/ The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Institute for Philology and Intercultural Communication


Esteemed Colleagues!

We invite you to participate with us in the International Research Conference

I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay and Worldwide Linguistics, which will be held October 12-15, 2015 at the Institute for Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University – Privolzhskii Branch.

Co-foundersof the Conference: The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, The Institute for Language Study of the Russian Academy of Sciences, The Institute for Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, The Gissen Eastern European Centeretc.

Basic Themes at the Conference:

1. Baudouin de Courtenay: his life, science, and legacy

2. Theoretical and methodological postulates of the Kazan Linguistics School and their significance for modern science

3. Baudouin de Courtenay’s study of the phoneme and contemporary issues in phonetics and phonology

4. Issues in morphemics and morphology in interpreting at the Kazan Linguistics School and their future development

5. Syntactic and syntagmatic studies

6. Text and discourse

7. Lexical and phraseological semantics

8. The comparative and historical study of languages

9. The educational potential of the Kazan Linguistics Schooland contemporary issues in studying and teaching languages

10. Cognitive linguistics: successes and issues

11. Russian language in artistic literature and folklore

12. Computational and applied linguistics

13. Current issues and perspectives in the development of Turkic studies

14. National education and culture in multi-ethnic settings

15. Bilingualism and language contacts

There are plans to publish a collection of the papers.

To participate in the conference, it is necessaryto send an application andpresentation materials in electronic format before September 15, 2015 to the Organizing Committee at the following e-mail address:


The Organizing Committee reserves the right to choose the papers, taking into consideration the themes of the conference.


a) By phone: (843)221-34-09 – the Department of Russian Language and Pedagogy

b) By e-mail:

c) Invitations will be sent out before October 1, 2015

Conference location: Tatarstan Street #2, Kazan

(Educational Building 33, The Institute of Philology and Intercultural


Requirements for Submitting Conference Materials

Author’s materials

Last name, First name, Patronymic (complete, in Russian and English)

Paper Title (in Russian and English

Abstract (in Russian and English)

Key Words (in Russian and English)

Text of the Article

A header for the theses must include the following points:

Title of the paper (small letters, bold)

The author’s (authors’) initials and family name(s)

The name of your organization (full name, no abbreviations or acronyms)

Key words and phrases (maximum 6)

Theses up to 6 pages (publication for a fee: 200 rubles/page) must be sent in electronic format (Word): file format – rtf; font – Arial; size 13pt; spacing – 1.5;

margins – 2.5cm on all sides; paragraph indentation – 1cm; justification – center with equal sides; text must not have any carry-over hyphenations

To emphasize text, use italic and boldface fonts. Underlining, capital letters and strike-throughs are discouraged. Definition of words and other units should be put in single quotation marks (‘ ’).

References to literature should be noted in the text using square brackets and include the author’s last name (or the first word of the book title), the year of publication; volume number/edition/part (after a comma), and the page number (after a colon). For example: [Baudouin 1963, 1:53: Bogorodutskii 1935; Russkaya 2004: 36].

Literature references (under the heading “Literature”) should be located at the end of the theses. Publications must be formatted according to the requirements of the

National Standards (ГОСТ)and will be place in unnumbered, alphabetical order. Notes (not literature references) must be formatted as usual footnotes at the bottom of the page (automatic footnotes, numbered; numbering begins again on each page).

Fonts with symbols which are not found in Arial must be sent as a separate file along with the theses.

The format for labeling the file with the theses: Section number _ author’s last name_author’s initials (Roman alphabet)_tez (for example 2_Peterov_VA_tez).

Please note: you must follow the above requirements when preparing your thesis.

Sample application form for conference participants

Last name, First Name, Patronymic ______

Institution/Organization ______

Highest degree attained ______

Current position ______

Mailing address: ______

Contact phone: ______

E-mail: ______