Enclosed are some important racing and safety details to read through and send out to your athletes before the event.
We ask that you please take note of the following important information:
- Declarations for all events must be done before 6pm on Thursday 12th April viaTracker.Once you have declared for an event it is compulsory that you race both the heatand Final A, B or C if you qualify.Failure to turn up for your final after racing your heat will result in sanctions by thedomestic events committee (Rowing Ireland Rule 2.29)
- All Club Officials, Coxes, J14/J15 athletes MUST attend a safety Briefing and Coxes/Scullers meeting before going on the water. These meetings will be provided upstairs in the canteen at 9:45 AM Saturday, 12:45 PM Saturday and 8:30 AM sunday. If there is any changes we will put up a notice online.
- In the interest of safety, no training will be permitted on the course each day from1 hour before the regatta starts until 30 minutes after the last race. This rule willbe strictly enforced.
- If you are changing a crew member you must fill in a change of crew form atleast one hour before your race. This will be forwarded to the domestic eventscommittee after the regatta.
- If, for medical or another serious reason, you are scratching from an event thathas already been declared for a form must be filled detailing the reason you areunable to row. This will be forwarded to the domestic events committee after theregatta.
- All entries are subject to the rules of Rowing Ireland and All equipment must comply with Rowing Ireland’s rules and have the necessarysafety features (equipment will be checked on the day).
- Please ensure that your entry fees are paid prior to racing – bow numbers will not begiven out to clubs who have not paid their entry fees. Please make all cheques payableto “Skibbereen Rowing Club”.
- All clubs and competitors take part at their own risk.The Skibbereen Rowing Club Committee accepts no responsibility for damageoccasioned to boats, oars, and equipment or for any ruling to competitors, spectators or
any other persons for whatever cause.
- Only cars with boat trailers will be allowed down to the rowing centre – the cartowing the trailer may be asked to be removed if causing an obstruction.No boat trailers can be left into the slipping area in front of the boathouse and no boatsmay be stored in this area.
- Parking will be available in Farran Wood car park. A fee will be charged by Coillte foruse of the car park and a pass will be issued for the day. This is outside the control ofSkibbereen Rowing Club.
- Bow numbers must be used by all crews – these can be borrowed from the office for adeposit of €10. Please ensure that number holders on bows are in good order.
- Refuse bags will be hung on trailers and will be available in the office. Please use andreturn to the slip area for collection after racing.
- Presentation of prizes will take place in the assembly room upstairs at the N.R.C. or outside the front of NRC building between the hours of 1.30-7 Saturday and 10.30-4 Sunday.
- Registration cards will be checked for all winning crews before presentation of prizestakes place.
- We are seeking the co-operation of all athletes, club captains, coaches and everyone incharge to get your crews and scullers to the start on time. Allow a minimum of 30minutes to go to the start and please ensure that crews know both their race and lanenumber.
Ø You must be at the start, in the starting queue, at least 10 minutes before yourrace.
- You must first queue up just above the bridge in race order (6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.) ready to gothrough the bridge. When the race before yours departs from the stakeboats, the boatwith lane number 6 goes across first, close to the starting stakeboats, followed by lane5, then 4 and so on.
- All crews, scullers and coxes please carefully study the timetable as all times will beadhered to.Heat A will be first, followed by Heat B and so on. The Finals will start with Final C,followed by Final B and finishing with Final A.
- Masters Events are 1000m and will start at the start tower.
- J15 races are 1500m long and will start at the 500m mark.
- J14 events are 1000m in length and will start at the 1000m mark.
- For the 1000m & 1500m races, scullers must wait 200 metres above the starting point.Boats will be marshalled onto the course by umpires.
J14 and J15 boats will have an individual boat number marked with the name ofevent and strokeperson/sculler. Please note that these numbers can only be gotfrom the main office in the NRC and all the numbers for each club must becollected at one time on the morning ofthe regatta – a €20 deposit will berequired for these numbers.
- Please understand that lane layouts for the finals cannot be finalised until after the lastheat of each event is finished. This could take up to 20 minutes after the last heat hasfinished before the lanes of the finals can be published. We ask that you please donot come into the office asking about results/lane layouts – all results and lanelayouts for finals will be put up on notice boards around the NRC as well as beingimmediately available online. If you have a question regarding the results/lane layouts
AFTER they have been put up online and on the notice boards please feel free to cometo the office and ask us. Rowing Ireland take Full Responsibility for the timing system.A link to the results will be posted on the regatta event page.
- Food and refreshments will be available in the NRC.
- In the event of poor weather conditions being forecasted for racing, a notice willbe put up on the Rowing Ireland website by Friday 7th April at 2pm.
- The Warm-Up Circulation Pattern clockwise around the big red buoys.
- The Wind-Down Circulation Pattern is clockwise around the big red buoys.
- All boats who are launching from the beach area must go to the start in singlfile. When a race is coming to the finish line you must wait until the race finishedbefore you can continue..
- In the interest of safety, no training will be permitted on the course each day from1 hour before the regatta starts until 30 minutes after the last race. This rule willbe strictly enforced.
ü Declare all events before 6pm on Thursday 12th April.
üPay entry fees.
üCollect all J14/15/Masters Bow Numbers for your club on the morning of the dayyou are racing from the Regatta Office for a deposit of €20.
üBorrow your bow number from the Regatta Office for a deposit of €10.
üEnsure you know the time of your Heat/Final, lane number and race numberbefore you take to the water and allow at least 30 minutes to get to the start.
Your co-operation with the above notes and enclosed document will ensure a safe and efficiently runregatta. We look forwardto seeing you on Saturday 14thand Sunday 15thApril and wish you the best of luck on the day.
Please feel free to contact me by email .
Yours in rowing,
Denise Walsh
Regatta Secretary