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Early Childhood Education and Care
Course Name and Number / Certificate III Children’s Services 18206Unit Name and Number / Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families to participate in Children’s services
Teacher’s Name
Email Contact Details / Kathy Gelding
Semester & Year / Semester 2, 2012
Unit Purpose
This unit will assist you to develop your knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and to implement appropriate strategies to promote the inclusion and participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children in children’s services.
TAFE NSW © Version 4 / 2012Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCIC302A / Hard copy located in Section file in Bm3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
26.03.12 / Validated by:
SW & KG / Validation due:
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Elements define the essential outcomes
of a unit of competency.
1. Identify influence of own cultural identity on interactions with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and communities
2. Apply understanding of impacts of colonisation on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and communities
3. Support the cultural identity of Aboriginal and/or
Torres Strait Islander children and families
The Performance Criteria specify the level of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the Element. Terms in italics are elaborated in the Range Statement.
1.1 Identify significant events in own family history which may influence own current beliefs and values
1.2 Identify aspects of the environment which influence own cultural identity
1.3 Examine aspects of family history and personal
cultural identity for impact on personal values and potential impact on interactions with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children and families
2.1 Identify and analyse Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander historical issues of current workplace at local, regional and state levels
2.2 Identify contemporary impacts of historical issues on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
2.3 Research the diversity of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander populations in community and children’s services organisation
3.1 Identify and consult with appropriate persons to obtain knowledge of local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander groups
3.2 Obtain knowledge about the cultural identity of any Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children and families currently involved in or receiving services from the children’s services organisation
3.3 Process information in a culturally sensitive way including identification of how and with whom information can be shared
3.4 Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children and families to share context and cultural knowledge
3.5 Provide opportunities for children and families to enhance their experience of cultural diversity
3.6 Demonstrate respect for Aboriginal and/or
Torres Strait Islander languages in the workplace
TAFE NSW © Version 4 / 2012Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCIC302A / Hard copy located in Section file in Bm3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
26.03.12 / Validated by:
SW & KG / Validation due:
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4. Create environments to support children’s cross-cultural understanding and relationships
4.1 Plan and implement experiences that foster positive attitudes to inclusiveness and cultural diversity
4.2 Encourage all children to be aware of and to respect Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culture and history
4.3 Promote establishment of constructive relationships with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children and their families based on mutual respect, trust and celebration of diversity
5. Support the implementation of experiences that are inclusive and recognise and celebrate difference
6. Support children in developing personal identity, Self-esteem and positive self image
4.4 Role model open, inclusive, equitable and ethical communication and interactions with all children and families
4.5 Promote the need to support involvement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families and communities in all aspects of children’s participation in the organisation
4.6 Observe children’s interactions and participation to identify the need for additional cultural support and cross-cultural understanding
5.1 Gather information about children and their families to guide implementation of learning experiences to meet children’s cultural needs and cross-cultural understanding
5.2 Review experiences and resources to ensure they accurately represent different cultures and are not discriminatory
5.3 In consultation with supervisor, plan and implement experiences that build on diverse backgrounds of students and their families
5.4 In consultation with supervisor, plan and implement experiences that focus on events, customs, belief that are relevant to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities
6.1 Support experiences and environments where relationships between children, workers and other adults can be established
6.2 Communicate and interact with children to build their confidence, self-esteem, self image and self efficacy
6.3 Implement group activities in consultation with the supervisor to allow children to use collaborative processes to solve problems
6.4 Engage with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peers, mentors or other staff to support individual children where appropriate
6.5 Follow community protocols when engaging with community members
TAFE NSW © Version 4 / 2012Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCIC302A / Hard copy located in Section file in Bm3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
26.03.12 / Validated by:
SW & KG / Validation due:
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Evidence requirements
This collectively describes the sufficient evidence a learner needs to provide to achieve this Unit of Competency. Learners must provide evidence of the ability to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children to participate in children’s services by:
· Demonstrating an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander historical issues and their impact on local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups
· Implementing a range of strategies to promote the participation and inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children
· Providing environments, experiences and materials that support the cultural identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children and which foster cross cultural awareness and understanding
· Interacting and communicating appropriately with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children and community members, where relevant
Grade Code: Ungraded 42: Competency (Ungraded)The student result is based on the evidence provided to meet the criteria for
competence as specified in the unit of competency.
The result AC or NC is entered in CLAMS representing competent or Not yet
Competent respectively.
Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCIC302A / Hard copy located in Section file in Bm3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
26.03.12 / Validated by:
SW & KG / Validation due:
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TAFE NSW © Version 4 / 2012Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCIC302A / Hard copy located in Section file in Bm3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
26.03.12 / Validated by:
SW & KG / Validation due:
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TAFE NSW © Version 4 / 2012Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCIC302A / Hard copy located in Section file in Bm3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
26.03.12 / Validated by:
SW & KG / Validation due:
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Table of specifications for recommended assessment
(the 4 main aspects of work performance that need to be taken into account when assessing competency) / Weighting
Must pass all events
Off the job / On the job
1. Understanding current issues
(a) Media article and Reflective task
Collect one (1) current media article that discusses contemporary issues affecting Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities. Write a half page summary that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the issue and present your findings in class.
(b) Reconciliation reflection
Complete your own action plan to address reconciliation issues. To be completed in class. / - Relates to elements 1 & 2
- Relates to critical aspects.
- Relates to required knowledge and skills / □ Task skills
ü Task management skills
□ Contingency management skills
□ Job/role
environment skills / AC/NC
2. Selecting and implementing experiences
Provision Plan
Plan one appropriate experience that supports the cultural identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children and which fosters cross cultural awareness and understanding for children aged between 0-6 years. / - Relates to elements 3-6
- Relates to critical aspects.
- Relates to required knowledge and skills / ü Task skills
□ Task management skills
ü Contingency management skills
ü Job/role environment skills / AC/NC
Task 1: Media article and Reflective task – Off-the-job (A/C or NYC)
(a) Collect one (1)) current media article that discusses contemporary issues relating to the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community. The article must be less than one (1) year old. Write half a page summary that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the issue.
Your summary should also reflect the impact of historical issues impacting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait people and families today. These could include:
- The stolen generations and long-term effects on family dynamic.
- Loss of Land. Loss of Culture; Confinement to Missions.
- Disempowerment – loss of self-determination.
- Historical issues that have impacted on health and well-being: effects of disease, poor living conditions, lack of access to medical resources & genocide.
- Government policies and how the Aboriginal Protection Act, Segregation Policy & Assimilation policies have impacted on families and their children today.
- Lack of education/employment opportunities.
Use the internet (News websites), newspapers (Including Indigenous newspapers) or magazines for your research. Ensure you choose an article that you understand and can discuss with the group. You will also be required to briefly present your findings to the class.
Due date: See unit outline
(b) Reconciliation reflection & Action Plan - Off-the-job (A/C or NYC)
Complete your own action plan to address reconciliation issues. Firstly identify what reconciliation means to you. Secondly, briefly discuss why reconciliation is important for all Australians. And lastly, describe positive actions you could take both personally and professionally (children’s educator) to contribute to reconciliation. Consider issues of understanding, respect, trust and partnerships. To be completed in class.
Due Date: See unit outline
Task 2: Selecting and implementing experiences (A/C or NYC)
Provision Plan
Document one appropriate planned experience that supports the cultural identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children. The aim of the experience should be to foster cross cultural awareness and understanding. Plan a provision for a small group of children aged between 0-6 years.
The experience should demonstrate an understanding of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander culture and values. It should be age appropriate and reflect an authentic Aboriginal perspective.
A detailed plan must explain why you have chosen the activity, how you will set up the environment, and how you are going to involve and interact with the children during this experience.
A specific provision planning document will be issued in class.
Due Date: See unit outline
Specific Instructions to Learners:
· You must complete and pass each individual assessment task for this Unit to meet the assessment requirements of the Unit.
· If assessments are not submitted or are incomplete you will fail to meet the assessment requirements for the Unit.
· Extensions and resubmissions of work may be granted at the discretion of the teacher. Resubmissions cannot receive a mark higher than a pass.
· Assessments must include a cover sheet.
· When specified in the Assessment description, the information you present should be referenced and presented according to Randwick TAFE Child & Family Services student handbook guidelines.
TAFE NSW © Version 4 / 2012Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCIC302A / Hard copy located in Section file in Bm3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
26.03.12 / Validated by:
SW & KG / Validation due:
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Child & Family Services
Unit Name: Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families to participate in Children’s Services
Unit Number: CHCIC302A
TAFEWeek / Week Beginning / Elements/Performance Criteria / Course Outline / Assessment Task due
9 / 14th September / Elements 1, essential skills & knowledge / Influence of own cultural identity /family history on interactions with ATSI people
- significant events
- aspects of the environment
10 / 21st September / Element 2, essential skills & knowledge / Impacts on colonisation on ATSI people
11 / 12th October / Element 3, essential skills & knowledge / Support the cultural identity of ATSI children and families
12 / 19th October / Element 4, essential skills & knowledge / Create environments to support children’s cross-cultural understanding and relationships / Task 1a due – Media Article
13 / 26th October / Element 5, essential skills & knowledge / Experiences that are inclusive ,recognise and celebrate differences
14 / 2nd November / Elements 6, essential skills & knowledge / Support children in developing self-esteem and positive self image / Task 2 due – Provision plan
15 / 9th November / Element 3, essential skills & knowledge / Support the cultural identity of ATSI children and families / Task 1b due – Reconciliation action plan
16 / 16th November / Workplace
17 / 23rd November / Workplace
TAFE NSW © Version 3 / 2010 Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCIC302A / Hard copy located in Section file in BM3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
4th February 2011 / Validated by: AN & KG / Validation due:
4th Feb, 2012