

Ken Pratt, CEO

John Maloney, AVCOG, 783-9186


Those Members present were; Byron Boyington, Bob Hodgkins, Peter Jolicoeur, John Bennett, George Schott and Mark Randall. Also present was CEO Ken Pratt, Select Board Liaison Don Bedford and AVCOG Representative John Maloney. Several members of the community present were; Bob Stevens, Susan Fournier, Bob Valentine, Matthew Fournier, Michael Gotto, Evelyn Gotto, Geoffry Swift, Kylie Mason and Paul Ostrowsky.

Acting Chairman John Bennett called the Planning Board meeting to order at 8:45pm. Mr Bennett then read the announcements.


(A) Planning Board Agenda for the January 12, 2016 meeting closes

December 29, 2015.

(B) Next regular Planning Board Meeting is January 12, 2016 at

7:00PM at the Greene Town Office.

(C) All AVCOG fees must be paid prior to the signing of the Final




Ms Kylie Mason was present this evening representing Bates College. Ms Mason gave a brief overview of the changes made to the plan stating that they took into consideration the items addressed by the Appeals Board.

There was then a discussion about parking spaces. There are 18 proposed in addition to the 19 existing. None of the spaces are marked other than the handicapped space(s) on the paved area. All other regular spaces are on gravel and the extra parking is on grass.

The following restrictions were discussed;

No over night camping on the property

Limited bus parking wit those spaces being used for trailer parking during non-

regatta events

Add a gate at the entrance restrict traffic when not in use

Start and finish times for rowing session to take place

Noise level monitoring

When speakers are used they are not to be pointed toward any residences

Usage is for rowing and rowing related activities as discussed in exhibit #4 of the

Site Plan application

A discussion of Peer Review followed. Mr Maloney again stated that he has had someone else look at the storm water calculations because it is often good to have another set of eyes to look at these things. There may be other areas that someone else could take a second look at as well.

The moving of the well was discussed. The concern is that the placement of the well could restrict septic systems from be installed on adjoining properties if it is too close to the property lines. This is to be ironed out to the extent that the location of the well on Bate College property will not restrict abutters septic systems.


It was noted that the new P/B member was in the audience. Mr Robert Stevens attended the meeting with the general public to observe the proceedings.

Seeing no further discussion necessary, Mr. Schott made motion for adjournment. Mr Hodgkins seconded the motion. The Board Members voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:38pm.

Respectfully submitted by,


Peter Jolicoeur

Secretary Chairman

Special Greene Planning Board Minutes of 12.29.2015 Page 1 of 2