SSPE 304 – Test 2 – Ch 4-6
MULTIPLE CHOICE (1.5points each) Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) The fact that muscle strength and endurance are realized only in the muscles trained is referred to as ______.
A) specificity B) motor actionC) overload principle
D) progressive resistance
2) Choose the set of terms that describes fast-twitch fibers.
A) contract quickly/fatigue-resistant/red/generate great force
B) contract slowly/fatigue quickly/pale/aerobic ATP production
C) contract slowly/fatigue-resistant/dark red/aerobic ATP production
D) contract quickly/fatigue quickly/white/anaerobic ATP production
3) A muscle contraction that occurs as the muscle lengthens is referred to as a(n) ______contraction.
A) concentric/isokinetic B) eccentric C) isometric D) concentric
4) The point of contact between a motor nerve and an individual muscle cell is called the ______.
A) muscle action B) motor unitC) muscle fiber
D) neuromuscular junction
5) The fact that muscle strength and endurance are realized only in the muscles trained is referred to as ______.
A) PRE B) recruitment C) specificity D) overload
6) The amount of weight that an individual can lift during one maximal effort is ______.
A) maximal power output B) optimal power output
C) muscular strength D) muscular endurance
7) To improve muscular strength, a regimen of ______for each exercise is generally recommended
A) 1 set of 3 reps B) 5 sets of 3 reps
C) 3 sets of 6 reps D) 2 sets of 3 reps
8) Positive work is an alternative term for what?
A) intermediate-twitch fiber contraction B) concentric muscle action
C) fast-twitch fiber contraction D) eccentric muscle action
9) The number of times an exercise is performed in weight training is referred to as a ______.
A) repetition maximum B) taper C) set D) load
10) The downward phase of a biceps curl is an example of what type of muscle movement?
A) eccentric muscle action B) fiber recruitment
C) isometric action D) concentric muscle action
11) Which of the following statements is true about muscle fibers?
A) People with fast-twitch muscles may be susceptible to developing diabetes
B) A person's percentage of skeletal muscle fiber types is determined genetically.
C) With training, slow-twitch muscles can be converted to fast-twitch muscles
D) All of the answers are true
12) PNF stands for ______neuromuscular facilitation.
A) peripheral B) proprioceptive C) positional D) passive
13) ______stretching may activate the stretch reflex and cause injury to muscles and tendons.
A) Ballistic B) Dynamic C) Static D) Antagonistic
14) The shape of the ______determines the amount of movement possible at each joint.
A) bones B) muscle fibers C) muscles D) ligaments
15) The ability to move joints freely through their full range of motion is referred to as ______.
A) flexibility B) recruitment C) loose joints D) mobilization
16) Which of the following is altered in a program to increase flexibility?
A) blood vessels B) bone C) tendons D) ligaments
17) Golgi tendon organs are ______.
A) also called muscle spindles B) soft tissues within a joint capsule
C) proprioceptors in tendons D) proprioceptors in muscle
18) The role of cartilage in a joint is to ______.
A) cover the ends of bones, creating better fit between bones
B) connect muscle to bone
C) provide fluid for the joint capsule
D) prevent the bone ends from coming apart
19) The reaction that occurs when a muscle is suddenly stretched and therefore stimulates muscle spindles is called ______.
A) muscle twitch B) muscle spasm C) fiber typing D) stretch reflex
20) The instrument used in a skinfold test is called a(n) ______.
A) caliper B) ergonometerC) tape measure D) sphygmomanometer
21) A test that estimates body composition by measuring subcutaneous fat is ______.
A) hydrostatic weighing B) a waist-to-hip ratio
C) theskinfold test D) the air displacement test
22) Body composition refers to the relative amounts of fat and ______in the body
A) lean muscle B) muscle C) fat-free mass D) muscle and bone
23) The skinfold test estimates body fat by ______.
A) measuring both body fat and body water
B) direct measurement of total body fat
C) measurement of body water D) measurement of subcutaneous body fat
24) Obesity is defined as ______.
A) >35% body fat in women B) a large percentage of body fat
C) >25% body fat in men D) All of the answers are correct
25) A motor nerve and all the fibers that it controls is called a ______.
A) muscle fascia B) motor unit C) muscle filaments D) muscle bundle
26) A muscle contraction that results in no movement of the body is referred to as a(n) ______contraction.
A) isolated B) dynamic C) isometric D) isokinetic
27) What is the Valsalva maneuver?
A) moving a joint to the fullest extent of its range of motion
B) anisokinetic exercise controlled by a particular machine
C) a dangerous form of holding your breath
D) a training term meaning an 10% increase in weights lifted
28) Two forms of evaluating flexibility are the shoulder flexibility test and the ______test.
A) 1-RM B) cycle ergometer C) curl-up D) sit-and-reach
29) Which of the following does not contribute to low back pain?
A) hamstring flexibility B) low back lumbar flexibility
C) strength of the back extensor muscles D) poor diet
30) A woman with over 35% of body fat is classified as ______.
A) overweight B) underweight C) obese D) normal weight
31) The "Bod Pod" device is used in the ______method of assessing body composition.
A) dual energy X-ray absorptiometry B) air displacement
C) hydrostatic weighing D) bioelectrical impedance analysis
32) Which phase of a muscular strength exercise prescription requires one workout per week?
A) The initial conditioning phase B) The slow progression phase
C) The maintenance phase D) The starter phase
33) Low back pain that lasts for longer than ______is considered chronic.
A) 4 months B) 2 months C) 2 weeks D) 6 months
34) In women, measurements for the skinfold test are taken at the suprailium, the thigh, and the ______.
A) triceps B) calf C) chest D) abdomen
35) Hyperplasia is the clinical term for ______.
A) formation of new muscle fibers B) increase in muscle fiber size
C) decrease in muscle strength D) post-exercise soreness
TRUE/FALSE. (1.5 points each) 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
36) Muscles are attached to bones by tendons.
37) Individuals with a predominance of fast-twitch muscle fibers are more susceptible to becoming obese and developing diabetes.
38) Spotters are important in assisting lifting when using free weights.
39) Genetics is the primary determinant of muscle fiber type.
40) Athletes have slightly higher protein requirements than non athletes.
41) The hamstring muscles exert a downward pull on the pelvis.
42) In a Pilates class, mat work consists of a series of exercises performed on a padded mat.
43) Tendons are one of the contributors to limiting range of motion in a joint.
44) Type 2 diabetes is greatly associated with poor nutritional choices and lack of physical exercise.
45) You can easily calculate your ideal body weight if you know your percentage of lean muscle.
46) An intermediate muscle fiber produces force quickly and also fatigues quickly.
47) Although low back pain is very common in the United States, its high incidence has no effect on the economy.
48) Waist-to-hip ratio is a measurement of body fat percentage.
49) Anabolic steroids are used by athletes to increase performance in endurance events such as the marathon.
50) Static stretching is achieved by slowly lengthening the muscle to a point where further movement is limited and holding that position for a fixed period of time.
SSPE 304 – Test 2 – Ch 4-6
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Short answer (5 points each)
- Why are height and weight tables or BMI not recommended assessments of body composition?
- Bob and Mary are trying to get healthier and have begun to eat a more sensible diet and are exercising 4 days a week. When they began their program on January 1, Bob’s weight was 215 lbs and he was 5’11”, and Mary was 5’5” and weighed in at 140. After body composition assessment, it was noted that Bob’s bodyfat % was 29% and Mary’s was 31%. Answer the following questions about our couple:
- What category (normal, overweight, obese) was Bob when they began their program? ______
- What was Mary’s BMI on January 1?______
- If Bob wants his body fat % to be 18%, what is his desired body weight? ______
- Mary wants a body fat % of 20, what is her desired body weight? ______
1) A
2) D
3) B
4) D
5) C
6) C
7) C
8) B
9) C
10) A
11) D
12) B
13) A
14) A
15) A
16) C
17) C
18) A
19) D
20) A
21) C
22) C
23) D
24) D
25) B
26) C
27) C
28) D
29) D
30) C
31) B
32) C
33) D
34) A
35) A
36) TRUE
37) TRUE
38) TRUE
39) TRUE
41) TRUE
42) TRUE
43) TRUE
44) TRUE
50) TRUE