TecDoc- the world's largest catalog of non-original spare parts and accessories for cars and trucks in 28 languages. Contains information on 3 million products to 60,000 types of cars. TecDoc - a convenient tree search for parts by make and model of the machine, the assembly units and product groups, by number engine type axes. This is a direct search for the item by producers non-original, and on original numbers of car manufacturers. Details of the details includes drawings, photographs, dimensions of parts, lists of original numbers, applicability, manufacturer information and other useful data.

Images from the database TecDoc is not here - they are laid separately (see ).

All data of electronic parts catalog, uploaded in table format Excel.

Immediately after payment you will receive a link to the FTP-server with spreadsheets.

All data is exported using “TecDocdataexport

Information Table :

  • Table brand parts (TableBrands.csv)
  • A table of vehicles (TableCarsPassenger.csvиTableCarsTruck.csv)
  • Data table parts (MainTableParts.csv)
  • Data table specification parts (TableSpecificationsParts.csv)

Catalog tables:

  • Grouped table (TableUsePartsForCars_TYP_ID.csv) containing data of cars, data of parts are used on this car, data product groups that include this spare parts.
  • Table cross codes (table substitutes) (TablePartsCrossReference.csv)
  • Tables for the creation of spare parts catalog (for search parts on these cars). Contains tables :
  • Table categories Parts (TableTreeProductGroup.csv)
  • Table grouping tables cars and parts relative to the table of categories of spare parts (TableLinkGroupsCarsAndParts.csv)
  • Table vehicle group (LinkedTableCars.csv)
  • Table of groups spare parts (LinkedTableParts.csv)
  • Or by using a linked table

Describing Tables:

  • Table brand parts(TableBrands.csv). Полятаблицы :

BRAND – brand name or OEM manufacturer

ADDITIONAL_DATA – brand data (address, website, etc.)

TECDOC_SUP_ID – The index link to a table of suppliers TecDoc

TECDOC_BRA_ID – The index link to a table of brands.

  • A table of vehicles(TableCarsPassenger.csv and TableCarsTruck.csv)

CAR_BRANDS – brand name car

MODEL_CAR – car Model

TYP_CAR – type of engine

BODY_TYPE – type of car body

OF_THE_YEAR – from the year

UP_TO_A_YEAR - to model year

KV – engine power, KW

PM – engine power, HP

CC – Displacement, CC

TECHNICAL_INFORMATION – Car technical information.

TECDOC_TYP_ID – index field vehicles

  • Table of characteristics (criteria) cars in a separate file (TableCarsPassengerCRI.csv and TableCarsTruckCRI.csv)

TECDOC_TYP_ID – index field vehicles

CAR_BRANDS – brand name car

MODEL_CAR – car Model

TYP_CAR – type of engine

NAMECRITERIA– name of criterion spare parts (characteristic)

VALUECRITERIA – value of criterion spare parts

  • Data table parts (MainTableParts.csv)

NAME_PARTS – name of the part

BRAND– brand name manufacturer parts

CODE_PART – search code parts (no dots, spaces, and additional characters);

CODE_PARTS_ADVANCED – code parts specified by the manufacturer

EAN – Barcode Parts

NAME_IMAGE – name image, HEX(BRAND + spase + CODE_PART), гдеHEX–translation of the text to hexadecimal notation

TECDOC_ART_ID - The index field parts

ADDITIONAL_DATA – Additional data parts (criteria)

  • Table of characteristics (criteria) parts in a separate file (MainTablePartsCRI.csv)

TECDOC_ART_ID– The index field parts

BRAND– brandnamemanufacturerparts

CODE_PART – search code parts (no dots, spaces, and additional characters);

CODE_PARTS_ADVANCED – code parts specified by the manufacturer

NAMECRITERIA– name of criterion spare parts (characteristic)

VALUECRITERIA – value of criterion spare parts

  • Data table specification parts (TableSpecificationsParts.csv)

mainTECDOC_ART_ID– index field for spare parts, for which are sought the components

mainART_BRANDS – brand of parts, for which are sought the components

mainART_CODE_PARTS – code parts, for which are sought the components

TECDOC_ART_ID – index field of spare parts (refer to the table MainTableParts.csv) of component

BRANDS - brand of component

CODE_PARTS – trade code of component

QUANTITY - number in the kit

  • Bulksheet vehicles, spare parts and product groups (Table applicability regarding the car) (TableUsePartsForCars_TYP_ID.csv)

TECDOC_TYP_ID – index field vehicles

CAR_BRAND– brand name car

CAR_MODEL– car Model

CAR_TYP– type of engine

CAR_BODY– type of car body

CAR_OF_YEAR–from the year

CAR_TO_YEAR- to model year

CAR_KW–engine power, KW

CAR_PM – engine power, HP

CAR_CC– The index field parts

CAR_INFO – technical data of the vehicle

TECDOC_ART_ID – The index field parts

ART_BRAND– brand name manufacturer parts

ART_CODE_1 – search code parts (no dots, spaces, and additional characters)

ART_CODE_2 – code parts specified by the manufacturer

ART_NAME – name of the part

ART_EAN – Barcode Parts

ART_NAME_IMAGE – name image, HEX(BRAND + spase + CODE_PART), гдеHEX – translation of the text to hexadecimal notation

PARTS_INFO–criteria Part

TERMS_OF_USE– use of spare parts for the selected car

ART_CROSS–cross-reference code

TECDOC_GA_ID – index field of commodity groups

GA_NAME - Full name of groups

GA_STANDARD - Short name of the groups

GA_ASSEMBLY - Place where established

GA_INTENDED – In which additionally includes

  • Bulksheet vehicles, spare parts and product groups (Table applicability regarding the spare parts) (TableUseCarsForParts_ART_ID.csv)

TECDOC_ART_ID – The index field parts

ART_BRAND– brand name manufacturer parts

ART_CODE_1 – search code parts (no dots, spaces, and additional characters)

ART_CODE_2 – code parts specified by the manufacturer

ART_NAME – name of the part

ART_EAN – Barcode Parts

ART_NAME_IMAGE – name image, HEX(BRAND + spase + CODE_PART), гдеHEX – translation of the text to hexadecimal notation

PARTS_INFO– criteria Part

TERMS_OF_USE– use of spare parts for the selected car

ART_CROSS– cross-reference code

TECDOC_TYP_ID – index field vehicles

CAR_BRAND– brand name car

CAR_MODEL– car Model

CAR_TYP– type of engine

CAR_BODY– type of car body

CAR_OF_YEAR– from the year

CAR_TO_YEAR- to model year

CAR_KW– engine power, KW

CAR_PM – engine power, HP

CAR_CC– The index field parts

CAR_INFO – technical data of the vehicle

  • Table cross codes (table substitutes) (TablePartsCrossReference.csv)

mainART_BRANDS – brand spare parts for which are sought analogues

mainART_CODE_PARTS – code spare parts for which are sought analogues

TECDOC_ART_ID – index field of spare parts (refer to the table MainTableParts.csv)

BRANDS - brand cross-reference (if empty - code of users)

CODE_PARTS – code parts analogue (cross-reference)

KIND – type analogue (2 – trade number; 3 – original; 4- not original)

  • Tables to create a catalog of spare parts (Search parts for this car).

Contains tables :

  • Table categories Parts (TableTreeProductGroup.csv)

STR_ID – index field categories table

STR_ID_PARENT – child categories, the reference to the parent of the list (on STR_ID)

STR_TYPE – type of product group (1. Car; 2.Truck; 3.Engine; 4.Uuniversal; 5.Axe)

STR_LEVEL – level

STR_TEXT – name category catalog (product group)

  • Table grouping tables cars and parts relative to the table of categories of spare parts (TableLinkGroupsCarsAndParts.csv)

LGS_STR_ID– index table field (referring toSTR_ID the table TableTreeProductGroup.csv)

LGS_GA_ID– index table field (referring to GA_ID the table LinkedTableCars.csv and LinkedTableParts.csv)

  • Table vehicle group (LinkedTableCars.csv)

LAT_TYP_ID– index table field (referring toTECDOC_TYP_ID the table TableCarsPassenger.csv and/or TableCarsTruck.csv)

LAT_LA_ID - indextablefield(key to group the applicability to the car)

LAT_GA_ID - index table field (Group number of articles)

  • Table of groups of spare parts (LinkedTableParts.csv)

LA_ART_ID– index table field (referring toTECDOC_ ART_ID the table MainTableParts.csv)

LA_ID - indextablefield(key to group the applicability to the car)

LA_GA_ID - index table field (Group number of articles)

  • Or by using a linked table

- TableTreeProductGroup.csv (Описание данных таблицы выше)

- ExportAddition_TYPID_ARTID.csv (Description of the data table below)

-ExportAddition_TYPID_SRTID.csv (Description of the data table below)

-ExportAddition_ARTID_SRTID.csv (Description of the data table below)

Additional tables

  • Link Table [TECDOC_TYP_ID]=>[TECDOC_ART_ID] ExportAddition_TYPID_ARTID.csv

TECDOC_TYP_ID - indexfieldof table cars(referring to TECDOC_TYP_ID tablesTableCarsPassenger.csv and/or TableCarsTruck.csv)

TECDOC_ART_ID - indexfieldof table spare parts(referring toTECDOC_ ART_ID the table MainTableParts.csv)

  • Link Table [TECDOC_TYP_ID]=>[STR_ID]ExportAddition_TYPID_SRTID.csv

TECDOC_TYP_ID - indexfieldof table cars(referring to TECDOC_TYP_ID tablesTableCarsPassenger.csv and/or TableCarsTruck.csv)

STR_ID1 …STR_ID5 – index fieldcategories table (referring to STR_ID tablesTableTreeProductGroup.csv);

TEXT1…TEXT5 – name category catalog (product group)

  • Link Table [TECDOC_ART_ID]=>[STR_ID]ExportAddition_ARTID_SRTID.csv

TECDOC_ART_ID - indexfieldof table spare parts(referring toTECDOC_ ART_ID the table MainTableParts.csv)

STR_ID – index fieldcategories table (referring to STR_ID tablesTableTreeProductGroup.csv);


TECDOC_ART_ID - indexfieldof table spare parts(referring toTECDOC_ ART_ID the table MainTableParts.csv)

TECDOC_TYP_ID - indexfieldof table cars(referring to TECDOC_TYP_ID tablesTableCarsPassenger.csv and/or TableCarsTruck.csv)

TERMS_OF_USE– use of spare parts for the selected car

  • Table replacement old part numbers to the new [NEW_ART_ID] = [OLD_ART_ID] ExportAddition_NEWOLDART.csv

NEW_ART_ID - indexfieldof table spare parts(referring toTECDOC_ ART_ID the table MainTableParts.csv). Trade number to be inserted.

OLD_ART_ID – indexfieldof table spare parts(referring toTECDOC_ ART_ID the table MainTableParts.csv). Trading numbers for replacement.

  • TableKBA / MIME / NUMBERPLATE codes

ExportAddition_KBA.csv, ExportAddition_MIME.csv, ExportAddition_NUMBERPLATE.csv

TECDOC_TYP_ID - indexfieldof table cars(referring to TECDOC_TYP_ID tablesTableCarsPassenger.csv and/or TableCarsTruck.csv)

KEYNUMBER – Search number, such as KBA-number

Description of the format to list of criteria

[+] Separation of lines in the list of attributes is a symbol of CHR(10)

[+] Separation criterion name and its value - a combination of characters [=>]

[+] If the namecriterion of the empty value - then its value is the description of characteristics

Description table, example for database Mysql

The most common SQL queries: