Unit 5: God Gives Us Friends

Lesson 1: What do you want to do?

Teacher’s Guide

Introductory Activities

1.Bring in objects to introduce the topic of games. Have students name these objects: soccer ball, jump rope, baseball bat/mitt/ball, chess, checkers, UNO cards. Teach these by having students match words on cards to the items, passing them around, or holding up objects and having the class say the name.

2.Teach the following dialog:

Student A:What do you want to do?

Student B:Let’s play ______.

Play the following game. Have each student decide which of the games he would like to play. However, the student doesn’t say which game he has chosen. Then, have students ask others “What do you want to do?” until they find someone who wants to play the game they’ve chosen. If students find a match right away, have them think of another game and begin asking again.

Worksheets Follow general guidelines

Expansion Activities

1.In groups, have students create funny skits called “Bored Kids.” Provide the following phrases to be used in the skits:

  • What do you want to do?
  • I don’t know. What do YOU want to do?
  • I don’t know. What do YOU want to do?
  • (Finally…) Let’s ______. (This will be the punchline).

2.Challenge students to an ALIKE CONTEST. The winners are the ones who can make the most statements of agreement – in other words, they can think of the most things that they have in common. However, to win the contest they must state all of their similarities in front of the class like this:

Student A:I have brown hair.

Student B:So do I.

Student A:I don’t have a brother.

Student B:Neither do I.

And so on…

3.Create a “Game Relay.” Set up various games in “stations” on a basketball court. Each person in the team must go to each station, pick up the game object and do whatever you’ve determined is required (such as, “bounce the ball three times), saying “I’m playing soccer” or “I’m jumping rope.” When he has completed all the stations he returns to his team, and the next person goes.

Unit 5: God Gives Us Friends

Lesson 1: What do you want to do?

LESSON WORDS: GAMES: soccer, baseball, a game, chess, checkers, UNO, hopscotch, jump rope

ACTIVITIES: listen to music, read, sing, make something, take a walk

A. Match the pictures with the sentence.

1.This is important in soccer.

2.Playing chess helps you think!

3.Jumping rope is good exercise.

4.Baseball is popular in North America.

5.Many children play hopscotch.

B.  Student A: Ask the question

Student B: Say an answer (“Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”)

Student A: AGREE!

Ask the question / Answer the Question / Agree!
1. Do you like to sing? / Yes, I do
No, I don’t / So do I!
Neither do I.
2. Do you want to play soccer? / Yes, I do
No, I don’t / So do I!
Neither do I.
3. Do you like to play UNO? / Yes, I do
No, I don’t / So do I!
Neither do I.
4. Do you want to listen to music? / Yes, I do
No, I don’t / So do I!
Neither do I.
5. Do you want to play checkers? / Yes, I do
No, I don’t / So do I!
Neither do I.

Switch roles!

C. Write things that you like. Your teacher can help you.

Examples:I like chocolate.

I like to play soccer.

I like singing.

1.I like ______.

2.I like ______.

3.I like ______.

4.I like ______.

5.I like ______.

Now, say your sentences to your friend. After each one, your friend should answer:

So do I! OR I don’t!

Do you mostly AGREE or DISAGREE?

D.  Circle the things you like to do:

listen to musicsingplay baseball

play soccerplay chessjump rope

take a walkplay hopscotchread

Tell your friend what you like to do.

Your friend answers:So do I! OR I don’t

E.  Student A: Ask the question

Student B: Say an answer (“Yes, I am” or “No, I’m not”)

Student A: AGREE!

Ask the question / Answer the Question / Agree!
1. Are you happy? / Yes, I am
No, I’m not / So am I!
Neither am I.
2. Are you a student? / Yes, I am
No, I’m not / So am I!
Neither am I.
3. Are you at home? / Yes, I am
No, I’m not / So am I!
Neither am I.
4. Are you at school? / Yes, I am
No, I’m not / So am I!
Neither am I.
5. Are you a teacher? / Yes, I am
No, I’m not / So am I!
Neither am I.

C.  Give suggestions. Use “Let’s.” What do you want to do?

go to the parkrest before we go outgo swimming

stay in the houseplay basketballgo on a picnic

have lunch nowsing in church on Sunday

Example: It´s cold! Let’s drink something hot.

1.I’m hungry. ______.

2.We’re hot. ______.

3.She wants to get some exercise. ______.

4.I am really tired. ______.

5.We like to sing. ______.