Instructions for guest editors preparing special issues
1/ At the beginning
Guest editors present the thematic of their issue in the area of electrical engineering and their applications (following the list of topics covered by the journal)
Proposition must be sent to the Editor-in-Chief:
E A provisional schedule is proposed to the guest editors, from the call for paper to the publication of the issue, and approved.
E Guest editors indicate a special issue scientific committee in charge, with the editorial board members of the Journal, to review and evaluate the contributions.
E Papers, in English, should be submitted on website:
If number of papers selected is more than 120 pages, some papers could be published in a current issue
2/ Guest Editors must transmit to the authors the following elements:
1. Guidelines to be respected by authors to ensure the uniform appearance of articles published. Guidelines are available on the Web site of Lavoisier at the following address:;
2. A complementary form for the editing department;
3. Transfer of copyright agreement to be signed by authors.
3/ Guest editors must transmit to Lavoisier the following elements:
1. Number of expected pages for the special issue (at least 120 pages) and number of articles, 5 to 6 articles (20-25 pages);
2. Title of the special issue and table of contents;
3. Expected date for transmitting the complete issue.
4/ When the issue is ready the Guest editors send:
ð The contents;
ð The finale version of the articles in word or latex;
The publisher does not work on Latex files, but basically proposes a style sheet to the authors.
Authors using Latex software must correct their article following publisher’s instructions and send back the final pdf file
ð The complementary form and transfer of copyright agreement completed and firmed for each article;
ð An editorial presenting the specificity of the special issue.
We thank you in advance for sending all articles with the relevant information.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Editorial Hermes Lavoisier – 14 rue de Provigny – 94236 Cachan cedex
Tel: 01-47-40-67-67