“Boston:A Revolutionary Education”

Nurse Oncologists


The 2015 Annual Symposium of the Society of Gynecologic Nurse Oncologists will be held at the Park Plaza, Boston, Massachusetts. This annual symposium offers the most current information about the treatment and care of women with gynecologic cancers.The SGNO is dedicated to the advancement of patient care, education, and research in gynecologic oncology and women’s health care. We provide members with opportunities to increase their knowledge, skills, and understanding of professional issues. SGNO is determined to make a difference.

Purpose of the Annual Symposium

•Support the concerns and interests of gynecologic nurse oncologists.

•Promote an awareness of the health-illness cycle for women diagnosed with gynecologic cancers.

•Advance nursing knowledge and clinical skills in gynecologic oncology by providing workshops, educational material and increased research opportunities.

•Support and promote communications and professional development among gynecologic nurse oncologists and gynecologic oncologists.

•Promote communication with other organizations that influence women’s health care.

We would like to take this Opportunity to invite you to be an exhibitor for the 32nd Annual Symposium of the SGNO. The conference will kick-off with the Welcome Reception on Wednesday, March 25from 8:00-9:00pm after the Keynote address.

Conference attendees will have an opportunity to visit the displays during show hoursBEGINNING ON THURSDAY, March 26.


The exhibition gives the SGNO annual symposium ATTENDEESan opportunity to learn about the latest developments in medical supplies and equipment, pharmaceuticals, and medical publishing. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit with other organizations dedicated to advancement of women’s health and gynecologic oncology. By exhibiting at the symposium, you will make face-to-face contact with the leaders in gynecologic oncology nursing.


Show Hours

Thursday, March 26: 7:00am-5:00 PM

Friday, March 27: 7:00AM-5:00PM

Saturday, March 28: 7:00AM-12:00PM

Set up-March 25 after 7pm - 9PM

Tear down- March 28 after 12 noon


Corporate Showcase presentations are a prime opportunity to showcase your company’s products, services, or programs by conducting a seminar of product demonstration. The Corporate Showcase sessions are 30 minutes in length and will be held in a draped section in the Exhibit Hall set theater style for up to 50 attendees. This is a non-CME event……………$3,500.00


SGNO will produce a dedicated Symposium Syllabus for the 32nd Annual Symposium of the SGNO. This guide will highlight exhibitor listings, floor plans, programs at a glance and much more. We offer the opportunity for you to place an advertisement in the Symposium Syllabus. Advertising in the Syllabus offers you concentrated exposure to health care providers involved in the care of Gynecologic Oncology patients. Take advantage of this opportunity to place your message in the hands of these caregivers.

All ads must be in a MS word format and will be printed in black and white or Color. To reserve space, contact VickyWillis at tel:904-308-5462 or . Space for the syllabus closes on March 01, 2015. Email ads to Vicky Willis at .

PLACEMENT / SIZE (width X height) / Cost
Back Cover / 8 X 11 / $1,000.00
Front Inside Cover / 8 X 11 / $750.00
Back Inside Cover / 8 X 11 / $750.00
Interior Ads / 8 X 11 / $600.00
Half Page / 8 x 5 / $400.00


All Attendees will be given a Tote bag in which to store their materials. You may sponsor the SGNO Tote bag that is provided to each registrant. Your company logo will be placed on the bag -$2000.00

(Please contact f interested)


All exhibitors are encouraged to donate door prizes to be raffled away during the seminar sessions. Recognition of the donor-sponsored door prizes will be announced with each raffle. All sponsorships and unrestricted educational grant contributions are in support of the SGNO. We need your commitment by March 01, 2015 to be listed in the Symposium brochure.


Applications for Exhibit Space due by February 21, 2015.

Applications for Corporate Showcase due by February 21, 2015.

Information & Description for Symposium Syllabus due By March 01, 2015.

Advertisements due By March 01, 2015.

Exhibitor Badge Registration Due By March 01, 2015.

Cancellations-No Refunds after March 01, 2015.

Make plans now to join us at the Park Plaza, Boston, Massachusetts. Thank you for your participation in the 32ndtAnnual Symposium of the SGNO. We appreciate how hard you work to keep us up-to-date and supplied with quality products and information for our nurses and patients.


“Boston: A Revolutionary Education”

March 25-28, 2015

Park Plaza, Boston, Massachusetts

Show Hours

Thursday, March 26: 7:00-5:00
Friday, March 27: 7:00-5:00
Saturday, March 28: 7:00-12:00
Set up-March 25: 7 pm -9pm
Tear down- March 28 after 12 noon /

Symposium Exhibit Location

Boston Park Plaza
50 Park Plaza at Arlington Street
Boston,MA. 02116
Booth Rental Includes:
Event registration for staff from your organization;
25 hours of dedicated exhibit time;
Networking with Gynecologic Oncology professionals;
Listing in the on-site program brochure; which includes a description of the products/services your company represents;
Standard 8’ deep by 10’ wide space with 7’ skirted table with two chairs;
A booth identification sign;
A hardcopy list of the names, titles and addresses of all participants at the Symposium will be available;
Optional meal plan which can be purchased separately. /

Booth Fees and Cancellation Policy

No booth space will be assigned without payment in full. If the assigned space is cancelled by the exhibitor after March 3rd, all monies will be retained by SGNO.

Levels of Corporate Sponsorship

Gold > $10,000.00
Silver > $5,000.00
Bronze > $3,000.00 /

Hotel Reservations/Booth Assignments

Hotel reservations should be made directly with Boston Park Plaza at 50 Park Plaza at Arlington Street. Mention the SGNgroup code when booking your rooms
Phone: ( 617)-457-7425or on website: The symposium rate cutoff date is March 3, 2015. Booth assignments are subject to discretion of the SGNO Planning Committee. For additional information regarding exhibit and /or booth assignments, contact Vicky Willis @ 904-308-5462or email her at .

Educational Grants

Paula Major Lecture $4,000.00
Reception $5,000.00
*Includes exhibit fees and acknowledgment of corporate sponsorship.

Exhibit Fees

$200.00 Retail (All Show Hours)
$750/Full Exhibit Fee (All Show Hours)
$100/Full Exhibit Fee for Non-Profit Organizations (All Show Hours) /


Exhibitors Contract

Company Name: ______

Address______City ______State______ZIP______


Contact Name______Title______


Work Phone______Other______Cell Phone______

Brief Description

In the space below, please write a short summary of the products and/or services that your company provides. This description will be used in the 2015 Symposium on-site program brochure.


Additional Exhibit needs______


Complete Exhibitor fee(s) to determine amount due:

□GOLD $10,000.00 (Due Feb 21, 2015)

□SILVER $5,000.00 (Due Feb 21, 2015)

□BRONZE $3,000.00 (Due Feb 21, 2015)

$______Paula Major Lectureship ($4,000.00)

$______Reception ($5,000.00)


$______($ 750.00) Full Exhibit Fee-All Show Hours

$______( $100.00)Full Exhibit Fee-All Show Hours for Non-Profit Organizations

$______Meal Package (Includes 3 breakfasts, all breaks)($150.00/person)

$______Total Amount Due (Due Feb 21, 2015)

Names and Titles of Staff attending and exhibiting:




Method of Payment: Send Hard Copy application with CHECK ONLY(Online Application is also available)

Please photocopy both pages of this contract and return original with payment to SGNO, Attn. Vicky Willis, 8128 Patou Drive South, Jacksonville, Florida 32210.

If the assigned space is cancelled by the exhibitor after March 01, 2015, all monies will be retained by SGNO

Authorizing Signature______Date______

Print Name______