Rowing Club at the College of William and Mary

Department of Recreational Sports

PO Box 8795

Williamsburg, VA 23186

February 2007

Club Constitution

This document contains within it the rules and specification outlining the operation of the Rowing Club at the College of William and Mary. This document shall be legal for the club in all dealings and transactions, both internal and external.

Article I.Name

The name of this organization shall be the Rowing Club at the College of William and Mary.

Article II.Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to successfully compete in the sport of rowing, while developing sportsmanship and teamwork in the spirit of the liberal arts education which the College of William and Mary espouses.

Article III.Membership

Membership shall be open to all undergraduates and graduate students currently registered and enrolled at the College of William and Mary. All faculty, staff and administrators shall also be eligible for membership, and shall be called Associate Members. Racing eligibility shall be determined by USRowing, NCAA, or regatta regulations.

Article IV.Executive Board

Section 1: Executive Officers

The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice-President of Fundraising, Vice-President of Transportation, Treasurer, and Secretary. Each shall be elected, in the fall semester of each academic year, with the date to be determined by the outgoing board, and made known to the club with four weeks prior notice, to a one year term beginning on a date determined by the outgoing executive board, and no later that upon the return to school in January. A vacancy of any elected office requires that an immediate revote of the affected club or squad.

Section 2: Qualifications

In order to be eligible for election to the executive board in the offices of President, Vice-President of Fundraising, Vice-President of Transportation, or Treasurer an individual must have been a member in good standing of the club for at least one full year (fall and spring seasons). Additionally, the President and Vice-Presidents, totaling three, must not all be of the same competitive squad. Coxswains are not included as part of any particular competitive squad and may be elected without restriction to either position. In order to be eligible for the election to the executive board in the office of Secretary an individual must have been a member in good standing of the club for at least one semester.

Section 3: Director of Rowing

The Director of Rowing shall be expected to attend and offer guidance at all Executive Board meetings. The Director of Rowing shall have no official vote. Any advice and suggestions given must be heavily considered by the members of the Executive Board.

Section 4: Voting Power of the Executive Board Members

Each member (excepting the Director of Rowing) shall be entitled to exactly one vote in deciding matters of club policy.

Article V.Duties of the Officers

Section 1: The President shall:

  1. Preside over all meetings.
  2. Act as a liaison between the club and the administration, or other interested parties, including the Friends of Williamsburg Rowing.
  3. Delegate authority so that needed tasks are done
  4. Insure club compliance with all rules and regulations of the College of William and Mary in Virginia and the Department of Recreational Sports
  5. Be generally responsible for the state of the team, including but not limited to, necessary registration with governing bodies and equipment insurance.

Section 2: The Vice-President of Fundraising shall:

  1. Act as the President in case of the absense of the President at any club function
  2. Be generally responsible for fund raising
  3. Assist the President in all matters when necessary

Section 3: The Vice-President of Transportation shall:

  1. Act as the President in case of the absense of the President and Vice-President of Fundraising at any club function.
  2. Arrange transportation for regattas, in adherence with the policies of the College of William and Mary in Virginia and the Department of Recreational Sports
  3. Assist in a general way the operation of the Executive Board

Section 3: The Treasurer shall:

  1. Distribute all payments as cleared by the Executive Board
  2. Keep in good order, and record all financial transactions
  3. Assist in the budget preparation with the Executive Board

Section 4: The Secretary shall:

  1. Record the proceedings of all club functions for archival purposes
  2. Update and maintain the club’s website
  3. Assist in a general way the operation of the Executive Board

Article VII.Responsibilities of the Coaching Staff

Job titles and descriptions for the coaching staff shall be provided by the Executive Board and amended to the constitution by a simple majority vote.

Article VIII.Committees

The Executive Board may establish or abolish any committee by a simple majority vote.

Section 1: Committee Heads

All committees shall have one head, who shall be nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority vote of the team no later than 30 September to a one year term beginning immediately. Committee heads shall be responsible for the smooth operation of their committee. Additionally, committee heads shall report directly to the Executive Board, and shall be responsible for instituting and following all directives given them.

Section 2: Committee Members

All committees, in addition to a head, shall consist of a certain number of members (at the discretion of the head). Members shall be responsible for following the directives of their committee heads to the best of their ability.

Article IX.Team Captains

Each squad (with the divisions being Varsity Men, Novice Men, Varsity Women, Novice Women) shall elect one and only one captain (to total four).

Section 1: Duties

Captains shall be responsible for presenting concerns to the coaching staff and Executive Board, and receiving and dispersing information to their respective squad, along with leading and promoting morale.

Section 2: Elections

Elections shall be held after the completion of the last competition of the spring season and before the first competition of the fall season. A simple majority vote of the respective squad is required for election.

Section 3: Qualifications

To be elected Captain an individual must be a dedicated member of the respective squad.

Article XI.Meetings

Regular and special meetings shall be called and scheduled by the Executive Board. There shall be no fewer than one full-club meeting per semester. At such meetings each club member (excepting coaches) shall be entitled to exactly one vote. All meetings shall be mandatory unless otherwise stated.

Article XII.Dues

Section 1: Payment

Dues shall be paid by each member and associate member of the club each semester. Dues are non-refundable. Furthermore, any individual failing to pay dues may be subject to honor code violation charges.

Section 2: Amount

The amount to be paid shall be fairly determined by the Executive Board.

Section 3: Special Provision

Dues may be fund-raised with the understanding that an individual is responsible for the full amount specified by the end of that rowing semester. Dues may also be paid in installments. In either of the above cases, or anything except full payment of the amount specified, a contract binding the club member to full payment shall be signed. Failure to pay is ground for dismissal from the club and honor code violation charges.

Section 4: Reservation

The Executive Board reserves the right to charge associate members higher dues.

Article XIV.Amendments

Section 1: Submission

Amendments to this constitution may be submitted by any member of the club. Such proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the President.

Section 2: Voting

Such proposed amendments shall be voted on at the next full-club meeting. The proposed amendment shall be made known to the club membership prior to the meeting.

Section 3: Adoption

A special 2/3 majority vote of the membership present shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendments to this constitution.

Section 4: Exception

The 2/3 majority vote shall be excepted in the case of Coaching Staff Job Descriptions and the Club Safety Plan. These documents shall be amended by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.

Article XV.Ratification

This constitution shall become effective upon ratification by a majority vote of the membership of this club and approval of the Director of Recreational Sports.

Amendment I.Coaching Staff Job Descriptions

Job Description: Director of Rowing

·Will work with the student board in representing the team to the College and wider community

·Will work with the student board in determining long term goals and establishing a means to achieve these goals

·Will act as the administrative executive in areas such as race entries, equipment issues, relations with other teams and coaches, recruiting, and other requisite administrative duties not held by the student board

·Will act as an advisor in fund-raising activities

·Will coordinate with both varsity and novice coaches to determine priorities in equipment uses and practice times, along with competition schedule

·Will ensure that proper safety measures are in place and followed by all coaches and rowers pursuant to the guidelines or requirements of the United States Rowing Association and the College of William and Mary in Virginia

·Promoting and establishing club policies that comply with all rules and regulations of the United States Rowing Association and the College of William and Mary in Virginia

Job Description: Varsity Coach, Men or Women

·Responsible for creation and implementation of a training plan for experienced collegiate coxswains and rowers to ensure success in competition

·Will have sole responsibility in determining race and practice line-ups

·Responsible for working with the Director of Rowing in requisite administrative duties

·Will during practices and competitions the safety policies instituted by the Rowing Club

·Will care for all club equipment in a responsible manner

Job Description: Novice Coach, Men or Women

·Responsible for the creation and implementation of a training plan for novice collegiate students to ensure a love for the sport of rowing, continued participation in the Rowing Club at the College of William and Mary, and success in competition

·Will have sole responsibility in determining race and practice line-ups

·Will work with the Varsity Coach of the same gendered squad to ensure that rising novices are able to integrate themselves and become contributing members of the Varsity squad

·Will during practices and competitions the safety policies instituted by the Rowing Club

·Assist in requisite administrative duties

·Will care for all club equipment in a responsible manner