University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

The School of Chemistry Safety Committee have approved the following protocol for the named School operation or procedure. This task must be carried out in line with this protocol. If you believe that this protocol is unsuitable for the circumstances in your laboratory or area of work discuss this procedurewith your supervisor or line manager and the appropriate Safety Advisor. Any modified operating procedures must be documented, approved and signed by your supervisoror line manager before they are undertaken


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Protocol for the Use & Maintenance of

Rotary Vane Oil Vacuum Pumps


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Main Hazards


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Implosion of Glass Vacuum systems

Emission of Vapours & Oil mist

Frostbite from cooling mixtures in traps

Explosion of organic compounds / liquid oxygen in traps


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Key Safety Procedures


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Wear Safety spectacles

Vent / filter the pump outlet

Wear thermal & protective gloves when using cold traps

Wear glove when changing oil


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

General Comments


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Vacuum pumps are expensive delicate pieces of equipment and should be treated with care.

Depending on the use exhausts from vacuum pumps must have either an oil mist filter, a cold trap or be vented safely. If oil mist filters or cold traps are not used then the exhaust must be vented to either a fumecupboard or through a window to the outside.

Do not allow chemicals to enter the pump. This will damage both the oil & internal components thus reducing the life & the efficiency of the pumps. Use cold traps to condense them out. If you can not use cold traps then, before turning off, run the pumps on “gas ballast” mode until the oil is clear.

The oil in pumps must be checked on a regular basis i.e. 14 days. If large volumes of gas are being pumped the it may be necessary to check the oil more frequently i.e. before use. If the oil becomes thick or cloudy then it must be changed. Edwards recommend that oil is changed ever 3000 hours of use. Different manufacturers recommend different time periods. Check with the instruction manual that came with your pump.

When you change the oil then a risk assessment must be carried out. The oil will be contaminated with the chemicals you have been pumping. Used oil is also a cancer suspect agent. It must be treated as “special waste” & disposed of as a waste chemical. If you have small amounts of oil (~ 1l ) take it to the mechanical workshop, they will put into there bulk waste oil store. If you change oil regularly the save it until you have 25l and dispose of it as a waste chemical. Do not mix it with waste solvents.

If you take the pump to the workshops for servicing advise the workshop staff of any potentially dangerous chemicals that may have contaminated the oil.

If you are running your pump for any consierable amount of time the motor & the pump body will become very hot. Prevent solvents or other flammable materials coming in to contact with the pump.

Ensure that the lead & plug to the pump do not become damaged.


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Detailed Instructions for Use


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

For detailed use of your specific pump refer to the manufactures instructions.


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Emergency Procedures


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Have procedures in place on how to close down your vacuum pump & system normally.

Have procedures in place on how to close down your vacuum pump & system i.e. in the event of a electricity failure or fire


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol

Protocol written by: / Enter Name S. W. Richardson
Approved by the Safety Committee: / Enter Date 5.2001


University of Leeds, School of Chemistry Approved Protocol