General Power of Attorney
(For patent, utility model, design or trademark)
I/We, the undersigned,
do hereby appoint Y.P. Lee, Mock & Partners (Code: 9-2005-100002-8), registered Korean patent attorneys, as my/our lawful attorneys to take on my/our behalf any and all proceedings listed below before the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO).
A01. to undertake any and all procedures for prosecution of a patent application;
A02. to undertake any and all procedures for registration of a patent right;
A04. to abandon a patent application;
A05. to withdraw a patent application;
A06. to withdraw a request concerning a patent application;
A07. to withdraw a petition concerning a patent application;
A08. to withdraw an application for registration of an extension of the term of a patent right;
A09. to abandon a patent right;
A10. to claim priority based on a patent application under Article 55(1) of the Patent Act;
A11. to withdraw a priority claim based on a patent application under Article 55(1) of the Patent Act;
A12. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to prosecution of a patent application;
A13. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to reject a patent application;
A15. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to revoke a patent;
A16. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to reject a patent application;
A18. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to revoke a patent;
A19. to request for examination for a patent application filed by a third party;
A20. to furnish information on a patent application filed by a third party under Article 63(2) of the Patent Act;
A21. to request a accelerated examination of a patent application filed by a third party under Article 61 of the Patent Act;
A22. to file a dual application for a patent based on a utility model application;
A23. to undertake any and all procedures for an opposition to a patent at the examination stage;
A24. to withdraw an opposition to a patent at the examination stage;
A25. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a trial for a patent;
A26. to withdraw a request for a trial concerning a trial for a patent;
A27. to withdraw a petition concerning a trial for a patent;
A28. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to a trial for a patent;
A29. to convert a utility model application into a patent application;
A30. to undertake any and all procedures concerning an opposition to a patent at the trial stage;
A31. to withdraw an opposition to a patent at the trial stage;
A32. to withdraw a petition concerning an opposition to a patent at the trial stage;
A33. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to an opposition to a patent at the trial stage;
B01. to undertake any and all procedures for prosecution of a utility model application;
B02. to undertake any and all procedures for registration of a utility model right;
B04. to abandon a utility model application;
B05. to withdraw a utility model application;
B06. to withdraw a request concerning a utility model application;
B07. to withdraw a petition concerning a utility model application;
B08. to abandon a utility model right;
B09. to claim priority based on a utility model application under Article 11 of the Utility Model Act;
B10. to withdraw priority claim based on a utility model application under Article 11 of the Utility Model Act;
B11. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to prosecution of a utility model application;
B14. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to revoke a utility model registration;
B17. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to revoke a utility model registration;
B19. to furnish information on a utility model application filed by a third party under Article 15 of the Utility Model Act;
B21. to file a dual application for a utility model based on a patent application;
B22. to undertake any and all procedures for technical evaluation of a utility model application or a utility model registration;
B23. to undertake any and all procedures for technical evaluation of a utility model application or a utility model registration made by a third party;
B24. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a trial against the decision to dismiss a utility model application;
B25. to undertake any and all procedures for an opposition to a utility model registration at the examination stage;
B26. to withdraw an opposition to a utility model registration at the examination stage;
B27. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a trial for a utility model registration;
B28. to withdraw a request for a trial concerning a trial for a utility model registration;
B29. to withdraw a petition concerning a trial for a utility model registration;
B30. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to a trial for a utility model registration;
B31. to convert a patent application into a utility model application;
B32. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to reject a utility model application;
B33. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to reject a utility model application;
B34. to request for examination for a utility model application filed by a third party;
B35. to request a accelerated examination of a utility model application filed by a third party under Article 15 of Utility Model Act;
B36. to undertake any and all procedures concerning an opposition to a utility model registration at the trial stage;
B37. to withdraw an opposition to a utility model registration at the trial stage;
B38. to withdraw a petition concerning an opposition to a utility model registration at the trial stage;
B39. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to an opposition to a utility model registration at the trial stage;
C01. to undertake any and all procedures for prosecution of a design application;
C02. to undertake any and all procedures for registration of a design right;
C04. to abandon a design application;
C05. to withdraw a design application;
C06. to withdraw a request concerning a design application;
C07. to withdraw a petition concerning a design application;
C08. to abandon a design right;
C09. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to prosecution of a design application;
C10. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to reject a design application;
C11. to undertake all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to dismiss amendment to a design application;
C12. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to revoke a design registration;
C13. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to reject a design application;
C14. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to dismiss amendment to a design application;
C15. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to revoke a design registration;
C16. to furnish information on a design application filed by a third party under Article 55 of the Design Protection Act;
C17. to request a accelerated examination of a design application filed by a third party under Article 61 of the Design Protect Act;
C18. to undertake any and all procedures for an opposition to a partially-examined design registration;
C19. to withdraw an opposition to a partially-examined design registration;
C20. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a trial for a design registration;
C21. to withdraw a request for a trial concerning a trial for a design registration;
C22. to withdraw a petition concerning a trial for a design registration;
C23. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to a trial for a design registration;
D01. to undertake any and all procedures for prosecution of a trademark application;
D02. to undertake any and all procedures for registration of a trademark right;
D03. to abandon a trademark application;
D04. to withdraw a trademark application;
D05. to withdraw a request concerning a trademark application;
D06. to withdraw a petition concerning a trademark application;
D07. to abandon a trademark right;
D08. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to prosecution of a trademark application;
D09. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to reject a trademark application;
D10. to undertake all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to dismiss amendment to a trademark application;
D11. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to reject a trademark application;
D12. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to dismiss amendment to a trademark application;
D13. to furnish information on a trademark application filed by a third party under Article 49 of the Trademark Act;
D14. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a petition for registration of reclassification of goods;
D15. to undertake any and all procedures concerning the registration of reclassification of goods;
D16. to withdraw a petition for registration of reclassification of goods;
D17. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to reject a petition for registration of reclassification of goods;
D18. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a request for a trial against the decision to dismiss amendment to a petition for registration of reclassification of goods;
D19. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to reject a petition for registration of reclassification of goods;
D20. to withdraw a request for a trial against the decision to dismiss amendment to a petition for registration of reclassification of goods;
D21. to undertake any and all procedures for an opposition to a trademark application;
D22. to withdraw an opposition to a trademark application;
D23. to undertake any and all procedures concerning a trial for a trademark registration;
D24. to withdraw a request for a trial concerning a trial for a trademark registration;
D25. to withdraw a petition concerning a trial for a trademark registration;
D26. to appoint a sub-attorney with respect to a trial for a trademark registration;
D27. to convert application(s) between a trademark application, a collective mark application (excepting a collective mark for geographical indication), a certification mark application (excepting a certification mark for geographical indication);
E00. to undertake any and all procedures for an international trademark application under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks;
F00. to undertake any and all procedures for an international design application under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs
The undersigned is duly authorized to execute this document on my/our behalf.
Dated this day of , 2017
By: (Signature)
I, the undersigned, have been explained in detail by the above attorneys the material factors (scope of delegated authority, duration of authority, method of withdrawal, etc.), and understood this General Power of Attorney.
Dated this day of , 2017
By: (Signature)
(Notarial Seal) Signature:
Notary Public



1)  The Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) uses an on-line computerized system, which is backed up on an accurate and systematic data basis, for most proceedings.

2)  It is quite problematic to use a Special Power of Attorney (SPOA) on this system since such a SPOA is valid only for one specific case. Multiple cases of the same person at the KIPO require a separate SPOA per case, even when the person is represented by the same agent.

3)  To avoid this difficulty caused by use of the SPOA, the KIPO adopted a General Power of Attorney (GPOA) to cover present and future proceedings at the KIPO via a single power of attorney even for multiple cases of one person.


1)  No need to indicate a specific case.

2)  The attorney will be assigned a GPOA code by the KIPO and no more Powers of Attorney will be required by the KIPO as far as the same Principal uses the same attorney for different cases and issues in the future.

3)  Coverage of authorization granted to the attorney by the Principal includes all proceedings at the KIPO related to patents, utility models, designs, and trademarks, including trials which are under the KIPO’s jurisdiction (please refer to the GPOA form for details).


1)  The Principal may limit the scope of the GPOA granted to the attorney to exclude a specific case by submitting a simple request for limitation to the KIPO.

2)  The Principal can withdraw the GPOA to terminate the authorization given to the attorney by submitting a request for withdrawal to the KIPO

3)  To modify the scope of the GPOA for the same attorney, a new GPOA to the same attorney has to be registered after withdrawing the old one.

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