Candidate profile form for 2017 Fayetteville Voter Guide
The information you submit in this profile will be included in the 2017 Fayetteville Voter Guide, produced by the nonpartisan Common Cause North Carolina and available at Thank you for your participation and for your willingness to serve the people of Fayetteville.
This profile form can also be found online at:
Please submit your profile and a high-resolution, color photograph as soon as possible and no later than Monday, August 28. You can do so in any of the following ways:
Mail: Attn: Voter Guide
Common Cause NC
907 Glenwood Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27605
Entries that are left blank will be marked as “No Response” in the voter guide. Note that fields marked with an asterisk (*) are for our internal reference only and will not appear in the voter guide. Word limits, where applicable, will be strictly enforced, so please count your words before submitting. Thank you!
*Daytime Phone:
*Email Address:
Office Sought:
Campaign Website, Facebook and/or Twitter:
Your background/experience (40 words maximum):
Please list 2 of your favorite endorsements by groups or prominent individuals for this election. (Please note: written verification from groups or individuals of endorsements for the 2017 election must be submitted by mail or email before endorsements can be included in the voter guide.)
– candidate profile continues on back of page –
1. What qualifications or approach to city government makes you the best candidate for this position? (40 words maximum)
2. How important is affordable housing to Fayetteville’s future and how do you propose ensuring that the city maintains an adequate stock of affordable housing? (55 words maximum)
3. What are your ideas to create more jobs for young people, especially those groups with traditionally higher unemployment rates like young African-Americans? (55 words maximum)
4. What are your views and plans regarding police-community relations? Should Fayetteville establish a police-community oversight board with investigatory and disciplinary powers? Why or why not? (55 words maximum)
5. What can or should Fayetteville do to provide access to efficient, reliable public transportation for all citizens? (55 words maximum)
6. What issue is NOT getting the attention it deserves from city government? How would you address it? (55 words maximum)
(Please submit your profile and candidate photograph as soon as possible and no later than August 28. Thank you for your participation in the 2017 Fayetteville Voter Guide!)