
Writing Mechanics
CATEGORY / Distinguished / Proficient / Limited / Unsatisfactory
Introductory Paragraph / Introductory paragraph includes excellent explanation or detail sentences which provide background and support the thesis directly / Introductory paragraph includes explanation or detail sentences which provide background and support the thesis / Introductory paragraph includes related sentences which provide background, but may not support the thesis / Introductory paragraph fails to include related sentences which support the topic
Thesis Statement / Introductory paragraph includes a strong, properly formatted, defensible thesis that addresses the topic / Introductory paragraph includes a thesis that addresses the topic / Introductory paragraph lacks a clearly developed thesis / Introductory paragraph lacks thesis
Body Paragraph Construction / Each Body paragraph includes a topic sentence that summarizes how body paragraph will address thesis, as well as at least three pertinent, detailed, explanatory sentences, and a concluding sentence. / Body paragraphs include a topic sentence that addresses the thesis, some pertinent detailed explanatory sentences and a concluding sentence that somewhat sums up paragraph / Body paragraphs include a topic sentence that fails to address the thesis appropriately, the explanatory sentences are not extremely detailed, and the concluding sentence somewhat sums up paragraph / Body paragraphs are missing either a topic sentence, explanatory sentences or a concluding sentence
Concluding Paragraph Construction / Concluding paragraph includes a topic sentence that transitions appropriately, a concise summary that addresses all body paragraphs, and a clear restatement of thesis / Concluding paragraph includes a topic sentence, a summary of body paragraph ideas, and a restatement of thesis / Concluding paragraph fails to adequately restate thesis or points of body paragraph / Concluding paragraph does not address argument of essay
Organization / Information is very organized in a logical (chronological) order / Information is fairly well organized in a fairly logical (chronological) order / Information is somewhat organized; order of information does not make complete sense / The information appears to be disorganized.
Mechanics and Sentence Structure / Sentences are well constructed and essay contains only incidental grammatical errors, if any / Most sentences are well constructed and essay contains very few grammatical errors / Sentences are sometimes well constructed and some grammatical errors exist / Sentences are generally not well constructed and many grammatical errors exist

Please note: If you do not make an attempt to fulfill the requirements for any of the above categories, your essay will be scored as missing (zero credit) for those relevant categories.


MLA Reference
CATEGORY / Distinguished / Proficient / Limited / Unsatisfactory
MLA Works Cited and Format / Presents a properly formatted MLA works cited page: alphabetical, double-spaced, proper indentation, proper headings, and properly formatted page numbers / Works cited/Paper fails to include one of the qualities listed (in distinguished) / Works cited/Paper fails to include two of the qualities listed (in distinguished) / Works cited/Paper formatting is attempted, but fails to meet most of the formatting criteria
In-Text Citations / Always presents properly formatted MLA citations within text / Usually presents properly formatted MLA citations within text / Sometimes presents properly formatted MLA citations within text / Rarely presents properly formatted MLA citations within text
Historical Analysis
CATEGORY / Distinguished / Proficient / Limited / Unsatisfactory
Knowledge of Historical Content / Presents substantial specific historical details from research in each and every paragraph / Presents some specific historical details in all paragraphs or presents substantial specific historical details in some paragraphs but not all / Presents minimal specific historical details in some paragraphs / Offers little to no relevant historical evidence
Analysis of Relevant
Historical Evidence / Presents clear, effective analysis using substantial amounts of relevant historical evidence on the appropriate topic; supports the essay thesis with this information; attends to each chosen aspects (economic, political, cultural/social): provides appropriate analysis of both immediate and long term impact / Presents analysis that is mostly clear using some relevant historical evidence on the appropriate topic; supports the essay thesis with this information; attends to each chosen aspects (economic, political, cultural/social), but may focus on one aspect inappropriately; provides appropriate analysis of immediate and long term impact / Presents minimal effective analysis using some relevant historical evidence on the appropriate topic; fails to fully support the essay thesis with this information; / Offers little to no analysis of historical evidence

Please note: If you do not make an attempt to fulfill the requirements for any of the above categories, your essay will be scored as missing (zero credit) for those relevant categories.