Whatcom County Fire District No. 11
Board of Fire Commissioners
3809 Legoe Bay Road, Lummi Island, WA. 98262
June 10, 2003
CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Craig Smith at 3809 Legoe Bay Road, Lummi Island, WA called the Regular Meeting for June 10, 2003 to order. 98262, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: In attendance were Commissioner Bob Busch, Commissioner Dave Harmoney, Commissioner Craig Smith, Fire Chief Duncan McLane, and Board Secretary Barbara Wallace.
GUEST: Pete Cameron and Frankie Small.
Motion: Commissioner Harmoney made motion, “To approve the minutes as presented of the May 13, 2003 meeting.” Seconded by Commissioner Busch, AND PASSED 3-0.
The Board of Commissioners, at 3809 Legoe Bay Road, Lummi Island, Wa. 98262 reviewed the regular Blanket vouchers approval documents for May/June 2003 expenses for approval of payments, on June 10, 2003 and approved. “Vouchers audited and certified by RCW 42.24.080, and those expenses, reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been made available to the Board,” and with no revisions.
Motion: Commissioner Harmoney made motion, “To approve the vouchers for June 10, 2003, and approve for payment those vouchers included in the list, and further described as follows: Vouchers 2003 – 03-117 through 2003 – 03-131, in the amount of $2,594.28. Motion seconded by Commissioner Busch, AND PASSED 3-0.
Motion: Commissioner Harmoney made motion, “To approve the payroll for June 2003.” Seconded by Commissioner Smith, AND PASSED 3-0.
WGEP Letter – Estimated rates for Policy Year 2004Letter (05/14/03) Bellingham Fire Department EMS Services
Copy of Letter to Chris Harmoney May 20, 2003
Copy of Letter to Chris Harmoney May 27, 2003
Copy of Letter to K. Sebastian A T & T Wireless for Internet Service
Copy of Letter to Scenic Estates Board re: Station 2
0 Fire, 2 EMS
Ambulance gauges to be worked on next Tuesday
Cap on 21 leaking still, trying some parts switching with 51
Received new section of 3” from manufacturer to replace failed one
Received Radio from District 8 old push button will look into installation
Great job on flowerbeds, no additional plants this year
Cargo Container gone, will gravel area for fire extinguisher class
Pressure wash building before Open house
Isaac Arnett back on leave
DNR wildland review, Pumps & SCBA (Salvation Army), Rapid extrication
Meetings / Activities:
Community Fire Prevention / Open House June 29th
WEB SITE – Commissioners Page??
WCPW Ferry alerts system
Pagers on line and ready for issuing to county
Agreement reviewed by council, approved & signed by District & County
Rural Health grant denied
Scenic Estates:
Water source Turtles not in place yet – DOH has said the system could be contaminated if used by Fire Department. John Gram negotiating with Engineer & DOH. Will know more by next week.
Salvation Army – Allowed trees to be cut for L.Z. Need field watered approx. 4000 gallons.
Outdoors Burning:
Received guidelines and will go through them soon.
Meeting was suspended at 8:22 p.m. due to a fire call. Meeting was reconvened at 8:45 p.m.
Frankie Small – Reported that 5 people attended the Fire Wise in Spokane.
Scenic Estates will have a table set up for the June 29th Open House.
Frankie has also asked if all the department apparatus could be placed in the Island Parade.
Frankie Small has also requested copies of the minutes.
The Board of Commissioners was presented with April and May 2003 financial reports (along with copies of the backup documentation from the Courthouse).
Commissioner Busch has stated that he will contact the County and another Survey Company for qualifications and costs.
Heritage Trust – Water sample done. Agreements not completed yet.
Water/Standpipe agreements – perpetuity Granger System agreement to include “termination to include cost of materials at current market value”.
No new business.
Open House Sunday, June 29th. We are expecting a good attendance.
Motion: There being no other business to come before the Board of Commissioners, Commissioner Harmoney moved and Commissioner Busch seconded, to adjourn the meeting, AND PASSED 3-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
______By: ______
Barbara Wallace, Commissioner Craig Smith
Board Secretary
By: ______
Commissioner Dave Harmoney
By: ______
Commissioner Robert Busch
Approved at the Whatcom County Fire District # 11 Board of Commissioner Meeting on Tuesday, July 8, 2003.
June 10, 2003 Board of Commissioners Page 1 of 4