P.O. BOX 443

PORTAGE, WI 53901-0443


SREA Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, March11, 2014, 6:00 p.m.

Location: Bidwell Room, Portage Public Library

Present: Miles Oakey, Micki Fuerst, Joe Duesler, John Prest, SarahMautz, Roger Lochner, Margie Druce

Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. by president, Miles Oakey.

Secretary’s Report (Sarah Mautz): Copy of February2014 meeting minutes furnished. Discussion. Motion made by Miles Oakeyto approve minutes, seconded by Joe Duesler. Motionpassed70.

Treasurer’s Report (Micki Fuerst): Copy of February2014 balance sheet, fiscal-year-to-date income statement, and budgeted reserve account reportfurnished. Discussion. Motion made by Joe Duesler, seconded by MargieDruce, to approve the reports. Motion passed70.

Unit 505 was sold to Kenneth and Jennifer Kinnamon. Unit 512 closing this Friday.

SREA Plant Beautification Fund Account balance as of February28:$206.99.

Buildings and Grounds Report (Joe Duesler): Discussion of request from owner of unit6033 to install underground sprinklers. Consensus is for board to seek attorney’s advice.

Vinyl siding project atunit640 is underway.

Unit608 ceiling repair done.

Made waterways through ice accumulations in several areas to encourage better drainage of runoff during thawing.

Calls have been made for estimates for pre-emergent lawn services for April.

Partition wall at units505506 to be repaired.

SREA Spring Newsletter will be out soon.

Discussion of parking issues, lack of sufficient parking spaces, and consequent difficulties of snow removal this past season. A letter will be drafted.

Discussed ongoing issues of trash storage as well aspet refuse not being picked up.

Utilities Report(Roger Lochner): Discussion of in-ground sprinkler systems.

Roads Report (John Prest): Nothing to report.

President’s Report (Miles Oakey): Discussed meeting that Miles and Micki had with SREA’s attorney regarding the proposed option of deeded access to SRA Marina.

Old Business: Discussed Attorney Miller’sopinionsregarding leasing and rental policies.

New Business: Placement of signs by unit owners and others discussed.

Corrections to condominium rules and regulations printed in the Saddle Ridge directory are due to Margie Druce by March25. New directory is to be published this Spring.

Next Scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, April9, 2014, 6:00 p.m., at Portage Public Library, Bidwell Room.

Adjournment: Joe Duesler made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by John Prest. Motionpassed70. Meeting adjourned 7:45p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sarah Mautz, Secretary, SREA Board of Directors

March11, 2014 SREA Minutes - page 1