Progress Report


1Progress, Actual and Expected

1.1Results Achieved since the Last Report

1.2Expected Result, Forecast

1.3Project Status Overview

1.4Project Diary Extract

2Time Schedule, Actual Status and Forecast

3Budget, Actual Status and Forecast

4Risk Management

4.1Risks and Opportunities

4.2Action to Be Taken in the Project

4.3Action to Be Taken by the Project Sponsor or the Project Steering Group

5Suggestions for Improvement (if applicable)

6Other Matters


8Distribution List

1Progress, Actual and Expected

1.1Results Achieved since the Last Report


(Describe the results achieved in measurable terms. The size of produced results should be related to the size of the entire work package.)

1.2Expected Result, Forecast


(Briefly describe the results, important events and deliveries expected in the near future.)

1.3Project Status Overview


(Report status on measurements in accordance with the key values defined for the project (innovations, competence development, customer contacts, market situation, etc.).

1.4Project Diary Extract


(Briefly indicate events of interest - both positive and negative - that have occurred since the preceding report, such as gate assessments, milestones that have been reached, and meetings with the customer or subcontractors.)

2Time Schedule, Actual Status and Forecast


(Enclose a time-schedule showing the baseline, the actual situation and a forecast.

Indicate the situation to date, as well as the forecast regarding milestones and cost limits.

Comment on any major deviations from baseline plans in the current situation and the forecast. Indicate action that must be taken to make up for delays. If needed, suggest a new ready date, as well as new costs limits.)

3Budget, Actual Status and Forecast


(Enclose a budget showing the baseline, the actual situation and a forecast.

Indicate the present situation, as well as the forecast regarding costs for human resources and other costs.

Comment on any major deviations from budget in the present situation and in the forecast. Indicate action that must be taken to make up for any overdraft. If needed, suggest a new cost limit.)

4Risk Management

4.1Risks and Opportunities


(Present a list of the most important risks and opportunities that have been identified. Describe their possible effects on the time-schedule, budget or project outcome.

Include the following on the list:

  • risk or opportunity description,
  • priority,
  • decided action (eliminate, reduce, accept, transfer, ignore).)

4.2Action to Be Taken in the Project


(Specify the action that should be taken in the project to deal with risks or to benefit from the opportunities.

Include activity description, person responsible and ready date.

If applicable, describe or enclose contingency plans for risks that are not possible to eliminate or prevent.)

4.3Action to Be Taken by the Project Sponsor or the Project Steering Group


(Specify the action that should be taken by the project sponsor, or by the other members of the project steering group, to deal with risks or to benefit from the opportunities.)

5Suggestions for Improvement (if applicable)


(This heading can be omitted if not applicable.

Suggestions for improvements should continuously be submitted to the organization during of the project. The suggested improvements should be handed over to the organization, addressed to the persons directly concerned, in accordance with the routines that are specified for such suggestions.

In order to keep track of what suggestions have been handed over from the project, and to keep the project steering group informed about these suggestions, they should also be presented under this heading.)

6Other Matters


(Bring up any important issue that hasn’t been discussed earlier.)



(List documents referred to in the Progress Report.)

8Distribution List

(Select the persons concerned with the document and list their names.

External parties should not be included in the distribution list, unless the project sponsor has so decided.)
