St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier Bulletin October 1 & 2, 2016 Pastor: Fr. Harry Tully

Twenty-seventhSunday in Ordinary Time


Today’s scriptures are situated in the midst of a long lesson on the vocation of discipleship. Over the last several weeks we have heard about our calling to be humble, to detach ourselves from worldly possessions, to give and receive forgiveness, and to care for those in need. In the next two weeks we will hear about our calling to give thanks in all things and to persevere in faithfulness until the end.

This Sunday our attention is focused on the gift of faith, a gift that is meant not to be put on a shelf, but to be put into action. Habakkuk offers us a good example. He believes that God will answer prayers and intervene on behalf of the suffering. He puts this faith into action in the form of an urgent plea to God, and receives a vision that his faith will surely be rewarded. In the Gospel, the image of faith the size of a mustard seed illustrates the power of faith well used. The story of the faithful servants reminds us that putting our faith into action is an essential requirement of the vocation of discipleship.


The Spirit has many means of enkindling and tending the flame of faith within us—nature, life experiences, our Christian companions, the sacraments, the scriptures, Church teaching, and the life of service. We are indeed blessed to receive such a gift. Yet that precious flame can fade into a mere ember unless we stoke it into a blazing fire from which others can derive warmth and light. The reading from Timothy encourages us to put our faith into action “with the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us” (2 Timothy 1:14). The Spirit will increase not only our faith, but our “power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7) when we respond to the Christian vocation to put the gift of faith into action.

Today’s Readings: Habakkuk 1:2–3; 2:2–4; Psalm 95:1–2, 6–9; 2 Timothy 1:6–8, 13–14; Luke 17:5–10

Fr. Harry Tully, Pastor
Emergency #812-218-9219 or 502-931-1499
Website - E-Mail -
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111 Ph. 812-256-3200
Office Hours – 9:00 am-1:30 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN 47126, Ph. 812-294-4682
Office Hours – Thursday 9:30am-2:00pm
Reconciliation – 5:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Must be a practicing/registered member for three months. Please contact the DRE: St. Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Father Tully
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself to the pastor at mass.
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing by Tuesday evening.
Los Enfermos Es muy importante comunicarse con el Padre (debido a las leyes privadas, los hospitales no se comunican con las iglesias).
Doctrina Cristiana: Las clases de educación religiosa para niños son cada domingo de 9:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. en la escuela. Recuerden que la Arquidiócesis requiere que los que van a recibir los sacramentos estén inscritos en las clases de religión.
Monaguillos: Los niños que quieran ayudar como monaguillos en el altar tienen su ensayo el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la misa de 11:00 a.m. Estos niños y niñas tienen que haberhecho la Primera Comunión. Los interesados comunicarse con Pbro.

Mass Schedule Mass Intentions

St. M / 10/3 / Mon / No Mass
St. FX
St. M / 10/4 / Tue / No Mass
St. FX
St. M / 10/5 / Wed / 5:00 PM / Mass
St. FX / 10/6 / Thurs / 4:30 PM / Mass
St. M / 10/7 / Friday / 12:00 PM / Mass
St. M / 10/8 / Sat / 5:30 PM / For the People of St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier
St. FX / 10/9 / Sun / 9:00 AM / Betty Jo Banet
St. M / 11:00 AM / Elizabeth Edmond
St. M / 12.30 PM / En Español

World Mission Sunday is observed on the second-to-last Sunday in October. During this Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis reminds us that we are all "commissioned to announce the mercy of God, the beating heart of the Gospel." Offerings made to the World Mission Sunday collection benefit over one thousand mission dioceses across the globe, providing education, health care, and seminary and religious formation to those most in need.

Call to PRAYER

This week’s Intention: May all Americans recall the necessity of dialogue,civility, and humility in this electionseason.Also you are encouraged to pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for this intention. In addition you are encouraged to fast on Fridays.For more information go to

Please Pray for the Rescue & Healing of the Trafficked Women & Children of America.


812-256-3503 Rita Poff Director

Mon-Fri. 7AM-6PM

Infant Care/Day Care: Full or part time

Before & After Care: ages 6-12

Summer Camp: ages 6-12

Pre-School: 9-11:30AM Tues. & Thurs.

Pre-K: 9-11:30AM or 12:30-3PM Mon. Wed. & Fri.




Sat – 5:30 pm

Sun – 11:00 am

La Misa en Español

Domingo – 12:30 pm

St Michael parish is in need of Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions

Saturday Evening: Rogelia Rodriguez

Sunday 11:00 am: For the People of St. Michael & St. Francis Xavier

Sunday 12:30 pm: The Latino Community

Faith Formation Classes are held on Sunday mornings for children three years of age up through high school. If your child does not attend a Catholic school, they should be enrolled in the FF program. Registration forms are available on the parish website.

If you missed registration it’s not too late to sign up Pre-school to Grade 12.

Thank you to our assistant last week, Cheryl Mann.

Faith Formation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, October 6th at 6.30p.m.

The next catechist meeting will be Thursday, October 27th at 6.30p.m. Please bring a covered dishto share.

Please keep in your prayers our Confirmation Candidates: KyBaltz, Abigail Banet, Jacob Coomes, Madison Coomes, Lillie Dumeyer, Sarah Dunn, Jovanny Alexis Guzman, Amanda Hernandez, Gage Higdon, Megan Jackson, Johnie Wayne Kinser, William Martin, Tim Stefan, Aaron Ulrich, Adela Guadalupe Zimbro.

Confirmation News:

Our next lesson is Sunday, October 16th @ 2:00p.m.heldin the St. Michael Multipurpose Room. Please turn in program fees. You should have chosen your sponsor and be working on your 20 service hours. Don’t forget to read Lesson 7 “Where am I going?” and Lesson 9 “When did my journey begin? And Lesson 10 “Why tell my sins to a Priest?” Think of someone to be your partner. Invite your parents and sponsor to attend. If you have any questions please contact Juliann.

Faith Formation Calendar:

October 2nd: No Class (Fall Break)

October 9th-Session Seven Rosary & Music Practice 11.00Mass, Youth Choir (Gift Bearers 5th& 6th)

October 16th- Session Eight

October 16th-Confirmation CHOSEN Lesson 9-10 October 23rd- Session Nine October 30th-Session Ten

Bible Study Class Update Classes are on Monday nightsat 6:30-8:00pm in the Rectory basement. Classes will resume on October 10th.

We ask parishioners to please bring a non perishable item to be donated to the North Clark Outreach Center. There is a wooden box for donations in the church lobby. Thank you for your contribution.

Coat Drive: Donate your new or gently used coats to help those in our community. There will be a large box in the St. Michael’s Church Lobby& also one at the school to drop them off. Thank you for helping provide someone warmth this winter.

St. Michael Ministries Schedule

Sat Oct. 8, 5:30pm– St. Michael

Eucharistic Ministers: C. DeVaryS. Seals

Servers: C. Ledbetter

Gift Bearers: Alex Latuch Family

Cantor: S/S Buit

Musician: C. Eickholtz

Lector: Mary Lyons

Sun. Oct. 9, 11:00 am – St. Michael

Eucharistic Ministers: J. Dean, J. Worley & M. Edmond Servers: S. Dumeyer & D. Kinser

Gift Bearers: 5th & 6th Faith Formation Class

Cantors: Youth Choir- Jessica Sarver Musician: N. Kinder Lector: Cheryl Dunn

The Rosary is said at St. Michael at 5:00 before Saturday Evening Massand at 10:30 before Sunday Mass

A Very Special Thank You to all who helpedand supported our Septemberfestby sharing of their Donations& Hard Work. It was greatly appreciated! Also Thanks to all who donateditems and worked so hard on the Yard Sale!






Sunday Mass Intention:

Betty Bach

St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule

Sun. Oct.9, 9:00am

Eucharistic Ministers: Ann Harbeson, Mike Harbeson & Jennifer Haycraft

Servers: KaitlynD’Angelo, Clayton Higdon & Conner Martin

Ushers: Anthony Harbeson & Mike Harbeson

Gift Bearers: Calvin & Kim Brishaber Family Lector: Joe Banet

St. Francis will be selling the paver/bricks 4 for $1. This is on the honor system; give your money to Cindy Murphy. Thanks

St. Michael and St. Francis Xavier Sacrament Preparation: The Faith Formation Commission, the Pastor, and the Archdiocese state that a child must be enrolled and attend classes the YEAR BEFORE and YEAR of receiving the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation. Baptism of children under school age requires the parents to meet with the pastor before the sacrament is received.

Reminder: Rosary to Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated every 12th day of the month at 7pm.

You are invited to listen to Dr. Theresa Deisher’s Speak at 12:00 Noon on Saturday, October 22, at St. Paul Campus in Sellersburg. Her talk will be “Let’s Stop the Exploitation of Other Human Beings for Biomedical Purposes.” Light Lunch/Drinks served at 11:00a.m. , followed by talk. This invitation is especially extended to Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Personnel & Students. For information: 812-246-2252 or 812-883-3563.

To everything there is a season and a time to every

purpose under heaven a time to be born a time to love a time to heal a time to die and a time of peace.”


Bruce Blair, Alicia Blair, Kayla Bowling, Sherry Buit, Vicky Carmichael, Glen Cole, Tom Cooper, Ted Dean, Bernice Donahue, Erik Furnish, Jeanette Drury, Phyllis Fetter, Margaret Graebe, Fred Grider, Rita Hamerla, Don Hamerla, Bill Hawkins, Shannon Hawkins, Sandy Hostettler, Nathan Koons, Jim Korty, Tom Korty, Chuck Ledbetter, David Lerster, David Long, Terri Lynn Maples, Cheryl Marcilliat, Carol Maymon, Aldine McRae, Kathy Missi, Michael Murphy, Liz Owens, Esther Toby Nelson, Ian Newland, Mitch Newland, Willard Nolan, Deborah Payton, Ms. Peyton,David Puzon, Carroll Schafer, Danielle Shipley, Clarence Smith, Dorothy Smith, Mariam State, Christy Stepp, Isabella ‘Izzy” Stepp, Jack Stewart, Marie Taylor, Mike Thise, Joseph Douglas VanDyke JR., Lynn Vogt, Isabell Wade, Chris Wafford, Logan Westerhouse, Agnes Withers, Addie Williamson, George Wimsett, Rose Wimsett, Angnes Withers, Tim Wolfe, Kay Yotter, Emma Yount, Donnie Zollman. Names will remain on the list for 6 months unless you tell us to remove them or request that they be kept longer.

ST. JOHN PAUL II Turkey Shoot, Fall Festivaland Chicken Dinner

October 2nd (Sunday)

At St. Joe Hill

2605 St. Joe Rd. West, Sellersburg

Chicken dinner & homemade dumplings

Twenty –SeventhSunday in Ordinary Time

Theme: Faith is the anchor and force of life!

Ordinary Time- For a large part of the liturgical year, we devote ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects unfolded as we seek God’s truth and understanding.

Step 1: Listen to the Word- As you hear this reading what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory? Step 2: Look into your life.

Children: Jesus teaches us that our faith is powerful and with it, we can do great things. We can forgive, love, & share with others. Which of these do you do most often?

Youth & Adults: “Being in Christ” means living as Christ teaches. What signs so you see in your life of generosity, forgiveness, hospitality, or any others of Jesus’ teachings? What good things happen in your life because of your faith?


September 24 & 25

St. Michael $ 2,721.50

St. Francis Xavier $ 1,115.00

This is a good website. It is new & filled with catholic resources. It’s easy to navigate, so go & explore.

St. Michael & St Francis Xavier Youth & Families are invited to visit Cornucopia Farm on Friday, October 14th. We will meet at St. Michael at 4:30p.m. We need 15 people for the group rate. Cost is $8 per person, for grades 3-12 the costs is $6 and 3 years and under are free. Deadline for a group rate is Sunday, October 9th. Please bring your food & drinks. Also you can bring extra money for wagon rides & pumpkins. We will need parents to chaperone. NEW Tractors! Corn Cannon, Tumbling tiles, Cow Train, Kids Fun Fishing, Wagon Rides, Tunnel Slide, Super Straw House, Petting Farm, Giant Feed Bunk Slide, Trike Track, Duck Races are some of the activities. They also have a Farm Market. Contact Juliann to sign up and for more information their website is

St. Meinrad

On October 15-16, the Graduate Theology Program at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology will be hosting an Open House for prospective students. Whether you are employed full time, a recent college graduate, retired, or working in parish ministry- we invite you to a complimentary weekend on the Hill! For more information call 1-800-MEINRAD or register online at

Catholic Story Time Returns!We will meet from 10:00 – 11:30 at the Aquinas Center on the 3rdWednesday of each month.Each month will have a theme based on the liturgical year and the morning will include prayer, stories and activities. This is open for children age 2 and up. If you have any questions please call or email Cindy at the Aquinas Center: 812-246-5044/

The New Albany Deanery Youth Ministry and the Aquinas Center makes available to all its members a host of activities. Please consider taking advantage of these programs either on your own or form a group and go together. There are too many to list every week in the bulletin go to their websites for more information.