Barrington Friends of Music

2016 College Scholarship Program

Each year, the Barrington Friends of Music offers one (or more if possible) $1,000 college scholarship to a Barrington student who has demonstrated a commitment to the Performing Arts during their time at BMS and has maintained a high academic standing during their high school years. Applicants will have the opportunity to reapply for this scholarship each year of their undergraduate studies.

Scholarship Requirements:

Participated in band or chorus at Barrington Middle School

Current resident of Barrington (or permanent residency)

Intention to keep Performing Arts a part of their life

Deadline for applications is April 24,2016

Please mail application to:

School Administrative Unit #74

572 Calef Highway

Barrington, NH 03825

Attn: Barrington Friends of Music Scholarship Committee

PLEASE NOTE: The recipient will be notified in mid May 2016. The scholarship will be awarded at the Barrington SAU Spring Concert in June 2016. Thank you for your interest in the Barrington Friends of Music 2016 Scholarship Program.
Friends of Music Scholarship Application

Student’s Printed Name: ______Date:______

Mailing Address: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

Name of current school and year in school: ______


Have you been accepted to the institution you plan to attend? If so, name of school: ______

Personal Statement:

On a separate sheet, in 500 words or less, please introduce yourself to the Friends of Music. Please include the following:

  • how many years you have studied music or been involved in the Performing Arts
  • what instrument(s) do you play
  • how do you plan to keep Performing Arts a part of your life
  • what are your aspirations and career goals
  • what other information might help us to get to know you better

List all the Music and Performing Arts activities you have participated in: ______

List any honors and awards you have received during high school:



1. Reference’s Name:______


Reference’s Signature: ______Date:______

2. Reference‘s Name:______Title:______

Reference’s Signature: ______Date:______

Financial Need:

Family Income: _____Below $15,000_____$15,000-$25,000

_____$25,000 - $35,000_____$35,000-$50,000

_____Above $50,000

Please list any scholarships, grants or financial aid you have or will receive: ______


Please list all members of family living at home, including ages of siblings: ______

List siblings attending institutions of higher education and approximate cost per student: ______

Please detail any unusual family or personal circumstances you feel we should be aware of: ______


Estimate educational costs for the year:


Tuition & fees: Est. earnings during college year:

Room/board: Est. aid from family:

Scholarships & grants:

Total Costs:Total Resources:

Amount Needed (cost less resources):

Student’s Signature ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______

Important:Applications must be accompanied with a copy of your high school transcripts (Grades 9-12) and include the signature of 2 references.


Sponsored by: Barrington Friends of Music