South Side Sprouts Container Garden Share

About our program

Hello prospective container gardener!

We’re glad you are interested in our brand new container garden share. Before you apply, we would like for you to know a few things about this program.

This program was made possible by the collaborative efforts of the Billings Parks and Recreation Department, Healthy by Design, and AmeriCorps VISTA. Our collective goal is to increase food security in areas that are classified as food deserts, the south side triangle being one of them. If your house is within the triangle outlined below, then you qualify for this program:

Upon acceptance, you will receive your container gardening kit free of charge at the beginning of the season. This will occur on or after May 10th. Even though there is no fee, please think of this as a rental system; we expect for you to return the container garden and tools to the Parks and Recreation Department no later than October 15th, 2017.

You will be paired with an experienced gardener volunteer from the Billings community. This gardener will help deliver your materials in the beginning of the season, and will be available throughout the season to answer any questions you may have. The gardener volunteer will also check in on your garden at least once during the season.

If you have any questions, feel free to call our office at 406-657-8303, or e-mail us at

We look forward to growing with you!

South Side Container Garden Application

Billings Parks and Recreation (390 N 23rd St, Billings, MT 59101)
Office: 406-657-8308 |

Contact Information

Street Address
City, ST, ZIP Code
Home/Cell Phone
Work Phone
E-Mail Address
Are you 18 or older?

Box Information

# of people in household
# of Containers Requested (limit to two per individual or 5 per household)

Tools and Materials

Supplies are limited. We will do our best to accommodate your wishes, but you may not receive your most desired plants.

From the list, please rank the following vegetables from 1-15, 1 being most desired and 15 being least desired.

Tomato / Grape Tomato / Zucchini / Jalapeno Pepper / Habanero
Bell Pepper (sweet) / Summer Squash / Broccoli / Red Cabbage / Brussels Sprouts
Swiss Chard / Cucumber / Carrots / Salad Greens / Beets

If you would like something not included on this list, please write it in here:

From the list, please choose which tools you would like included with your container garden (you may pick more than one)

Watering Can / Clippers / Gloves / Trowel / Disposable Camera
(take pictures of your plants)

Gardening Experience

Briefly summarize below any gardening experience or skills that you have.

Deposit Fee

Each household will pay a $15 refundable deposit for their container garden kit. To reclaim your deposit, all materials must be returned to the Billings Parks and Recreation Department by the end of the season (October 15). If this fee is substantial and prevents you from participating in our program, please contact us and we will discuss the possibility of waiving it.

Please send your payment method with your application. You can mail your application and payment to our office, or bring it in person.

Mail to:

Attn: Container Gardens

Billings Parks and Recreation

390 N 23rd St

Billings, MT 59101

By signing below, I understand that I will return any materials given to me by the Billings Parks and Recreation Department by October 15, 2017.

Primary ContainerGarden Lessee name (printed)

If two adults will be sharing the container garden, both will need to sign.

Secondary ContainerGarden LesseeName (printed)

*By signing as the primary container garden lease, you will be responsible for the materials overall. This includes being the main contact person, and having responsibility for returning the materials in reasonable condition.